Thread Number: 90655  /  Tag: Modern Automatic Washers
Anybody else remember what Westinghouse used to be?
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Post# 1151618   6/18/2022 at 21:45 (769 days old) by Adam-aussie-vac (Canberra ACT)        

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I just stopped in my local good guys to get some batteries for my LG vacuum, and I found the new machines Westinghouse (Simpson) are now putting out

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Post# 1151620 , Reply# 1   6/18/2022 at 21:47 (769 days old) by Adam-aussie-vac (Canberra ACT)        
Oh yeah, for a point of reference here’s what the

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What the Electrolux look like, and honestly they’re basically just the same just slightly different designs

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Post# 1151827 , Reply# 2   6/20/2022 at 18:15 (767 days old) by Brisnat81 (Brisbane Australia)        

Not really. Other than fridges and cooking appliances, Westinghouse has just been a brand since the 70s.

Their washers, dishwashers and dryers were all just rebadges since then. The cooking and refrigeration was great, but nothing else was particularly special. I’d still like to get my hands on an 80s non frost free upright freezer.

Post# 1151863 , Reply# 3   6/20/2022 at 23:39 (767 days old) by arrrooohhh (Sydney Australia)        
What is there to be sad about?

First of all I loved my Aunties 70's Westinghouse washer and would love to find one. However even in the 70's when Westinghouse made washing machines Hoover and Simpson had 70% of the market between them. It is extremely hard to find one and lets be honest, most people used their washing machine until it was no longer in working condition.

Westinghouse washing machines have been Simpson clones since the late 80s.

This new model range is nothing to be ashamed of. The Front loaders are much the same as the Electrolux branded models but I prefer the see through door on the Westinghouse models over the dark doubled glazed door on the Electrolux.

The top loaders have obviously had some R and D invested into them, they look good, they usually perform well in Choice magazine tests and take care of household laundry needs for thousands of people.

Electrolux has a marketing campaign in place for Westinghouse laundry.

It is hardly like Westinghouse is a legacy brand name being slapped on some cheap generic no brand washer from China by a small importer that only sells through factory seconds outlets.

Westinghouse has a huge market share and is here to stay. What is interesting that it appears the Simpson name has disappeared. There are no new models registered for Simpson on the Water Rating or Engergy rating databases, now that is sad.

Post# 1151873 , Reply# 4   6/21/2022 at 03:00 (766 days old) by Adam-aussie-vac (Canberra ACT)        
So Simpson washing machine’s aren’t really around any more?

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That’s surprising, do you think they are just changing the brand from Simpson to Westinghouse because from the sounds of it I’m not sure if Simpson is knowing all that well for high-quality washing machines, not sure

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