Thread Number: 90682  /  Tag: Modern Automatic Washers
Snapping/ticking noise in bearing reigon
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Post# 1151884   6/21/2022 at 08:09 (838 days old) by mieleharrison (Empingham, Stamford)        

My Miele 3922 Is working fine and no obvious bearing rumble but a snapping/ticking noise can be heard if I rotate the drum by hand. Is this anything to be bothered by? or do I need to oil them?

Post# 1152233 , Reply# 1   6/23/2022 at 23:13 (836 days old) by dnastrau (Lords Valley, PA)        
Check for any foreign objects in the tub drain holes


On a couple of occasions, we have had clicking noises in our front load washer (Maytag Epic 9700) that were caused by foreign objects trapped in one of the tub drain holes (wire, a thin piece of plastic, a nail, etc.) As the tub rotated, the object came into contact with the outer tub and made a clicking sound. Each time, removal of the object solved the noise.

Hopefully it is something simple like that and not your tub bearings, etc.

Good luck,

Andrew S.

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