Thread Number: 90721  /  Tag: Modern Automatic Washers
HELP! Bosch Front Loader Intermitant Door Latch Failure
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Post# 1152188   6/23/2022 at 18:12 (764 days old) by thatwasherguy (Kentucky)        

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Hi everyone! Hope you are all doing well. A family friend has a Bosch FL washer, model WFMC2100UC/01, and it is experiencing some trouble. From what I'm told, the door no longer locks in the spin cycle, and unless it is held shut with a bucket, E is displayed in the screen. No number, just E. I assume that the lock has failed, but am unsure. From what I've been told by the owner's daughter, it is supposed to display a number after E in the event of an error code, but it isn't. Is this failure control-board or lock related? She loves the machine, and is not interested in replacing it. I'll follow-up with more specific information later on.

Post# 1152213 , Reply# 1   6/23/2022 at 20:47 (764 days old) by Launderess (Quiet Please, There´s a Lady on Stage)        

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Sounds as if door lock assembly wants replacing. This and or perhaps wires to or from same want attention. Latter pretty much means same, replacing door lock assembly.

This may or may not help:

Post# 1154471 , Reply# 2   7/16/2022 at 18:44 (741 days old) by thatwasherguy (Kentucky)        
That's exactly what it was...

thatwasherguy's profile picture
Thanks for the input and the error code guides! The machine is now running flawlessly again.

Post# 1154488 , Reply# 3   7/16/2022 at 23:01 (740 days old) by Launderess (Quiet Please, There´s a Lady on Stage)        

launderess's profile picture
YW! Congrats on getting things sorted.

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