Thread Number: 90748  /  Tag: Modern Automatic Washers
If Maytag Never Made Other Washers
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Post# 1152460   6/25/2022 at 19:50 (961 days old) by Chetlaham (United States)        

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If Maytag never offered other washers like the Performa, Amana, Admiral, Neptune, ect and only sold Newton Maytags under increased cosmetic variations while aggressively increasing advertising would Maytag corporations still be around today?

Post# 1152478 , Reply# 1   6/25/2022 at 22:13 (961 days old) by qsd-dan (West)        

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They should have stuck with washers, dryers, dishwashers, and disposers from their own inhouse designs.

Post# 1152491 , Reply# 2   6/26/2022 at 00:17 (961 days old) by robbinsandmyers (Conn)        

robbinsandmyers's profile picture
Im sure with everything under the sun made in China that Maytag could have had the Pitman trans built there exactly the way it was in Iowa for peanuts, as that plus the motor were prob the two most expensive parts. They could have kept the same design with different cabinets etc but with todays thoughts on water waste Im not sure how well most people would go for a full tub of water with todays water prices and sewer use taxes in some areas.

Post# 1152497 , Reply# 3   6/26/2022 at 01:26 (961 days old) by GELaundry4ever (Nacogdoches, TX, USA)        
What a shame!

What a shame! Maytag ruined themselves before Whirlpool got a hold of them.

Post# 1152500 , Reply# 4   6/26/2022 at 02:10 (961 days old) by Launderess (Quiet Please, There´s a Lady on Stage)        

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As with many other such moves Maytag bought Amana in 2001 from Goodman Appliances to strengthen their product line, in particular refrigerators. Barely five years later Whirlpool bought Maytag so that was that.

Again buying a competitor to get at their technology or whatever goes way back. General Electric nabbed Hotpoint in part to get at patents and other technology for Calrod heating elements.

Over years it became an increasing demand from appliance dealers, housewives and others for appliance makers to have an entire breath of major appliance offerings; range/stoves/ovens, refrigerators/freezers, washing machines, dryers, dishwashers, etc...

Building new plants is expensive, and you might still not be able to produce what your competitor offers due to patents. Buying said competitor solves that problem.

For hot minute Maytag remained alive as an independent company Amana-Speed Queen continued to be built where they always had. This allowed Maytag to keep their prime "Dependable Care" and other lines under that brand, but offer market something else with Amana. That is Maytag laundry appliances were not supposed to be in direct competition to Amana.

Admiral was more of the same...

Magic Chef was well known for their range/ovens/stoves etc.. They were bought by Admiral who was known basically for refrigerators and freezers. Maytag bought Magic Chef so they got Admiral.

Maytag really never built anything else but laundry appliances, but by 1950's and certainly into 1960's full line appliance makers (Whirlpool, GE, Frigidaire) were starting to challenge Maytag's then near dominance of domestic laundry market.

Maytag did produce refrigerators, ovens, ironers and other things 1950's, but these were all sourced from others, and by 1960 Maytag stopped those limited efforts to concentrate mostly on laundry (domestic and commercial) appliances. This was not to be and didn't last.

By 1970's Maytag finally brought out their own designed and built line of dishwashers. It was late to market by then since GE, WP and Frigidaire long had such offerings.

Post# 1152501 , Reply# 5   6/26/2022 at 02:20 (961 days old) by Launderess (Quiet Please, There´s a Lady on Stage)        

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Maytag's Neptune line was a totally different ball of wax, and had things been done correctly should have cemented their position as major player in domestic laundry appliances.

Post# 1152502 , Reply# 6   6/26/2022 at 02:26 (961 days old) by Maytag85 (Sean A806)        

maytag85's profile picture
Maytag would still be around IF they never bothered with making the Neptune machines along with the NorgeTag machines since the Dependable Care platform were reliable, easy to work on, etc since it was a proven platform Maytag had at least since 1957 or 1958 despite variations over the years. Definitely would be better than Speed Queen if they were to still be made today since they are easier to work on, washed and rinsed better as well.

Post# 1152503 , Reply# 7   6/26/2022 at 02:32 (961 days old) by WindRivers (Wind River Range, WY)        

Obviously Whirlpool bought Maytag and kept the name because they thought there was value in it.

Whatever mistakes Maytag may have made has nothing to do with the trash Whirlpool is churning out now.

Post# 1152504 , Reply# 8   6/26/2022 at 03:17 (960 days old) by Launderess (Quiet Please, There´s a Lady on Stage)        

launderess's profile picture
From archives..

Or rather Consumer Reports:

Maytag vs Whirlpool

For 1985:

Maytag A170 - Gave better than average results in all cycles for both hot water and overall water efficiency (Regular, Permanent-press). Excellent electricity usage. Worse than average on unbalanced loads. Average water extraction, freedom from lint and sand disposal. Excellent for noise and brand repair history.

Whirlpool LA5800XM - Matched Maytag in cycle results as above. Average in electricity use but handled unbalanced loads better than Maytag (CR gave it a better than average rating), tub capacity was also rated the same. Water extraction was less than average (one notch below Maytag's). Freedom from lint was better than average however sand disposal and noise were just average. Brand frequency of repair was rated "good" but Maytag again was excellent.

Maytag (A712) again was CR's top choice in 1986 with Whirlpool (LA9800XM) coming in second.

Indeed in every buying guide one has from 1984 through 1987, Maytag was the number one rated washing machine by CR.


Post# 1152505 , Reply# 9   6/26/2022 at 03:43 (960 days old) by Launderess (Quiet Please, There´s a Lady on Stage)        

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For reference - 2005-2006 Maytag laundry appliance line up.

Post# 1152554 , Reply# 10   6/26/2022 at 20:11 (960 days old) by Chetlaham (United States)        

chetlaham's profile picture
Screams tacky junk. I'm blown away that they thought any of it would help in the long run. Far cry from the 80s even 90s sales literature.

Post# 1152576 , Reply# 11   6/26/2022 at 23:41 (960 days old) by GELaundry4ever (Nacogdoches, TX, USA)        
maytag centennial

Maytag Centennial is nothing more than a Whirlpool direct drive design 2000 washer with a stainless steel tub. At least they were built to Whirlpool specs.

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