Thread Number: 90767  /  Tag: Modern Automatic Washers
Whirlpool OPL Spin Sequence
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Post# 1152675   6/28/2022 at 00:58 (934 days old) by Chetlaham (United States)        

chetlaham's profile picture
Why do Whirlpool OPL and coin-op VMWs go directly into spin, but residential versions spend 10 minutes pulsing, pausing, coasting down and then ramping up? What purpose does this serve in their residential lineup?

19:55 and 31:05 as an example:

Post# 1153380 , Reply# 1   7/4/2022 at 21:52 (928 days old) by murando531 (Augusta, Georgia - US)        

murando531's profile picture
I’ve never known of any residential Whirlpool VMW machines that pulse spin. They all behave pretty much all just like the one in the video, where the first spin up after drain is the low speed spin, and then the final spin works the same way, but comes to a stop and does a second phase at full speed. The only washers I know of that pulse spin, or coast down and ramp up repeatedly are the newer Frigidaire top loaders with the agipeller and those odd Midea machines. We also had a little Panasonic compact washer in Australia that handled spins that way.

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