Thread Number: 90888  /  Tag: Modern Automatic Washers
Interesting Take on Germany by Peter Zeihan
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Post# 1154005   7/11/2022 at 12:51 (876 days old) by IIIJohnnyMacIII (North Carolina)        

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If you’ve had trouble getting a Miele in the US lately it could get worse, much worse. Fellow German/European members, please weigh in on what you think this could mean for Miele, Bosch, ect.

Post# 1154068 , Reply# 1   7/12/2022 at 00:47 (875 days old) by moon1234 (Wisconsin)        

Doubt it will have much impact. This was a planned maintenance window. It will be more of an issue when winter arrives if Germany is not able to finish filling winter storage tanks.

Germany only gets about 25% of it's energy from Russia. They are already planning to put coal fired electric plants back online for electricity generation. This would relieve some burden on natural gas supplies.

Isreal could make up a portion of Russia's supply. They have already inked a deal with Germany that will see Israeli natural gas liquified in Egypt and then sent to Germany.

Lots of people using the current situation to get clicks. I am not too worried about it. Norway also has excess supply, it just costs more.

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