Thread Number: 90903  /  Tag: Modern Automatic Washers
The Laundry Alternative Poseidon folds?
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Post# 1154166   7/13/2022 at 01:02 (944 days old) by AutomatCat (usa)        

By 'folding' do they mean it is a rubber material and it collapses? No info on website or photo of the machine folded. Wonder what size box it ships in. ty

Only washer on the market with a real agitator.
Extremely quiet.
20.5" x 23" x 35.6"
11 lb. wash capacity (enough for 3-4 pairs of XL blue jeans).
Lightweight, only 22 lbs.

Folds up for shipping and storage.

Built-in washboard.
Durable, traditional design with no electronic components.
Washes a normal load clean in only 10-12 minutes.
***Now in stock***


Post# 1154172 , Reply# 1   7/13/2022 at 02:06 (944 days old) by bradfordwhite (central U.S.)        

bradfordwhite's profile picture
Pictures don't show it folded.

This is another one that folds.

I can't see them lasting long as the plastic will probably crack at the folds.

Post# 1154192 , Reply# 2   7/13/2022 at 10:54 (943 days old) by AutomatCat (usa)        

I have one like your photo, rubbery walls fold down over the base. Capacity is small, 1-2 tshirts, 1 if larger size. The top clicks to receptor on base in theory, as in practice it is very difficult to get the top to snap /connect to the base. I too thought the repeated open/ close action will split the rubbery walls, so now I store it open. Intended for baby clothes but with a powerful motor it is great for smalls - socks etc.... and any small items that you want to keep separate from general wash. The Poseidon is much larger aprox 20"*23"*35.6" , holds 11 pounds according to seller. Was $388 now $249. I did not, see anything about the motor so no telling if it has sufficient power.

Post# 1154208 , Reply# 3   7/13/2022 at 14:01 (943 days old) by vacerator (Macomb, Michigan)        
$170 U.S.

on Amazon Prime. My concern would be how many fold dowms and set ups it can take before a seam cracks. Otherwise, it's fine for two medium weight, or three to five light garments.

Post# 1154270 , Reply# 4   7/14/2022 at 03:07 (943 days old) by AutomatCat (usa)        

TY vacerator I missed prime day. Wish they had a video or more photos and info. At 11#capacity and 22# weight, it is a great size.

I have a countertop fold down 3kg and 260watts motor. The 3kg is not true more like 2kg at best. I stopped folding it down to store it as I could see how it was stressing at the folds. For a tiny counter top size my fold down washer is very loud.

Post# 1154776 , Reply# 5   7/20/2022 at 01:42 (937 days old) by thomasortega (El Pueblo de Nuestra Señora de Los Angeles de Porciúncula)        

thomasortega's profile picture
It "folds" but its not flexible at all.

The "folding" feature is the base of the washer that can be placed in the tub for shipping or storage.

With that, we save a lot of the volume.

Also, the washer can be used without the pedestal, keeping the height convenient for handicapped (wheelchair) users.

Intalling and removing the pedestal is as easy as closing/opening a Tupperware container. No tools required, just align the corners and push down. To remove it, just squeeze the pedestal between your feet and lift the washer.

The washtub itself has no seams, flexible parts or any folding features.

Post# 1154781 , Reply# 6   7/20/2022 at 01:59 (937 days old) by bradfordwhite (central U.S.)        

bradfordwhite's profile picture
Thanks for explaining that Thomas.

That is a better plan.

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Post# 1154813 , Reply# 7   7/20/2022 at 12:40 (936 days old) by thomasortega (El Pueblo de Nuestra Señora de Los Angeles de Porciúncula)        

thomasortega's profile picture

And it's funny how such small pedestal can make a huge dimentional difference.

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