Thread Number: 90950  /  Tag: Modern Automatic Washers
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Post# 1154611   7/18/2022 at 14:04 (739 days old) by Boschclassixx (Orpington )        

Hi I am a new user to this site I am 13 and have been interested in washing machines since I was 1 and a half the washers I grew up with were my mums bosch classixx 1000 express wfl2067gb and my nans hotpoint aquarius plus wmf740g with WMA drum

Post# 1154614 , Reply# 1   7/18/2022 at 14:40 (739 days old) by GELaundry4ever (Nacogdoches, TX, USA)        

Welcome to this site! I've been interested into washers and dryers for as long as I can remember. I've been exposed to GE filter-flos and post filter-flos, whirlpool belt and direct drives, Maytags, LG, and more. I hope you enjoy!

Post# 1154642 , Reply# 2   7/18/2022 at 22:06 (739 days old) by UltraWash (Charlotte, North Carolina )        
Wilkonmen! (Welcome!)

Welcome to the AW family! You’ll find all things appliances here. You’ll find this site informative, limitless, and opinionated as well (lol). Everyone here is friendly and helpful.

Post# 1156422 , Reply# 3   8/9/2022 at 15:50 (717 days old) by Boschclassixx (Orpington )        

Thanks for the welcomes we have a 7 year old zanussi currently and sadly I don't have a collection but we might get a new washing machine when we move house

Post# 1156508 , Reply# 4   8/10/2022 at 10:29 (716 days old) by Stephen (Palm Springs CA USA)        

It’s so nice to have a forum where even someone age 13 can join.
I have been obsessed with washing machines since a young age too.
Not sure if it is the sound, the mechanics, water, care of the clothes, etc.
But I had to hide this obsession. It wasn’t something a boy should be interested in.
I should be out playing sports.
I remember everywhere where I visited (friend’s homes, relatives homes, hotels, neighbors) that would be the first thing I wanted to see.
As an adult, it’s sad to see how something so simple, that brings happiness, could be wrong.
It isn’t hurting anyone. Glad to be part of this forum where interests in appliances/laundry can be discussed and celebrated without shame.
I guess this is my coming out! Lol

Post# 1156549 , Reply# 5   8/10/2022 at 18:49 (716 days old) by WindRivers (Wind River Range, WY)        
"It wasn’t something a boy should be interested in"

A washing machine is, after all, a machine.

Chainsaws, trucks, laundry equipment, they all have motors and they're all interesting and satisfying to use and work on. After a hard, long, hot day cutting wood and hauling it on my truck, there is something fascinating, almost magical, about seeing my filthy clothes come out another machine clean.

But maybe I've always been different.

Post# 1156591 , Reply# 6   8/11/2022 at 08:34 (715 days old) by chachp (North Little Rock, AR)        
Mine is clue why

chachp's profile picture


From a very young age.  Whenever we would go to someones house for dinner my Mom would say let Ralph do the dishes.  He gets more dishes in there than anyone I know.  LOL.


My Mom told me a story where we were at someones house (I think an associate of my Dad) and my Mom offered me to do the dishes.  They had a GE Roll Out.  My Mom said I pulled it out to start to load and the woman said "Joe doesn't allow me to use the dishwasher".  My Mom said I just looked at her and walked out of the kitchen.  That sounds like something I would do.  I remember the dishwasher but I don't remember walking out of the kitchen.

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