Thread Number: 90960  /  Tag: Modern Automatic Washers
The time has come -- help me make a decision!
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Post# 1154729   7/19/2022 at 17:05 (738 days old) by ryner1988 (Indianapolis)        

ryner1988's profile picture
Hi all,

So, it's finally going to happen. The Maytag 112 will be replaced in the next couple weeks due to all the issues I've described on here in past threads. It still runs okay, but given that both my wife and I are disabled, we decided to heed the advice of some of you on here and elsewhere and purchase something else before it breaks down completely and we are up a creek. We are financially able to do it now so we are going to jump it while we can.

There are three options I am considering. All of them come from a used appliance store where they also do repairs. The first option is a direct drive ultimate care II Whirlpool, model number LSB7200KQ1, serial is CR1114182. The other direct drive washer I'm considering is a Whirlpool-based Estate machine, model number ETW4400WQ0, serial CY3131944. Glenn (DADoES) already gave me a very thorough description of the ultimate care Whirlpool in a separate thread several weeks ago, but I don't know a lot about the Estate machine. It looks to be very similar to the ultimate care, but which machine is better, if either? I'm inclined more towards the Estate machine simply because it's 5 years newer, but does that really make a difference considering the innards of both washers are essentially the same? Which machine has better cycles and options, or does it really not matter?

The third machine I'm thinking about is a mechanically-controlled Speed Queen. Model number is AWN432SP113TW04 and serial is 1711060549. I don't know very much about this machine except that it comes highly recommended by many people who like the classic style of washer and that they are very reliable. Also, I believe it is newer than the other two machines I listed. At the same time though, I've heard stories of these machines breaking down surprisingly fast in some cases.

So, advice would be greatly appreciated. The ultimate care washer is selling for $280, and both the Estate and Speed Queen are listed as selling for $299. So, it will end up being about the same price for any of them once delivery fees are incorporated into the final purchase.

Thanks for your help!


Post# 1154730 , Reply# 1   7/19/2022 at 17:56 (738 days old) by Repairguy (Danbury, Texas)        

repairguy's profile picture
What are the warranties? I believe my vote would have to be for the speed queen built the 11th month of 2017. Considering a new TC5 model is about $1500 new I think that’s a good deal for the one listed.

Post# 1154731 , Reply# 2   7/19/2022 at 18:11 (738 days old) by appnut (TX)        

appnut's profile picture
Speed Queen!!

Post# 1154736 , Reply# 3   7/19/2022 at 18:52 (738 days old) by combo52 (50 Year Repair Tech Beltsville,Md)        

combo52's profile picture

2017 SQ hands down, its the most reliable washer brand for the last 10+ years and the most energy efficient of the 3 machines you are considering.


As a SQ authorized servicer for almost 15 years we haven't even seen a dozen SQs that had serious problems and we have never junked one  for mechanical or electrical problems.


John L.

Post# 1154739 , Reply# 4   7/19/2022 at 19:04 (738 days old) by ryner1988 (Indianapolis)        
Thanks for the replies so far...

ryner1988's profile picture
Does this 2017 machine have an adjustable water level knob? I know there's one mechanical version of Speed Queen, can't remember if it's 2017 but I think so, that just fills all the way to the top. No water level options at all. I don't want that because I do small loads occasionally.

Post# 1154750 , Reply# 5   7/19/2022 at 20:23 (738 days old) by DADoES (TX, U.S. of A.)        

dadoes's profile picture
A video I find on YouTube that says to be model AWN432SP113TW04 shows it has a manual water level control, fully variable between Mini and Ex Large.  Extra Rinse toggle switch.  Mechanical timer.  Heavy Duty/Perm Press cycle.  Handwash/Delicate, probably with intermittent Low speed agitation.  Normal Eco.  Separate Soak/Prewash.

Normal Eco presumably is restricted on temperature in that it fills with warm or hot for a couple mins at most then cold for rest of the fill to the target level.  Must use Heavy Duty/Perm Press or Handwash/Delicate to get a complete wash fill at the selected temperature.  Normal Eco also doesn't support Extra Rinse.

Post# 1154751 , Reply# 6   7/19/2022 at 20:25 (738 days old) by Repairguy (Danbury, Texas)        

repairguy's profile picture
It has an infinite water level control. Here are most of the specifications.


Post# 1154757 , Reply# 7   7/19/2022 at 20:52 (737 days old) by ryner1988 (Indianapolis)        

ryner1988's profile picture
I, too, just watched a video on presumably the same model, might have even been the same video. This is encouraging.

Can you tell me anything about the Estate direct drive machine I mentioned? Is it any different than the ultimate care II (that is the machine you gave me information on a few weeks ago).

Post# 1154764 , Reply# 8   7/19/2022 at 22:31 (737 days old) by DADoES (TX, U.S. of A.)        

dadoes's profile picture
Parts lookup seems to indicate that Estate model has a 1-speed motor as the original part number, so the Gentle cycle would be intermittent agitation at high speed.  The original motor part number substitutes now to a 2-speed motor but presumably that is because Whirlpool may have discontinued new 1-speed motors.  A 2-speed motor will operate on high speed in a model that doesn't have wiring for low speed.

Post# 1155008 , Reply# 9   7/22/2022 at 23:06 (734 days old) by GELaundry4ever (Nacogdoches, TX, USA)        

These whirlpool-built machines will agitate at 180 strokes per minute at a 100° arc, even under the maytag label.

Post# 1155015 , Reply# 10   7/23/2022 at 06:28 (734 days old) by IIIJohnnyMacIII (North Carolina)        

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I’d get the Speed Queen at $299. It will probably outlast most of the brand new machines coming out today!

Post# 1155081 , Reply# 11   7/23/2022 at 19:29 (734 days old) by ryner1988 (Indianapolis)        
Thanks all...

ryner1988's profile picture
It seems to be that Speed Queen is the consensus here. That's sort of the direction I was leaning but I just wanted to get some second opinions. I'm going to visit the appliance store on Monday so if it's still in stock, that's what I'm going to do. If it is gone by the time I get there, the two-speed ultimate care DD will be my second choice. Even though the estate is newer than the ultimate care, I'm not a fan of it only being a one-speed machine, so I think that's definitely out.

The only thing I'm a bit worried about is that I read some negative reviews online stating that Speed Queen outer tubs rust quickly because they are metal, not plastic. Can anyone speak to this?

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