Thread Number: 91
1960's to early 1980's Maytag wringer washers' rollers separated
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Post# 45187   9/15/2004 at 23:28 (7,326 days old) by Tbolt25 (Kentucky)        

I've also not seen very many pictures of 1960's to early 1980's Maytag wringer washers with the rollers separated as far as they'll separate. I almost always seen pictures of them, rollers together. Has anyone out there got any pictures out there of a Maytag wringer with the rollers separated?

Post# 45192 , Reply# 1   9/16/2004 at 00:41 (7,326 days old) by gansky1 (Omaha, The Home of the TV Dinner!)        

gansky1's profile picture
The tension is released in both of these (linked picture) machines, it's hard to tell by looking but I always release the tension on the wringer rolls when they aren't being used so they don't develop flat spots.

If you are talking about adjusting them for larger items like blankets to fit through the rolls, all of that is automatic in later model wringers, the rollers are mounted in spring mechanisms that move automatically to adjust to the thickness of the item being wrung. Early wringers had a manual adjustment, most familiar was a hand screw on top of the wringer head.


Post# 45194 , Reply# 2   9/16/2004 at 00:49 (7,326 days old) by tbolt25 (Kentucky)        
I meant tension released, then the top half of the head prop

What I meant was that the "Push To Release" bar was hit, then the tension relieved, then the top part cocked wide-open, rollers separated on later model Maytag wringers.

Post# 45243 , Reply# 3   9/17/2004 at 09:37 (7,324 days old) by Geoffdelp (SAUK RAPIDS)        

Hi everyone ... my first posting here! Have been watching your posts and corresponding with gansky1 for quite a while. I have been hesitant in posting, because I realize this is a format for automatic washing machines ... I am a "modern" Maytag wringer nut!!! :-)

Maytag had a separation feature on their wringer washers. It was meant to store the rollers apart between washdays to avoid flat spots or the rubber rollers and to prevent the rollers from sticking together. After releasing the tension by striking either the blue or red release bar (and with the power off!), the operator would put her hand under the top roller and lift it about an inch and then turn the reset lever clockwise to lock the rollers up. At the next washday, she would press the release bar again and turn the reset lever counter-clockwise to drop the head and then turn the release lever clockwise to reset the rollers!

The wringer head on the "modern" Maytag wringer was very versatile. You did not release the tension to adjust to the size of the article ... it was designed with tension springs located under the wringer head that adjusted to the size of the article of clothing going through the rollers. You always left the tension on. It works great with big bulky blankets ... you just have to manipulate the article before placing it through the rollers. I have never tried a comforter, as that is way too big.

I have three brand new (out of the box) Maytag wringer washers. I have two Model N's (round) ... one from 1963 (I was the first to use it) and one from October 1983 (the month before they discontinued it). I also was lucky enough to find a brand new 1982 Model E. I, of course, was the first to use these machines and I take excellent care of them.

Hopefully, I will have pictures for you all very soon and will take a picture for tbolt25 with the rollers separated, if that is what you wish!

Post# 45265 , Reply# 4   9/17/2004 at 18:53 (7,324 days old) by Tbolt25 (Kentucky)        
That sounds like a good idea.

That sounds like a good idea, please do that.Also, please make sure when you take those pictures, that the rollers are separated wide-open.

Post# 45277 , Reply# 5   9/17/2004 at 20:53 (7,324 days old) by geoffdelp (SAUK RAPIDS)        

I will be using one of them tomorrow, so I will grab a shot for you! I have to have the film developed onto a CD; but then I can post pictures for you.

Post# 46059 , Reply# 6   9/30/2004 at 13:04 (7,311 days old) by geoffdelp (SAUK RAPIDS)        

Tbolt25 ... Instead of waiting for my pictures, here's a Maytag that has the rollers separated.

Is this what you're looking for?

CLICK HERE TO GO TO geoffdelp's LINK on eBay

Post# 46083 , Reply# 7   9/30/2004 at 20:13 (7,311 days old) by tbolt25 (Kentucky)        

Were you still going to post your pictures when they are ready?Ebay pictures go away after a while.

Post# 46089 , Reply# 8   9/30/2004 at 21:27 (7,311 days old) by geoffdelp (SAUK RAPIDS)        

Oh sure ... I'll post them. I've had a rather "full-plate" the last few weeks! Actually, I was playing around with the wringer head on my Model E the other day and was able to lift it another inch or so from the locked-up position. I'll try to get a shot of that for you, too.

Post# 46126 , Reply# 9   10/1/2004 at 14:29 (7,310 days old) by DADoES (TX, U.S. of A.)        

dadoes's profile picture
Were you still going to post your pictures when they are ready?Ebay pictures go away after a while.

I've not run across any pictures on eBay that couldn't be saved to my computer by right-click, Save Image As.

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