Thread Number: 91047  /  Tag: Modern Automatic Washers
Should I buy and store some parts for my Whirlpool DD?
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Post# 1155551   7/30/2022 at 09:46 (799 days old) by ryner1988 (Indianapolis)        

ryner1988's profile picture
Hi all,

Since I have another old washer, I'm trying to prepare better this time than I did with the Maytag. I'm wondering if I should buy some parts online and store them in case of emergency so that a breakdown doesn't have to automatically mean a new machine. As I've mentioned, the neutral drain pack already doesn't work right, so I'm thinking when I can afford to I should buy and store a new transmission? gearbox? Is the transmission and gear box on these the same thing, or is the gearbox its own part inside the transmission? Should I buy a spare clutch pack (does a new transmission automatically include a new clutch pack?) and motor coupler? I'm not worried about such parts as the agitator dogs because that's such an easy replacement job my blind butt could even do it LOL.

I'm just trying to prepare so if parts become NLA, I'm not screwed.




Post# 1155552 , Reply# 1   7/30/2022 at 09:53 (799 days old) by qsd-dan (West)        

qsd-dan's profile picture
Timer is going to be the most specific part that will be hard to come by in the future. Get at least one spare timer. Most of the other parts are still readily available as long you don't have a 3 speed motor.

Post# 1155554 , Reply# 2   7/30/2022 at 10:09 (799 days old) by DADoES (TX, U.S. of A.)        

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Word on the street is that new-production transmissions are often noisy due to aging of the casting molds. A rebuilt transmission, such as through Corecentric’s consumer sales portal or their eBay storefront, is a better choice.

Transmission, gearbox … different terminology for the same thing.

Post# 1155555 , Reply# 3   7/30/2022 at 10:14 (799 days old) by ryner1988 (Indianapolis)        

ryner1988's profile picture
Thanks. I believe mine is a two-speed although so far, I've only used the normal cycle, haven't had need to try the others yet. The washer was manufactured in 2005 so it's the newer timer with the more rectangular knobs instead of the round ones, if that helps determine availability. So you don't think storing any other spare parts is necessary and I can be fairly confident a part will be available if it craps out? I live in a one-bedroom apartment so that's good to know.

Post# 1155557 , Reply# 4   7/30/2022 at 10:21 (799 days old) by ryner1988 (Indianapolis)        

ryner1988's profile picture
Thank you. I'll look into that. Would a local repair tech still service me if I had a rebuilt transmission instead of a new one? I would think they might not want that liability on them.

Post# 1155558 , Reply# 5   7/30/2022 at 10:25 (799 days old) by ryner1988 (Indianapolis)        

ryner1988's profile picture
Just out of curiosity, what does a noisy transmission mean? More accurately, what washer sounds come from the transmission? I thought most washer noises come from the motor.

Post# 1155560 , Reply# 6   7/30/2022 at 10:26 (799 days old) by Pierreandreply4 (St-Bruno de montarville (province of quebec) canada)        

pierreandreply4's profile picture
any pics of your direct drive whirlpool washer? do it resembe this model or the model pic number2?

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Post# 1155562 , Reply# 7   7/30/2022 at 12:24 (799 days old) by combo52 (50 Year Repair Tech Beltsville,Md)        
Should I buy spare parts for my Kenmore direct drive washer?

combo52's profile picture

Hi Ryne


I would not buy any extra parts for this machine unless you have money to burn.


This is such a popular washer you will probably be able to get whatever you need for the next decade.


I think you’re way over thinking this whole washer situation I hope you’re not driving your wife nuts, lol


You should’ve bought the Speed Queen quickly instead of overthinking this purchase that was a huge bargain that machine was worth $1000.


That said this Kenmore is an excellent washer, It will not hurt the clutch the suspension or the motor to do spin drains for the next five years, this machine was designed to endure this type of operation you’re only doing three loads a week. There are probably about 25 million whirlpool direct drive machines operating in the US right now that are all spin draining because of a failed neutral pack in the transmission.


As mentioned the new transmissions from whirlpool are junk, we literally went through 25 transmissions a month and a half ago to get one that was not leaking oil don’t waste your money buying a new one.


Did you save the Maytag washer as a back up machine in case this gives problems?


John L

Post# 1155564 , Reply# 8   7/30/2022 at 13:51 (799 days old) by ryner1988 (Indianapolis)        

ryner1988's profile picture
Hi John,

I did not save the Maytag as it was leaking from the bottom and sending water out of the laundry closet onto the hallway floor. That last issue was what prompted me to finally pull the trigger on buying a new washer.

Thank you for giving me peace of mind about the spin drain issue. I will leave it be for the time being until/unless it gives me trouble down the line.

Yes, I over-think everything, it's a big problem. The Speed Queen went out of stock literally the weekend before I went to buy a new machine, I waited just a second too long. My over-thinking also caused my wife and I to spend a year in a mostly inaccessible apartment several years ago because I thought too much about the price of the one we're in now. We lost out on that opportunity and had to wait for a new unit to become available here. I'm not very good at just jumping things when I probably should.

That said I hope my washer woes are over for a while.


Post# 1155572 , Reply# 9   7/30/2022 at 14:56 (799 days old) by Lorainfurniture (Cleveland )        

Most direct drive parts will be available for the foreseeable future, I’d guess at least 20 years. A timer would be my only recommendation, but I would search eBay for a nos or clean used one on a very good deal.

New transmissions are garbage, if you need to replace yours just go to the scrap yard and get as many as you need

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