Thread Number: 91114  /  Tag: Modern Dryers
Frigidaire Dryer - Lint Build-up Under Filter
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Post# 1156188   8/6/2022 at 17:00 (720 days old) by niclonnic (Bonney Lake, WA)        

My Frigidaire dryer, model FFRE1001PW0, still works great. However, I'm seeing quite a bit of lint build-up underneath the lint filter, which I can't reach with my crevice tool on my vacuum (Dyson DC17). What would be the best method of reaching down there to get all that lint removed? It's preventing the filter from sitting completely flush.

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Post# 1156190 , Reply# 1   8/6/2022 at 17:43 (720 days old) by DADoES (TX, U.S. of A.)        

dadoes's profile picture
Disassembly.  Diagrams indicate a couple screws anchor that grill at the corners atop the filter/blower housing beneath.  Use a hand mirror or phone camera or crane your head inside and look toward the front.  If it's obstructed from removal via just the screws then further dissassembly is required (raising the machine's top and removing the entire front panel, whatever is involved).  All dryers collect lint in the filter and airflow housing and elsewhere of the machine's interior and should be disassembled for cleaning every 2 to 5 years.  Call a servicer if you're not up to DIYing it.

Post# 1156196 , Reply# 2   8/6/2022 at 17:54 (720 days old) by Maytag85 (Sean A806)        

maytag85's profile picture
This is why I am more partial to the Maytag HOH dryers or the older Whirlpool 29” dryers with the perforated drum back since neither really allow for any lint build up in the blower housing. Never had any issues with either the Maytag HOH dryers or the older Whirlpool 29” dryers with lint build up inside the blower/fan housing.

Post# 1156207 , Reply# 3   8/6/2022 at 21:54 (720 days old) by niclonnic (Bonney Lake, WA)        
The process

So I craned my head inside the dryer and looked at the front of the grille. Sure enough, there were a couple of screws holding it in place. So I unscrewed both of them with a Phillips screwdriver and the grille came right off. There was a LOT of lint packed in the dryer, in addition to kitty litter and some beads.

I then took my Dyson, put the crevice tool on the hose and used it to vacuum out all that lint. I had to really jam the tool in there to get it all. The bin ended up getting FULL at the end. I couldn't believe it.

Afterwards, I put the grille back on. One screw still went in just fine, but the other one on the right side won't screw on anymore. When I unscrewed that one earlier, I heard something fall off from inside the dryer, which must have been a nut.

Now the lint filter sits flush in the dryer again. I haven't tested it yet, though. Here are the before and after pics, along with the Dyson's bin.

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Post# 1156282 , Reply# 4   8/7/2022 at 20:13 (719 days old) by panasonicvac (Northern Utah)        

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You should also check your dryer hose or pipe and vent to make sure both of those are good as well. They should be checked once a year.

Post# 1156303 , Reply# 5   8/8/2022 at 03:11 (718 days old) by askolover (South of Nash Vegas, TN)        

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I also have a Frigidaire dryer designed like that.  Yes, it gets packed with lint.  My GE doesn't do that.  I just vacuum it out like you did a couple of times a year.  I also have a long chimney brush looking thing on flexible fiberglass shafts that I put in the drill and shove up the vent pipe from outside.  Amazing how much junk gets past the filter. 

When I got my dryer for $20, it wouldn't light.  I had to disassemble it for testing and replacement of a thermal limit switch.  Mine does not have a nut on either side for the screws to fit into.  Mine has coarse threaded screws that feed into the plastic chute itself that goes down to the blower.  Yours may be different but it looks very similar.  The plastic part might have broken off. 

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