Thread Number: 91128  /  Tag: Modern Automatic Washers
Amana Washing machine leaving stains on clothes
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Post# 1156320   8/8/2022 at 12:28 (917 days old) by rebeccagarant (MA)        

Hello, Please see this picture: Do you have any idea why some clothes are coming out of my washing machine like this? I do not use fabric softener. I use laundry detergent and then a splash of vinegar in the rinse cycle. I never had anything like this happen before. I just got a new (refurbished) Amana top load washer and I have noticed this in the first 2 loads. Any help would be appreciated Thank you!

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Post# 1156322 , Reply# 1   8/8/2022 at 12:48 (917 days old) by ryner1988 (Indianapolis)        

ryner1988's profile picture
What is the model number of your Amana washer?

Post# 1156323 , Reply# 2   8/8/2022 at 12:58 (917 days old) by rebeccagarant (MA)        

model number is NTW4516FW3

Post# 1156325 , Reply# 3   8/8/2022 at 13:20 (917 days old) by ea56 (Cotati, Calif.)        

ea56's profile picture
Are you using the the Normal/Regular cycle with auto sensing and warm or cold water with powdered detergent? If so, that may be the problem. This cycle uses a lower water level for conservation purposes. If you are using this cycle I’d recommend that you either use liquid or pod detergent with hot or warm water. If you want to use powdered detergent then use the Normal/Heavy cycle with auto sensing and either warm or hot water and you shouldn't have this problem any more.

The photo you posted shows what appears to be powdered detergent residue that didn’t rinse out properly. The Normal/Regular cycle uses a spray rinse which wouldn’t be enough to rinse out powdered detergent using the lower water level that the wash portion of the cycle uses with this cycle selection.

I have the Roper sister ship to your Amana and I’ve used it for 3+ trouble free years and love it. But I always use hot or warm water with the Normal/Regular cycle and have never had any detergent residue on a completed load. For the past couple of months I’ve been using the Normal/Heavy cycle with auto sensing for most loads with Ariel Powdered detergent and have excellent results using hot or warm water. This cycle uses a fill rinse that agitates for several minutes to thoroughly rinse out any detergent.


Post# 1156329 , Reply# 4   8/8/2022 at 13:37 (917 days old) by ryner1988 (Indianapolis)        

ryner1988's profile picture
Reply #3 said most of what I was going to better than I could. I had the Whirlpool version of this model for several years and had to either use the heavy cycle, which has a deep rinse, or turn the fabric softener selection on when using the normal cycle so that the tub filled and agitated during the rinse portion of the cycle. That was the only way detergent was going to rinse out properly unless, as Eddie already stated, I was using liquid detergent. I don't think the Amana machine has a fabric softener selection, spray rinse happens no matter what, so using normal/heavy is the only way to get a deep rinse in a regular cycle. I believe other cycles like casuals and delicate also have deep rinses.

Post# 1156330 , Reply# 5   8/8/2022 at 13:41 (917 days old) by ryner1988 (Indianapolis)        

ryner1988's profile picture
I've heard good things about Ariel detergent, but I didn't think it was available here in the US. Might have to give it a try when my crappy Arm and Hammer detergent is gone.

Post# 1156332 , Reply# 6   8/8/2022 at 14:44 (917 days old) by ea56 (Cotati, Calif.)        
Re: reply#5

ea56's profile picture
I bought a huge bag of Ariel detergent at Target for $13.39. You can also buy it at Lowes, Home Depot and Walmart.


Post# 1156334 , Reply# 7   8/8/2022 at 14:57 (917 days old) by ryner1988 (Indianapolis)        

ryner1988's profile picture
I see that many stores carry it here in Indiana as well. My only question is, since it's in a bag, does it come with a scoop? If not, how much do you typically use on a full load? I'm using a deep-fill machine.

Post# 1156338 , Reply# 8   8/8/2022 at 15:20 (917 days old) by ea56 (Cotati, Calif.)        

ea56's profile picture
It doesn’t come with a scoop. I pour mine into a large Rubbermaid storage container and keep a 1/4 cup measuring cup in it. In my machine, with our very hard water it doesn’t over suds. For a small load I use 1/4 cup, med load 1/2 cup and large loads get 3/4 cup.

I had been using Persil Pro Clean Extreme before I got this bag of Ariel. I find that it cleans noticeably better than the Persil. We use cloth napkins everyday and its not uncommon for them to get oil stains from salad dressing, with the Persil these oil stains didn’t come out completely, but with the Ariel the oil stains come out completely.

I like to change up my detergents periodically and I’m pleased with Ariel. Probably won’t buy Persil again.


Post# 1156339 , Reply# 9   8/8/2022 at 15:25 (917 days old) by rebeccagarant (MA)        

Thanks so much for the replies! I am using liquid detergent. But I realized I made a mistake and have been putting the detergent in after loading the clothes and not before. I will start adding detergent before, and also try to always use extra rinse cycles. I hope this helps
Thanks so much!

Post# 1156361 , Reply# 10   8/8/2022 at 20:51 (917 days old) by ryner1988 (Indianapolis)        

ryner1988's profile picture

I bought Persil a while back and honestly didn't care for it much although I know a lot of people like it. I didn't find it did a very good job with our particular stains, plus the smell was kinda weird to me. Sort of sicky sweet. I'm glad you like the Ariel better and I'm definitely going to have to try it sometime.

Take care,


Post# 1156362 , Reply# 11   8/8/2022 at 20:53 (917 days old) by ryner1988 (Indianapolis)        

ryner1988's profile picture
Yes, putting soap in first is important especially with the high-efficiency type machines. I hope that along with possibly tweaking your cycle selections fixes your issue.


Post# 1156402 , Reply# 12   8/9/2022 at 11:12 (916 days old) by combo52 (50 Year Repair Tech Beltsville,Md)        
Modern Higher Efficiency Top Load Washers

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Differently put detergent in last on top of clothing, if you put it in first it can run into the outer tub and never really get into the wash water.


Either use a deep rinse option to the setting for fabric softener even though you are not using softener.


You may have fairly hard water, if so double the amount of detergent you are using.


If you want the best cleaning and fabric care SKIP all new TL washers none do a great job, but you should be able to get this one to work better in your situation it will just cost you in detergent and water costs.


John L.

Post# 1156405 , Reply# 13   8/9/2022 at 11:36 (916 days old) by ea56 (Cotati, Calif.)        

ea56's profile picture
The directions of all modern TL’s instruct the user to place the detergent in FIRST in the bottom of the tub. The water that fills the outer tub is being recirculated in the inner tub during the wash portion of the cycle. Putting powered detergent on top of the clothes in modern TL’s that use less water is a recipe for undissolved detergent staying on the clothes and not properly rinsing out.

Using the fabric softener setting (or extra rinse) when using the Regular/Heavy cycle is a real waste of water because it gives TWO fill rinses on this setting. The rinse on this cycle with auto sensing is a fill rinse and I use a Downey Ball for fabric softener and it dispenser and disburses just fine and rinses thoroughly with the fill rinse that agitates for several minutes. The extra rinse setting just rinses away the fabric softener that you paid good money for because it dispenses during the first rinse whether you have an agitator mounted FS dispenser or use a Downey Ball.

I use one of these washers all the time with excellent results every time. I follow the manufactures instructions and they haven’t failed me.

The advice to buy an FL is a remedy that will cost hundreds of dollars to answer a simple question about a problem of undissolved detergent.


This post was last edited 08/09/2022 at 12:06
Post# 1156410 , Reply# 14   8/9/2022 at 12:22 (916 days old) by combo52 (50 Year Repair Tech Beltsville,Md)        
Modern TP Washers

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DO NOT circulate the water from the outer tub to the inner wash tub except for a very few TOL models that have a separate recirculation pump.


This is the reason why the first MT Neptune machines cleaned poorly because when you poured the liquid detergent in the dispenser it just ran down into the sump, when the machine drained you could see the liquid detergent blast out the drain hose.


When GEs new TL machines came out in 1995 they had the same problem.


Bottom line, If you care about results, Your clothing,  the environment and long life of the machine Front Loading is the best way to go today.


A FL washer will pay for it self while you will throw away at least to of these cheap TL machines as Eddie will soon do.


John L.

Post# 1156412 , Reply# 15   8/9/2022 at 12:32 (916 days old) by ea56 (Cotati, Calif.)        

ea56's profile picture
Recirculating was the wrong word to use. But the water in the inner and outer tubs is mixed together. John have you ever actually used one of these washers? I have and do and I know how it performs. I’ve watched it many times with the lid lock bypassed and the detergent is in the wash water doing what its supposed to do.

Before the current generation of FL’s hit the market I was a great proponent for FL’s back when most people didn't like them. To each his own. I know you service and sell washing machines. And I respect your knowledge. But someone that actually uses a machine year in and year out gets to know just how it performs and that is a knowledge base too, regardless of whether or not its professional.


Post# 1156514 , Reply# 16   8/10/2022 at 12:38 (915 days old) by combo52 (50 Year Repair Tech Beltsville,Md)        
Modern top loading washers

combo52's profile picture
Hi Eddie,

It’s almost ridiculous to ask me if I’ve washed my clothing in these machines, I would never comment on something I don’t have first-hand knowledge of not just on my own but also with hundreds and hundreds of customers.

I would estimate that we’ve had between 20 and 30 of these machines in the warehouse rebuilding shop and I take my laundry over there and wash it on weekends when we’re testing a lot of machines.

I would estimate that about 50% of owners of these machines are actually quite satisfied with them as you seem to be. But that’s not a great satisfaction rate I’ve had a couple of customers when we told them they had serious problems they actually let out a chear because they didn’t want to get rid of a machine it was still working But we’re finally glad to have an excuse to get something better.

My advice about the streaks that the poster of this thread was getting will solve their problem I do this for a living I’ve had many people asked similar questions and we’ve been able to help them get better use out of their machine.

My goal throughout my working life is to help people get the best possible use out of the machines they have and help steer them toward the best possible machines for their situation when they need to buy a new machine.

John L

Post# 1156516 , Reply# 17   8/10/2022 at 12:52 (915 days old) by ea56 (Cotati, Calif.)        

ea56's profile picture
According to the reviews on Lowes website 92% of the owners of this Amana washing machine would recommend it John, quite a lot more than the 50% you quoted.

I have no skin in this game. I’m not making a red cent by my recommendation, I’m just honestly relating my experience with it.



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