Thread Number: 91199  /  Tag: Modern Automatic Washers
Speed Queen AWN542 Temp switch replacement
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Post# 1157128   8/16/2022 at 21:05 (710 days old) by Llmaytag (Southern California)        

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Recently the temperature switch on my Speed Queen AWN542 started acting up. During full for the wash, only hot injects. When the selector is on cold, nothing injects. On warm or hot, only hot injects. For one load I had to put the dial to one of the rinses and once it filled I put it back to wash. A couple times when I would start a wash cycle the cold would begin to inject for a few seconds but then would stop, so I’m sure the switch must be replaced.

The same thing happened to me perhaps 20 years ago or more on a Maytag Dependable Care and I replaced the temperature selector myself without too much frustration, (i’m not really the best repair guy type). Has anyone here had experience replacing the temperature switch on one of these spSpeed Queen models, like the AWN542?


Post# 1157136 , Reply# 1   8/16/2022 at 21:37 (709 days old) by combo52 (50 Year Repair Tech Beltsville,Md)        

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It might be a loose wire on the Sw or inlet valve or a bad inlet valve, try reversing the inlet hoses on the washer and see what happens.


If you then get cold water on hot and no hot water you probably have a bad TS, if you still only get hot water but on the cold setting now you have a bad inlet valve.


John L.

Post# 1157143 , Reply# 2   8/16/2022 at 22:34 (709 days old) by Llmaytag (Southern California)        

llmaytag's profile picture
Thank you very much for that suggestion, a loose wire on the switch makes perfect sense to me. I’m inclined to think that it’s the switch as opposed to the inlet valve because on any of the rinse cycles the cold water always injects without interruption, but on the wash the cold sometimes doesn’t inject at all, or will inject for a few seconds then stop.

Post# 1157164 , Reply# 3   8/17/2022 at 06:28 (709 days old) by combo52 (50 Year Repair Tech Beltsville,Md)        

combo52's profile picture

More likely A Temp Sw then, you can check for loose connections still before replacing.


John L.

Post# 1157450 , Reply# 4   8/20/2022 at 18:56 (706 days old) by Llmaytag (Southern California)        

llmaytag's profile picture
It’s been working in the last week so I haven’t taken it apart yet, but I definitely will before replacing the switch.

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