Thread Number: 91221  /  Tag: Modern Automatic Washers
Miele W 4840 FL Died ... What next?
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Post# 1157380   8/19/2022 at 15:55 (906 days old) by miken1799 (moorestown)        

I have a "waterproof System Activated" and I see bits of metal in the drain cleanout ...

I am prepared to replace it.

Stay Miele to match the old Dryer ?

Something else better?


Post# 1157382 , Reply# 1   8/19/2022 at 16:31 (906 days old) by combo52 (50 Year Repair Tech Beltsville,Md)        

combo52's profile picture

Speed Queen FL Washer is a much more durable machine and normally will last over twice as long as a Miele FL washer.


John L.

Post# 1157394 , Reply# 2   8/19/2022 at 20:46 (906 days old) by nmassman44 (Brooksville Florida)        

nmassman44's profile picture
You could stay with the Miele brand but you will notice a big difference in the machine size compared to the dryer. I would not go with the Speed Queen since you would be spending close to the same amount of money for a washer that has no water heater and is not as reliable as one might think. You could go with Electrolux since the washer has a reversible door...something that the SQ washer lacks and it also uses a recirculation system that uses detergent very effectively and performs quite well. LG is another choice and they consistently rate at the top of Consumer Reports in all categories.
I had a Miele 4800 washer and the 9800 dryer and while I did like them when I got them, I wouldn't go down that road again. There is a reason why Miele discontinued them several years ago. Too many issues to say the least. Thats my opinion for what its worth.

Post# 1157648 , Reply# 3   8/22/2022 at 22:55 (903 days old) by henene4 (Heidenheim a.d. Brenz (Germany))        
Water proof alarm

With that error code, taking off the top and front/side/back is very certainly worth the 15min.
And check around the door seal.

If the spider is starting to deteriorate, you could still have a few months of use to consider and order a replacement.

That error just means there is water detected by the float switch in the bottom of the machine.

That can get there on accident while cleaning out the pump trap or of course could stem from a hole in some pipeing in there somewhere.
Might be as simple as a hose clamp being loose.

You can remove the water usually by just tilting the machine forward to drain it up over out of the bottom pan.
Then with easy view on typical components start a cycle and see where the water might be coming from.
If it's just a 20$ part, you would have a lot more time to explore your options, budgets and requirements!

Post# 1158074 , Reply# 4   8/28/2022 at 11:14 (897 days old) by Moon1234 (Wisconsin)        

I would go for the W1/T1 set with Miele when ready. These are good machines.
We had a w4800 and t9802. Use them both past the 10k operating hours. Got close to 14 or 15K hours out of the washer, but had to replace the water path control unit once and the door boot (girls underwire from bra poked a hole.).

The W1 and T1 are better machines. Yes they are smaller in size, but they work great. We do laundry for 14 people with them and they do 5-8 loads of laundry per day. The dryer has almost 5700 hours on it (bought in 2019) and has had zero issues. We have replaced the foam condenser filter twice. Once due to fine lint accumulation and once due to the girls putting it in upside down and ruining it. No other issues. Does an excellent job.

I think you would be happy with either the washer or dryer. I suggest for the washer getting the top model of you like to save presets for one push cycles selection with all your options/extras saved. If you never use that then I suggest saving the money and going for the 860 version. Only real difference is the rotary cycle knob vs a touchscreen for everything.

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