Thread Number: 91257  /  Tag: Modern Automatic Washers
WP DD "dual action"agitator - can't separate the upper section
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Post# 1157668   8/23/2022 at 12:17 (703 days old) by Jben (AL)        

I have a 2007 WP DD washer with the "dual action" agitator with the
ratcheting upper section. It needs a new set of dogs.

I have removed the center 7/16" bolt and the entire agitator lifted right up and out with little resistance - no problem. Now I just cannot get the two sections of this agitator to separate!

The two sections spin freely in both directions; I have soaked it all under water for hours, tried pouring hot water around the pivoting area (the hot water just pours on through out and on to the ground). I put my feet on the bottom part of the agitator and jerk and pull up with all I have on the upper section with nothing but frustration. I am now leaving it sitting out in the direct sun for added heat.

I've cleaned up a few of these agitators before and usually a sharp jerk or two would get it to separate. Any other ideas that I should try next ?

Post# 1157669 , Reply# 1   8/23/2022 at 12:53 (703 days old) by Jben (AL)        
Direct sun light did it

After about one hour in the direct sun I gave it another try and it came right apart as expected.

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