Thread Number: 91294  /  Tag: Vintage Automatic Washers
Maytag Wringer J
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Post# 1158035   8/28/2022 at 00:12 (699 days old) by AT1316 (Georgia)        

Can anyone help decipher this serial number?

I know its a J, Square, porcelain tub, red release, aluminum agitator.

Looks like 208448 on the plate with no letters following..then under that there are letters, but I can't tell what they really are. It looks like ON or QN under the first 8.. but the letters on the right, under the second 4 do not look like off.. to me.
(Not the best eyes around)
If this model had a pump, was the on/off switch located under the serial plate?

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Post# 1158146 , Reply# 1   8/28/2022 at 20:41 (698 days old) by swestoyz (Cedar Falls, IA)        

swestoyz's profile picture
Wow, that’s an early one. 208xxx is not a common range for the early post-War machines. Best I could come up with was either Q series for July 1946 or V series for Jan 1946.

Considering we can’t clearly distinguish the series letter (it would trail the number sequence), there’s even a possibly that this is a pre-War J. That serial tag is old and is nothing like any I’ve seen on a J2 before, as most of those are stamped on the skirt.

If installed with a pump, the lever assembly would be on the side shown with the lid holder/drain hose holder that is doubling for keeping the cord up.


Update - most N and J’s had these serial tags up through the end of the 40’s!

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Post# 1158200 , Reply# 2   8/29/2022 at 16:11 (697 days old) by AT1316 (Georgia)        

Thanks Ben!
I got brave and put the Dremel on it lightly. Found a T.
The letters under it turned out to be the location.

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Post# 1158216 , Reply# 3   8/29/2022 at 21:09 (697 days old) by combo52 (50 Year Repair Tech Beltsville,Md)        

combo52's profile picture

Looks like November of 1940 if I am reading correctly


John L.

Post# 1158232 , Reply# 4   8/30/2022 at 01:56 (697 days old) by Stan (Napa CA)        

stan's profile picture
Is the machine working? Holding water?
Are u able to get Agitator on and off ?
Whats this machines story?

Post# 1158395 , Reply# 5   9/1/2022 at 08:24 (694 days old) by AT1316 (Georgia)        

I couldn't get a story on this one. My sister picked it up for me on her way home from a trip in Tennesee. It was completely frozen when I got it. I managed to get the pulleys loose and now the motor runs fine, the wringer turns(in the wrong directions) and the agitator wanted to move but it is just stuck. Haven't had time yet to try and get it off, that is going to be a job. Looks like it has been sitting idle a very long time.

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