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Union Carbide Bakelite industrial film with Noel Neill
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Post# 1158342   8/31/2022 at 19:12 (695 days old) by CircleW (NE Cincinnati OH area)        

and Lyle Talbot. "Flight to the Future" is a 1952 film about the plastics industry.

The refrigerator is a Crosley. I didn't know flexible plastic ice trays were available that early. The range and cabinets also look to be Crosley.

The gray plastic wall tile looks just like what was originally in our kitchen, installed in 1952. While the accent strips in hers are red, ours were black. That tile didn't hold up all that well.


Post# 1158492 , Reply# 1   9/2/2022 at 00:59 (694 days old) by tolivac (greenville nc)        

And Louis Lane as the Sterwardess!!!Wheres Superman?GREAT little program!!!

Post# 1158504 , Reply# 2   9/2/2022 at 10:46 (693 days old) by Tomturbomatic (Beltsville, MD)        

Early D&M dishwashers had a Bakelite silverware basket with a wire bottom. It had to be heat resistant because it sat over the impeller which was surrounded by the heating element.

Post# 1158506 , Reply# 3   9/2/2022 at 10:55 (693 days old) by ea56 (Cotati, Calif.)        

ea56's profile picture
I just finished watching this little bit of nostalgia, and I must say I enjoyed it. It brought back many memories of the 50’s. I’d also forgotten what a pleasant voice Noel Neill had. All of the new plastic innovations of the Mid Century seem very old now, but I recall them from my childhood and they were the height of modernity then.

But what really interested me was that beautiful DC-3. I’ve always thought that the DC-3 was the most beautiful airliner ever built. The simple lines and the rugged mechanics proved it to be an airplane that is still in service to this day in many places for short flights and excursion flights to demonstrate its historical value. I’ve always wanted to take a ride in one, maybe someday.

I’d seen this film being offered on the You Tube line up for the past few weeks, but skipped over it. Thanks for posting it and nudging me into watching it. Its a great window into the past.

Oh, and BTW, when Noel Neill parked her ‘51 or ‘52 Ford Convertible at the airport and left the top down, then left to board her flight, I thought what a different world we lived in then! Today, if anyone did that they’d come back to either an empty parking space or a totally trashed car. But then it was completely safe to do this!


Post# 1158514 , Reply# 4   9/2/2022 at 14:44 (693 days old) by RP2813 (Sannazay)        

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Eddie, you forgot about her swinging the gate open and dashing onto the tarmac to the plane!  It seems beyond quaint. 


For many years at SJC, this was how passengers boarded all planes, including large passenger jets.  It wasn't until a new terminal was built in the '80s that there were jetways available, but it remained old-school at what had been the main terminal (long gone now), with walking on the tarmac and climbing stairs to board, rain or shine. 


The sight of that DC-3 made me think back to the old Pacific Airlines, which when I was a kid pre-dated even PSA's service to SJC.  Pacific used two types of aircraft, both being the short-haul variety:  Fairchild F-27s and Martin 404s.  This UC video prompted me to look up the Martin 404, which when used by Pacific (not the original owners by the mid-to-late '60s) seemed quite outdated even back then, and they were sooty and blew smoke, particularly when the engines were first fired up.  It turns out that Martin (as in today's Lockheed-Martin) made some very nice planes that in many ways were superior and more modern compared to their tail-dragging DC-3 competitors, but they were produced in far smaller numbers.  I have a better appreciation for the 404s after watching the linked 1990 video.  FF through the parts of the nerdy narrative that can be drier than drought stricken California back country.


Another video I've linked to is far less exalting, comparing the 404 to the Wabash Cannonball.  I have a feeling it's more accurate with regard to the final few years that these planes were still being used by scheduled airlines.  What's left of them are museum pieces, or are just literally in pieces in aviation graveyards, as they're too expensive to keep flight-worthy and are too obscure to attract interest at air shows.



Post# 1158517 , Reply# 5   9/2/2022 at 15:01 (693 days old) by ea56 (Cotati, Calif.)        

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Martin also built the flying boats the were the original Pan Am Clippers, the first one being the Martin M-130. Now that would have been a thrilling flight to have been on, the first trans Pacific flight to China which originated in Alameda, Calif. on November 22, 1935. There is a great old movie, “China Clipper” that recreates this flight and the trials that lead up to it.

And I can also remember the very first time I was ever on an airliner. On the day before Labor Day 1971 left from SFO to San Diego on a Western Airlines 727 and we walked out on the tarmac and boarded by climbing the steps to the plane. It was very exciting to go to an airport in the old days, before all the jetways and TSA. You used to be able to get to the airport 20 mins before your flight and breeze right through the check in and boarding.



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