Thread Number: 91340  /  Tag: Modern Automatic Washers
Kenmore/Whirlpool portable “world” washer bearing and seal replacement
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Post# 1158520   9/2/2022 at 16:02 (765 days old) by norgechef (Saint George New Brunswick )        

I know this problem is usually one that causes the machines to be discarded, but I really like the agitation and how quiet the machine is, etc. It is a 2009 Kenmore model, with a stainless steel tub. My question is, has anyone here ever done this repair, and what does it entail? I notice from the underneath the machines do not appear that dissimilar from full size Whirlpool/Kenmore/Maytag VMW washers. I am sure the leak is from the bearing/seal as the machine roars on the spin cycle. I think there may also be a leak from the black rubber pump seal, although I’m unsure. The part number for that just in case would be good to have as well.

I can’t find the part number for the seal and bearing kit, and wouldn’t know where to begin with instructions on how to do it, unless it’s the same as the full size VMW machines, then I’m sure I could figure it out as there are videos of that repair online. I can’t imagine it being much harder to do than on the full size models. Any help would be appreciated. Instructions on how, and the part numbers would be great. I am aware I’m better off junking the machine but would like to repair it if at all possible. Very nice unique little machine, with not a bad capacity for a portable model. And cosmetically it has no rust or anything, really appears brand new.

Post# 1158524 , Reply# 1   9/2/2022 at 18:32 (765 days old) by combo52 (50 Year Repair Tech Beltsville,Md)        

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Normally you replace the complete mechanism, if you would post a model # I can see if any individual parts are available.


John L.

Post# 1158594 , Reply# 2   9/3/2022 at 17:25 (764 days old) by norgechef (Saint George New Brunswick )        
Model no.

It is model 110. 44722401. Same Whirlpool branded model is LCE4332PQ. By complete mechanism do you mean the splutch/transmission? Does it all come as one part or just recommended to do it that way?

Post# 1158605 , Reply# 3   9/3/2022 at 19:57 (764 days old) by Repairguy (Danbury, Texas)        

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The part number is 326042225 for the assembly. Part number 1 at the top of the diagram below.

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