Thread Number: 91427  /  Tag: Modern Automatic Washers
maytag energy advantage
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Post# 1159397   9/12/2022 at 14:37 (812 days old) by GELaundry4ever (Nacogdoches, TX, USA)        

Hey guys. Has anybody used these washers and dryers before? I have and needless to say, I'm not too fond of them. First of all, the washer doesn't fill all the way up to the top like a normal washer. These are the ones built by whirlpool with the direct drive system. They fill up 2/3 up the way. Also there's no spray rinse on any of them. The dryers don't dry well either. I had to do 2 cycles just to get my clothes dry. The ones downstairs at griffith hall at SFA that are real maytags fill all the way.
Also, What's the deal with the synthetic oil claim? Why do they do that loud clunk before they start spinning? Did they use a lighter oil? If so, when did they use a heavy oil? The ones with heavy oil in their transmissions don't do that loud clunking sound when the motor stops.
Why? Why don't they act like a normal washer and dryer?

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