Thread Number: 91430  /  Tag: Modern Automatic Washers
Miele W4842 T9822 Nearing The End (Maybe)
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Post# 1159430   9/13/2022 at 01:09 (857 days old) by mieleforme2 (California)        

Some of you may remember me as Mieleforme. Its been years since I’ve been on here, I somehow couldn’t recover my password, so slightly different name now. I’m back because I know the end is inevitable for my extra-large capacity Miele machines. And as most know, they don’t make them anymore. Miele was out to my home to update my dishwasher. After spotting the set in my laundry room the technician and I had a lengthy conversation. Long story short I found out that they no longer make the gas valve for my dryer. Add that to the fact that the washer has reached its lifespan (in runtime hours), I know the end is near. I have no idea what I would replace them with. I want Miele quality build, large (North American size) units, internal heater a must. What would you buy? I know, I know, the W1 and or Little Giants (even more so) are deceiving in size. I’ve considered the Little Giants despite the cost and me having to have an additional 220v line ran into my laundry room. But they’re still small. And yes I have King size bedding I want to wash at home.

Overall, I’ve been happy with these machines. Admittedly not Miele’s best effort, still I have yet to find anything built like them despite some defects.
Main Issues I have had since 2010:
Dryer- Moisture sensing brushes had to be changed out year 3
Washer- Control panel sub-frame cracks (as pictured) I’m on my 4th
Washer- New drain pump December of 21
Washer- New cold water intake valve May 22

Thanks everyone, good to be back!

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Post# 1159432 , Reply# 1   9/13/2022 at 02:10 (857 days old) by Launderess (Quiet Please, There´s a Lady on Stage)        

launderess's profile picture
Aside from panel cracks, all and all that's not much repair wise for ten years of ownership.

Runtime isn't always indication of appliance lifespan. If one had a dollar for each time someone from MieleUSA stated "your washing machine is old and obsolete, get a new one...), would be able to make sizable down payment on a new machine.

Main thing to find out is how much longer MieleUSA will be stocking parts for your washer and dryer. Cannot recall exactly when Miele stopped producing those units, but they do promise to stock parts for 10-12 years afterwards IIRC.

Capacity wise W30XX series washers which came out at same time as W4XXX actually held more wash. This was because drum on former could be filled like Miele washers of old for cottons/linens. Don't know if W30XX washers would hold king size duvet. Queen or full likely..

Miele has taken a bit more money out of their washers since W4XXX series. Things are still built to a higher standard than much of what else is out there, but comparing apples to apples, you'd notice a difference.

Post# 1159434 , Reply# 2   9/13/2022 at 04:03 (857 days old) by mieleforme2 (California)        

Thanks for the advice Launderess!
I have looked up various parts (now that you can do that on the Miele website) and they still make everything except for the gas valve for my dryer. That being said, I do agree they could go for another 5 years if I’m lucky. Admittedly I’ve pushed the washer capacity at times, and it’s taken it like a champ but with some extra wear I’m sure. On the flip side of that, I’ve taken very good care of it. Sanitize washes almost weekly, sometimes use bleach, I clean the machine with citric acid monthly, use little to no softener, the door is never closed unless its running, and my cold water for the machine is treated with ozone. I know this won’t help the motherboard stay fit (LOL) but my hope is my spider is in great condition . It’s a major repair like that I could not justify. And again for the dryer, just the unattainable gas valve. So if the washer has a major failure or my gas valve stops working, the set goes. Still have no idea what to replace it with and I want to know before it happens. Speed queen was a thought until I realized they do not have an internal heater. I also have a coworker that has had problems with his new set and the service was so bad they tossed them out. Everything is just crap these days but I know that’s been the case for many many years.

Side note: The water valve was $275, just for the part. Still, I will fix them until it just doesn’t make sense or I can’t.

Post# 1159449 , Reply# 3   9/13/2022 at 09:24 (857 days old) by mieleforever (SOUTH AFRICA)        


I can just chime in, we have a W5740 model, I think its rated at 7,8 or 8kg and we actually fit our King size down duvet, in it. It is a bit of a squeeze, but it will go in.

And washing results is still rather good. So I hope that will help.


Post# 1159468 , Reply# 4   9/13/2022 at 12:22 (857 days old) by combo52 (50 Year Repair Tech Beltsville,Md)        
Best large capacity front load washer

combo52's profile picture
I would keep your Mieles as long as you can, they may last a good while yet.

Miele could not compete on price on these machines and discontinued them Bosch did the same thing in the north American market.Verne two years ago and it’s wonderful I kept my 17-year-old Speed Queen front loader that does have a built-in heater but I’ve never found it very useful I use it Or twice a year just to see if it still works.

It’s really nice to have a large machine that you can easily put large loads in, it’s BS that you could not fill these full-size machines completely it won’t hurt them at all. In fact doing large loads and this machine or any front loader actually makes the machine last longer because balance is better and there’s less stress on the machine plus you do a lot less total loads which is What wares out washers and dryers it’s the total number of operating hours that is the issue not a large load now and then.

It’s much more effective and better for the machine to use bleach in it when you want disinfecting or whitening. The stress on the electrical system of using a heater in a front loading washer causes more problems.

Chlorine bleach actually cleans and protects the spider from corrosion and failures as well as well as a host of other problems from the drain pump on.

John L

Post# 1159576 , Reply# 5   9/14/2022 at 22:36 (856 days old) by Moon1234 (Wisconsin)        

Actually Miele rated the large machines at no more than 8KG. That is the same as the current W1. Sure you can shove more in, but the suspension, bearings and motor were bot designed for it. That’s why so many had failures. The w4840 and w4842 would hold more laundry than the octoplus commercial machines and the suspension on those is significantly beefier.

The W1 is you best bet if you want to stay with Miele. The little giants are hard to justify money wise. We do laundry for 14 and it still didn’t make financial sense. We can buy TWO w1 washers for LESS money than the little giant and get twice as much done.

Anywho. We got around 15k hours out of our W4840 when the bearings went out. Like you we had some repairs. Water path control unit, couple door boots due to laundry poking holes on them. Was sad to see them go. The sadness went away when we started using the W1. They are smaller, but they are MUCH better machines.

Good luck on the choice when the time comes.

Post# 1160111 , Reply# 6   9/22/2022 at 03:20 (848 days old) by mieleforme2 (California)        

@mieleforever Thanks for the info, that’s good to know!

@combo52 I agree with loading, I mean if you can’t fill it to capacity what’s the point. Although not all the time, it is often filled to what would be considered “Over Capacity”, for me just full. And then there were a few times I’ve pushed it. But I don’t do that anymore for multiple reasons.

@Moon1234 Very good to know the W1’s were a good replacement for you coming from the same machines. I’m also glad to know 15k hours isn’t unrealistic. Honestly the W1 will probably be the choice when the time comes.

Thanks to everyone for the feedback. I really appreciate it. The W1 series is more than likely in my future, unless at that time there’s something new. You’ll be hearing from me when the time comes. I’ve committed to making the washer drum a fire pit. So it's going to get a second life. Albeit in a much different capacity. Then, I’ll really get see what that “Honeycomb” drum can tolerate lol.

Thanks again everyone

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