Thread Number: 91488  /  Tag: Vintage Automatic Washers
Can the POD washer 9/21/2022 clean as good as a Frigidaire Jett-Cone washer?
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Post# 1160095   9/21/2022 at 21:03 (761 days old) by bradfordwhite (central U.S.)        

bradfordwhite's profile picture

You be the judge.

Post# 1160096 , Reply# 1   9/21/2022 at 21:09 (761 days old) by qsd-dan (West)        
Can the POD washer 9/21/2022 clean as good

qsd-dan's profile picture
If it wasn't severely overloaded, probably.

Rinsing performance, probably not.

Spin dry performance, definitely not.

Reliability/durability, definite yes.

Post# 1160108 , Reply# 2   9/21/2022 at 23:05 (761 days old) by Maytag85 (Sean A806)        

maytag85's profile picture
If that Kenmore washer wasn’t overloaded, probably would clean just as good as that Frigidaire Jetcone 1-18 washer. Some people think they’ll get laundry done faster when they stuff the machine full but will not allow the machine to work at it’s full potential since clothes and water won’t be able to move around as freely.

Post# 1160141 , Reply# 3   9/22/2022 at 13:37 (760 days old) by Tomturbomatic (Beltsville, MD)        

The chief advantage of the KM is that the agitator action moved the load from side to side at the bottom as well as turning it over. The Frigidaire does not move items in the load from side to side as much as it turns them over and over. If not overloaded this can be sufficient. Consumer Reports noted this in the ratings.

Post# 1160220 , Reply# 4   9/23/2022 at 14:04 (759 days old) by gregingotham (New York)        

with a faster spin speed, better rinsing, and comparable cleaning, I think I'd choose the frigidaire.

Post# 1160304 , Reply# 5   9/24/2022 at 12:22 (758 days old) by rinso (Meridian Idaho)        

To me, they both look overloaded. But, what the hell do I know? Being the kid in the first grade class that ate the paste out of the big glass jar, I don't think I've ever been very bright. Great video, though. I remember it well.

Post# 1160668 , Reply# 6   9/29/2022 at 22:24 (753 days old) by CleanteamofNY ((Monroe, New York)        

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Did anybody notice that the KM water level is lower than it should be on the highest setting?

Look where the water line is on the auger.

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