Thread Number: 91496  /  Tag: Modern Automatic Washers
Spin cycles
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Post# 1160166   9/22/2022 at 20:48 (872 days old) by Stephen (Palm Springs CA USA)        

Who has the longest spin cycle?

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Post# 1160168 , Reply# 1   9/22/2022 at 21:42 (872 days old) by luxflairguy (Wilmington NC)        

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Post# 1160172 , Reply# 2   9/22/2022 at 22:56 (872 days old) by appnut (TX)        

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The longest on my LG Extra HIgh spin speed is 19 minutes for Heavy Duty cycle, 18 minutes for Normal.

Post# 1160173 , Reply# 3   9/23/2022 at 00:54 (872 days old) by Adam-aussie-vac (Canberra ACT)        
The longest spin cycle I know of,

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Is the “Airdry” function on my mums washing machine where it literally spins for about one hour,

Post# 1160188 , Reply# 4   9/23/2022 at 06:25 (871 days old) by foraloysius (Leeuwarden, Friesland, the Netherlands)        

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My LG Turbodrum has the Airdry function too. Just an extended spin cycle to spin air through the laundry to help it dry. Ofcourse this goes together with horrible creasing! I've only used it for the shortest time (30 minutes) to help dry the inside of the machine. Max. on mine is 3 hours!

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Post# 1160189 , Reply# 5   9/23/2022 at 06:33 (871 days old) by Adam-aussie-vac (Canberra ACT)        
Oh yeah, on my mums machine you can’t change it

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As it runs for one hour, yeah only time I’ll ever you say if I ever have to wash my doona At home, or if I go to the laundromat and then decide to dry here and the laundromat is quite a low spin speed I’ll use that function But apart from that if I have any to spend something dry, I’ll always use my bock extractor And that runs for three minutes at 1400 rpm, and yes I don’t mean three minutes power on power off I actually mean three minutes At 1400 rpm With a 25 second ramp up time, so that way it actually does do three minutes at Full speed

Post# 1160234 , Reply# 6   9/23/2022 at 16:13 (871 days old) by Jerrod_Six (Eastern Pennsylvania, USA)        


Is this the spin-only cycle and not part of another program?

Post# 1160250 , Reply# 7   9/23/2022 at 19:34 (871 days old) by appnut (TX)        

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The figures I provided above were the final spin/spin only on the specified cycles.

Post# 1160287 , Reply# 8   9/24/2022 at 08:05 (870 days old) by Stephen (Palm Springs CA USA)        

I meant it to be the length of the final spin on part of a cycle. But either is fine.
Original post is Miele WXI860 on Normal Cycle. 26 minutes seems a bit excessive.
Although more than half of it was just tumbling. Note this is how long it was programmed to spin, not due to an out of balance load. I am sure US energy regulations require a longer spin cycle on Normal.
I am also curious about non-US Miele washers. There is no Normal cycle but Cottons and I don’t think the spin is as long. Does the new Eco 40-60 Cycle have longer spin speeds?

Post# 1160298 , Reply# 9   9/24/2022 at 11:11 (870 days old) by foraloysius (Leeuwarden, Friesland, the Netherlands)        

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My LG Turbodrum's normal spin cycle is 11 minutes. My Siemens takes 13 minutes for it.

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