Thread Number: 91575  /  Tag: Vintage Dishwashers
Kenmore Roto-rack dishwasher commercial
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Post# 1160972   10/2/2022 at 18:56 (663 days old) by Whitetub (Montreal, Canada)        

Cool vintage commercial of the Lady Kenmore dishwasher.


Post# 1161004 , Reply# 1   10/2/2022 at 21:00 (663 days old) by wayupnorth (On a lake between Bangor and Bar Harbor, Maine)        

wayupnorth's profile picture
I had the same Lady Kenmore in Harvest Gold and it cleaned great. No air dry, so a timer set at 22 minutes on normal cycle, hit cancel/drain, open door, spin roto rack and in a few minutes dry and cool enough to be ready be put away. Door spring broke and screws on bottom of door put holes in the tub and it leaked and got trashed unfortunately.

Post# 1161034 , Reply# 2   10/3/2022 at 08:49 (662 days old) by whitetub (Montreal, Canada)        

My aunt had the avocado one. I always wondered what makes the roto-rack spin so fast. Water pressure only? What if the rack is empty? Does it spin anyways? If the rack is only loaded on one side, does it spin unbalanced? So many

Post# 1161038 , Reply# 3   10/3/2022 at 10:24 (662 days old) by wayupnorth (On a lake between Bangor and Bar Harbor, Maine)        

wayupnorth's profile picture
Yes, water pressure at an angle makes it spin, doubtful rack would spin if empty, and it would be off balance loading on one side. Owners manual said to load top rack evenly.

Post# 1161046 , Reply# 4   10/3/2022 at 12:41 (662 days old) by whitetub (Montreal, Canada)        


Post# 1161047 , Reply# 5   10/3/2022 at 13:08 (662 days old) by chachp (North Little Rock, AR)        
I had this machine....

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When I was a freshman in college I moved into my first apartment.  One of the first things I did was put my nipples to the wind and ran down to the nearest Sears and bought this model in a portable in white.  It was the nicest thing in the apartment, LOL.  The top rack does spin when it's empty.  Actually it spins at a pretty good clip.

Post# 1161072 , Reply# 6   10/3/2022 at 16:48 (662 days old) by bradfordwhite (central U.S.)        

bradfordwhite's profile picture
"...put my nipples to the wind..."

You are funny and you have an adorable dog.

What ever became of of your LK dishwasher? How long did it last?

Post# 1161079 , Reply# 7   10/3/2022 at 18:18 (662 days old) by petek (Ontari ari ari O )        

petek's profile picture
Sounds like and ad for Johnsons Baby Powder with the requisite Lullaby Baby tinkly music in the background... I hate ads where the female narrator talks babykins.

Anyways now that I got that off my chest... I forgot what I was gonna say LOL.

Post# 1161097 , Reply# 8   10/4/2022 at 02:54 (661 days old) by chachp (North Little Rock, AR)        

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When I moved out west, the LK dishwasher was stored in my parents basement with all my other things.  I don't remember exactly what happened to it but I think my Mom offered it to someone who needed a dishwasher and from there I have no idea.


A few years later I replaced it with a new portable KDS-20 in white.  That machine followed me around for years and at some point ended up in my sisters garage.  When her old Whirlpool dishwasher died she installed the KA in her kitchen and used it for about 20 years.  She recently replaced it with a new KitchenAid dishwasher that she loves.


Post# 1161107 , Reply# 9   10/4/2022 at 07:43 (661 days old) by DaveAMKrayoGuy (Oak Park, MI)        

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One just like that was at a house across the street from us when we'd moved in 1973, a converted-built in that was seemingly still free-standing, put ou more than 20 years later, when the new people moved in...

-- Dave

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