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Speed Queen Dryers Running Hot
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Post# 1162375   10/24/2022 at 09:21 (641 days old) by chetlaham (United States)        

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Why do Speed Queen dryers seem to run hotter than other dryers? Is this just a relative observation or is the cycling stat set to trip at a very high temperature?

Post# 1162387 , Reply# 1   10/24/2022 at 11:58 (641 days old) by combo52 (50 Year Repair Tech Beltsville,Md)        

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Because they offer you the advantage of hotter faster drying if you desire it.

All Speed Queen dryers have a low heat setting if you don’t like it, I’ve never had a complaint from a customer about the temperature they run at so it’s not much of an issue.

It’s not even 10° hotter than the coolest dryer out there.

You would know that if you look at the specifications or thermostats that they use.

John L

Post# 1162391 , Reply# 2   10/24/2022 at 12:21 (641 days old) by chetlaham (United States)        

chetlaham's profile picture
What is the low temperature cutout point?

Its just that I keep seeing bloggers, videos and even a few comments on here about these dryers somehow getting real hot.

Personally I never use high heat, only medium or low.

Post# 1162392 , Reply# 3   10/24/2022 at 12:32 (641 days old) by appnut (TX)        

appnut's profile picture
The only time I use igh heat is drying my bed pillows. Towels are dried at medium high. Everything else, including jeans are dried at medium, low, or extra low.

Post# 1162404 , Reply# 4   10/24/2022 at 14:24 (641 days old) by qsd-dan (West)        

qsd-dan's profile picture
Just looked up a cycling thermostat for a DR3003WE dryer. It's listed as a 153F-15, doesn't seem too out of the ordinary.

Post# 1162414 , Reply# 5   10/24/2022 at 15:07 (641 days old) by Maytag85 (Sean A806)        

maytag85's profile picture
My aunt had a Amana (Speed Queen) has dryer, my aunt didn’t particularly care for it since it ran hot and even ruined some clothes according to my aunt. Ended up getting replaced by a newer style of “Maytag” dryer that’s Whirlpool built not too long ago.

Post# 1162416 , Reply# 6   10/24/2022 at 15:24 (641 days old) by qsd-dan (West)        

qsd-dan's profile picture
So I checked out the location of the heater and it looks like the problem may be that the heater is a bit too close to the drum air inlet. From the comment section, it sounds like these things like to kill the elements on a regular basis. Pretty sad these new dryers fail that quickly, especially given the price of these machines.

Post# 1162423 , Reply# 7   10/24/2022 at 17:19 (641 days old) by Maytag85 (Sean A806)        

maytag85's profile picture
Looks like they use the type of heating element that tends to sag/droop after a short time of use. Surprised Speed Queen dryers aren’t having issues with grounding out heating elements since Whirlpool and some GE dryers use a heating element that tends to sag after awhile which will ground the heating element to the metal casing causing a overheating situation where it’s running all the time anytime the timer is moved from the off position. This is why they should go back to calrod type heating elements and yes they are more expensive than the coil type elements but will last much longer and won’t ground or short out as easily as coil type heating elements do.

Post# 1162426 , Reply# 8   10/24/2022 at 17:41 (641 days old) by Repairguy (Danbury, Texas)        

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As someone who has worked on laundry appliances for many years I can tell you there is nothing wrong with the design of a speed queen heating element. This same design has been used by them for about 30 years. I’m sure they would’ve changed it at some point if it was a problem. Heating elements sag and fail due to low airflow usually caused by a bad exhaust system. There are a LOT of bad exhaust systems out there and I believe it is the number one reason dryers are unnecessarily replaced. The exhaust is not usually fixed and when the new dryer quits heating after being abused by the exhaust system the replacement cycle continues until someone is intelligent enough to inform of the real issue.

Post# 1162428 , Reply# 9   10/24/2022 at 17:49 (641 days old) by qsd-dan (West)        

qsd-dan's profile picture
Read through more of the comment section, good lord their heater design is a fucking POS.

"I've had the SAME issue with mine. 5 heater coils in 3 years and Speed Queen always has excuses on why its not their dryer. Now its out of warranty and they've washed their hands of it. No more Speed Queen for me."

This guy had to replace the glides in addition to replacing the heater element. This dryer is what, 3 years old at the most when that clip was posted?

I'm heading out to the shop right now to hug each and everyone of my Maytags.


Post# 1162429 , Reply# 10   10/24/2022 at 17:58 (641 days old) by combo52 (50 Year Repair Tech Beltsville,Md)        
Speed Queen electric dryer heating elements

combo52's profile picture

Are a very durable design, and they’re mounted sufficiently low enough that they don’t endanger the clothing inside the dryer drum from direct heat.


Speed Queen has by far the easiest to change heating element of any mass produce dryer ever made. Simply remove two very accessible screws in the toe plate you reach back remove two more screws and lift the whole assembly out unplug the wires plug them back in and screw the element in place and the way you go. You only need one 5/16" nut driver.


Cal rod elements really do not hold up better the element is much thiner inside and they do short out when they go bad often very violently, anybody that’s ever seen an oven element short knows what I’m talking about.  


Electric dryer elements could be built a lot better if they simply made the entire assembly larger and didn’t have let them get quite so hot. They would last a lot longer. On whirlpool’s compact 240 V dryers the element is the same approximate size as the full-size 29 inch dryers and I’ve never seen one fail in the past 50 years.


I often put these lower wattage 3,800 watt compact dryer elements in full sized 29"dryers when the customers voltage is near 250 volts or when the vent system is restricted, too long etc and there have been multiple service calls already for element of thermal fuse failures.


John L

Post# 1162441 , Reply# 11   10/24/2022 at 19:18 (641 days old) by chetlaham (United States)        

chetlaham's profile picture
Yup. The secret sauce to long element life (besides good airflow) is selecting an element designed for a higher voltage and higher wattage than de-rating it accordingly. If manufacturers put 277 volt 7,460 watt heating elements in dryers they would output the same 5,600 watts at 240 volts but run much cooler. I see manufacturers running elements in light bulb mode.

Post# 1162459 , Reply# 12   10/25/2022 at 00:04 (641 days old) by GELaundry4ever (Nacogdoches, TX, USA)        
high heat

I use high heat for sturdy cottons at the dry level. I want my clothes nice and dry.

Post# 1162841 , Reply# 13   10/30/2022 at 07:24 (635 days old) by Frigilux (The Minnesota Prairie)        

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My sister and brother-in-law have a 2017 9-series and they’ve had to replace the heating element twice. They live in a condo building, so maybe their exhaust pipe is long or has multiple turns. They had the exhaust professionally cleaned after the first element went out and quite a bit of lint/fluff came out of it. Hopefully third time’s the charm!

I had the opposite problem a little over a year ago. The relay board went out (thank you for correctly diagnosing that, John L!) and the heating element wouldn’t shut off as long as the dryer was running. Talk about high temps! No problems since then, although I find myself using the timed dry and low heat for almost everything except bath linens. I wear hospital socks with the little rubber grips on the bottom. Those last much longer when treated to a lower drying temp.

I’ve had my 9-series pair for 5.5 years, washing an average of 6 loads per week. The washer has been completely trouble-free and only the aforementioned issue with the dryer—which didn’t cost a cent because it was still under warranty.

Post# 1162868 , Reply# 14   10/30/2022 at 12:39 (635 days old) by 48bencix (Sacramento CA)        

We got our Speed Queen set in 2017 after the Maytag 2001 washer had the agitator shaft rise up out of the transmission. I think the transmission lacked a clip. Both machines are preforming very well. I almost always use the Regular setting on the gas dryer (high) with either Automatic cycle. Great results. These are the non electronic units. I feel fortunate to have purchased them.

Post# 1163410 , Reply# 15   11/7/2022 at 19:31 (627 days old) by PinkPower4 (USA)        
DC5000WE Dryer (TC5 matching dryer)

No toasty clothes here. I have the electric version. I spin dry first using a Panda or Ninja (I prefer Ninja overall). I use the same settings I did on my old LG dryer that went with a front load. This model has some kind of higher heat setting for "sanitize" and extended tumble.

I hope it proves to be reliable though.

Post# 1163567 , Reply# 16   11/10/2022 at 07:23 (624 days old) by tim90650 (Greater Los Angeles area)        
Non optimal venting

tim90650's profile picture
Our gas 2020 SQ was leaving a toasty smell on our clothes when using high heat, until I changed out the venting to a semi-rigid one. So much more air blows out of the exhaust with so much more volume I couldn’t believe it. Our old flex vent wasn’t clogged but it just wasn’t cutting it…no more toasty smell

Post# 1163568 , Reply# 17   11/10/2022 at 07:40 (624 days old) by Repairguy (Danbury, Texas)        

repairguy's profile picture
That’s great! I can’t stress enough how important a good vent system contributes to proper dryer performance.

Post# 1163569 , Reply# 18   11/10/2022 at 07:41 (624 days old) by DADoES (TX, U.S. of A.)        

dadoes's profile picture
I wish I could upvote Melvin's comment 100 times!

Post# 1163689 , Reply# 19   11/12/2022 at 08:32 (622 days old) by Paulg (My sweet home... Chicago)        
My 1997 Speed Queen started running too hot

paulg's profile picture
Items coming out of the dryer at end-of-cycle were too hot. The timer was faulty. Shorted contacts in the timer caused the cool-down cycle to malfunction as the heat was incorrectly active until the total end of cycle.
Replacement of the timer and the extended-tumble switch damaged by the timer failure corrected the issue.

Post# 1164618 , Reply# 20   11/23/2022 at 02:47 (611 days old) by huebschman (Quebec, CA)        

Early on I noticed how fast and hot the dryer was (2009 Huebsch ZDE30R). The galvanized steel griddle even darkened (probably why they paint it black now) over time.

Used to do a wash day. 4 to 6 loads per week in one day; and used the auto dry so I won't have to bother resetting the timer.

But now that I wash on a need to basis (1 load every other day or so) I started to use the auto dry on the medium (delicate) setting. In those cases I used to select a timed dry on hot setting.

Auto dry does a better job on medium than on high (and this is a temperature sensor, not a moisture one) heat. IE: jeans, towels, thick collars on shirts, etc.

A lot less harsh on cottons and much less wrinkles.

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