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laundry pet peevs
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Post# 1162489   10/25/2022 at 16:38 (640 days old) by GELaundry4ever (Nacogdoches, TX, USA)        

Hello everybody. What are your biggest laundry pet peevs you've seen? Please discuss.

Post# 1162494 , Reply# 1   10/25/2022 at 17:33 (640 days old) by DADoES (TX, U.S. of A.)        

dadoes's profile picture
Cold water and insufficient detergent.

Post# 1162498 , Reply# 2   10/25/2022 at 18:02 (640 days old) by ozzie908 (Lincoln UK)        
Grease stains

ozzie908's profile picture
Predominantly on dark clothing that you can't wash hot.. Tried the dish soap routine its an improvement even use Tide pods and still I am having problems..... ???

Post# 1162501 , Reply# 3   10/25/2022 at 18:15 (640 days old) by qsd-dan (West)        

qsd-dan's profile picture
Oh, not much, just...

Overloading, dumbed down water temperatures, non-tempered cold water temps below 85F, cycling of hot and cold water as a (shitty) way of tempering water temps, chlorine bleach, no full control of timer/water temps/water levels, crappy modern control boards and touch screens, non porcelain coated tops for top loaders, neutral drains, lack of a well designed lint/hair filter, no spin spray rinses, short spin spray rinses, no warm spin spray rinses, no warm deep rinses, spin spray rinses on the final spin, solid non perforated tubs, plastic tubs, thin gauge sheet metal cabinets, anything too aggressive that destroys my clothes.

Dryer: Non-electronic control moisture sensoring, rear to rear airflow, non coated porcelain tops, thin gauge sheet metal cabinets, cheaply painted interior drums, no interior light, no mechanical bell chime.

I'll probably think of more...

Post# 1162505 , Reply# 4   10/25/2022 at 19:09 (640 days old) by GELaundry4ever (Nacogdoches, TX, USA)        
My biggest laundry pet peeves are...

People overloading the machine to where the agitator can't move or in the case of a front loader, stuffing it so damn full that the load within the machine doesn't have a chance to get wet. Forcing the doors shut and closing them when done washing. Mixing everything in one load and cramming everything in.
Don't even get me started on people not cleaning the lint trap! I see this all the time in college! These people are stupid!

Post# 1162509 , Reply# 5   10/25/2022 at 19:50 (640 days old) by lotsosudz (Sacramento, CA)        
Hey QSD-Dan

lotsosudz's profile picture
I am glad, that you didn't have an opinion on this subject matter! LOL. I also am of the same opinion, on all the above.

Post# 1162514 , Reply# 6   10/25/2022 at 21:04 (640 days old) by panasonicvac (Northern Utah)        

panasonicvac's profile picture
Not checking our pockets before putting our clothes in. Our second GE set we had in our house, one of us had a red crayon in a pocket that went out and the wax melted to where it left red marks on the dryer drum. I remember we tried to get it out but we couldn't get it clean inside.

Post# 1162517 , Reply# 7   10/25/2022 at 22:07 (639 days old) by ryner1988 (Indianapolis)        
Reply #5

ryner1988's profile picture
Dan, why do you hate neutral drains? It really irks me that my DD's neutral drain doesn't work right. It irks me so much that I'm thinking about having the transmission replaced. I know I've been told not to worry about it, it doesn't hugely impact the machine's performance, I've tried ignoring it for months, but it just dries me crazy. I can't stand an appliance not acting as it's designed if I know what would fix the issue. My OCD won't let me LOL

Post# 1162522 , Reply# 8   10/25/2022 at 23:23 (639 days old) by GELaundry4ever (Nacogdoches, TX, USA)        
getting worse

It gets worse! You can't tell any of the college students that they're gonna break the machines. They'll just continue stuffing the machine willfully. These people do not care how they treat the washers and dryers on my dorm. This is another reason why I go to Big Al's to get my laundry done. This is in addition to poor performance.

Post# 1162539 , Reply# 9   10/26/2022 at 05:47 (639 days old) by angus (Fairfield, CT.)        

Let's see: poor general washing practices - not sorting, improper water temp, bargain detergents that don't really do anything (but insisting that they are as good as Tide or Persil), excessive use of heavily fragranced detergents, liquid fabric softeners, dryer sheets and scent beads (individually and collectively - I actually know someone who uses all of those to ensure the world can smell him coming from three cities away). Also, I will add not pretreating stains and spots so that the finished product has visible grease stains, overloading the machine, and not dealing with pet hair. Finally, the cardinal sin - not ensuring that your whites are actually white - not off white or light grey.

Post# 1162545 , Reply# 10   10/26/2022 at 07:16 (639 days old) by GELaundry4ever (Nacogdoches, TX, USA)        
People just don't get it!

Most people just don't get it! Don't believe me? Go to a college dorm or a laundromat and watch!

Post# 1162547 , Reply# 11   10/26/2022 at 08:57 (639 days old) by donprohel (I live in Munich - Germany, but I am Italian)        
I know I will be hated here...

...but my laundry pet peeve is people swearing by the big brands detergents (and especially the heavily advertised ones).

Yes, please: feel free swearing at me :-)

Post# 1162563 , Reply# 12   10/26/2022 at 12:15 (639 days old) by Mrsalvo (New Braunfels Texas)        

Pet Peeves:
• Bad skin reaction to laundry detergent. And ones that can trigger a headache. Same goes for chlorine bleach, any additives.
• When detergent manufacturers change formulas and scents without notification.
• Insufficient rinse cycles, soap left in clothing.
• Working or being around someone that smells heavily of laundry detergent, regardless of the brand. Smelling them before you see them.
• Washers that create a ton of lint. Bring back the lint filters.
• Damaged clothing. Esp. if garments are fairly new.
• Washers and dryers that don’t clean well, or use enough resources to get the job done in a reasonable amount of time.
• Forgetting to check a pocket, wet Kleenex (or worse) everywhere.
• Being older and admitting I’m getting better results washing in warm rather than hot. My stubbornness.


Post# 1162567 , Reply# 13   10/26/2022 at 12:34 (639 days old) by Egress (Oregon)        

ditto on the college thing, currently in the dorms. I see people shoving laundry in without even using soap?????? no wonder some people always seem to smell. their clothes aren't even clean!

Post# 1162570 , Reply# 14   10/26/2022 at 13:22 (639 days old) by GELaundry4ever (Nacogdoches, TX, USA)        
I have more.

Trying to do a full load of laundry in the dorms only to discover that the stupid machines don't perform correctly I.E. washers that don't fill up all the way on large and dryers that don't dry fully on whites/colors cycle. You have to rerun them 2-3 times. That is so annoying and stupid! People leaving their laundry in the machines for hours and hours! UGH!

Post# 1162576 , Reply# 15   10/26/2022 at 15:11 (639 days old) by ea56 (Cotati, Calif.)        

ea56's profile picture
The only thing about doing the laundry that I don’t like is folding it after it is dry. To me its just a tedious task. What will ad insult to injury about folding the laundry is having to turn tee shirts and socks right side out if they were put in the laundry wrong side out.

Other than that I enjoy doing the laundry.


Post# 1162587 , Reply# 16   10/26/2022 at 16:19 (639 days old) by qsd-dan (West)        
Dan, why do you hate neutral drains?

qsd-dan's profile picture
Because neutral drains muck up the tubs, especially the outer tub. A spin drain will fully cleanse itself as long as the initial start isn't too slow.

Some other peeves:

Cold water wash only, warm water temps below 120F, hot water temps below 150F, crap not removed from pockets, shirts/pants/socks (especially when dirty) turned inside out, anything that can't be put into the dryer, dryer lint filter not cleaned after every load, dryer lint filters that are coarse, sticky substances baked into the dryer drum, bluing stains from jeans washed in cold water, squeaks/squeals/rumbles from the dryer because the owner is too damn lazy to fix the problem (dryers are very simple devices). Biggest peeve with dryers: Exhausts piped through the roof. Whoever approved of that design should be slowly fed through a woodchipper feet first!

Post# 1162590 , Reply# 17   10/26/2022 at 16:43 (639 days old) by ryner1988 (Indianapolis)        
Exhausts piped through the roof

ryner1988's profile picture
My apartment complex is like this. All the dryer ducts from both floors vent through the roof. I don't like the design either because tenants aren't allowed up there, so never really sure how to clean the outside portion of the ductwork.

Post# 1162594 , Reply# 18   10/26/2022 at 17:06 (639 days old) by Repairguy (Danbury, Texas)        

repairguy's profile picture
Reply# 17 The complex you live in should have a maintenance department that should take care of cleaning long dryer vents. If not it should be management’s responsibility to get someone to do it.

We can preach on short dryer vents all we want but it mostly falls on deaf ears. Today I went to look at a dryer where the complaint was that it took too long to dry. The vent hose was less than 2 feet long but the dryer was pushed all the way against the wall blocking the vent. This is very common. I don’t sell many used machines anymore but the aforementioned issue is so common that I started installing blocks behind the dryers I sold to keep this from happening and it was 100% successful. I would even write on the blocks do not remove. Lol

Post# 1162625 , Reply# 19   10/26/2022 at 20:00 (639 days old) by ryner1988 (Indianapolis)        
Reply #18

ryner1988's profile picture
Um, I hope it's not maintenance's responsibility because if so, I'm screwed. These are the same people who left myself and my wheelchair-bound wife without AC during the hottest part of the summer, and who haven't replaced our broken pressurized toilet tank in a whole year despite my frequent complaints and even talking to the housing authority, or fixed my leaking kitchen sink, or even repaired simple crap like my broken towel rack.

That's why I'm trying to figure out if there's anything I can do about my dryer vent, because I don't trust them to take care of it. Probably nothing at all I can do about the outside portion on the roof, but surely there's something that can be done from my unit itself. My dryer is taking much longer to dry than it used to and I'm almost positive the vent is the issue.

Post# 1162632 , Reply# 20   10/26/2022 at 20:11 (639 days old) by Repairguy (Danbury, Texas)        

repairguy's profile picture
I’m sorry to hear of your terrible maintenance staff. Unfortunately these days that seems to be the norm. It’s also unfortunate that if the vent problem isn’t solved you will be the one incurring the costs to either repair the dryer or replace it. Either way if the vent problem isn’t addressed it doesn’t matter whether the machine is fixed or replaced when the vent is bad enough the dryer won’t make it through a cycle without the safety tripping hopefully preventing a fire.

Post# 1162634 , Reply# 21   10/26/2022 at 20:24 (639 days old) by ryner1988 (Indianapolis)        
Reply #20

ryner1988's profile picture
Oh yes, I will be most seriously upset if I have to replace the dryer because I just replaced my washer this past summer. Moreover, if the vent is clogged down the line, correct me if I'm wrong but a new or repaired dryer would make no difference.

Post# 1162639 , Reply# 22   10/26/2022 at 20:52 (639 days old) by Repairguy (Danbury, Texas)        

repairguy's profile picture
You are exactly right about a repaired or new dryer making no difference if the vent problem isn’t corrected. Also imagine how much more electricity is costing you to have to run a dry cycle for the same load more than once.

Post# 1162643 , Reply# 23   10/26/2022 at 21:27 (638 days old) by ryner1988 (Indianapolis)        
So my question therefore is...

ryner1988's profile picture
Is there something I can do, short of relying on pitiful maintenance or accessing the roof myself?

Post# 1162647 , Reply# 24   10/26/2022 at 21:49 (638 days old) by GELaundry4ever (Nacogdoches, TX, USA)        
stupid people

It makes me question just how stupid people are. Remember the guy that had an lg washer and said that they sucked at making washers and dryers? It's in a youtube video somewhere.

Post# 1162649 , Reply# 25   10/26/2022 at 21:59 (638 days old) by qsd-dan (West)        

qsd-dan's profile picture
"Is there something I can do, short of relying on pitiful maintenance or accessing the roof myself?"

You'll most likely have to pay a vent cleaning service to clean whatever access they have to the pipe. Call maintenance first and ask if they'll give rooftop access to the cleaning service.

What make/model dryer do you have?

Post# 1162650 , Reply# 26   10/26/2022 at 22:02 (638 days old) by ryner1988 (Indianapolis)        
What make/model dryer do you have?

ryner1988's profile picture
Whirlpool 29-inch. Model number is WED5300VQ0.

Post# 1162653 , Reply# 27   10/26/2022 at 22:15 (638 days old) by qsd-dan (West)        
Whirlpool 29-inch. Model number is WED5300VQ0.

qsd-dan's profile picture
Yeesh, well it could be that air duct I was talking about on the other forum. It's most likely getting clogged at the moment if the vent pipe from the wall to the roof is clogged. All of that stuff has to go somewhere and it generally accumulates at the lowest point.

Post# 1162655 , Reply# 28   10/26/2022 at 22:28 (638 days old) by ryner1988 (Indianapolis)        
Clogged air duct

ryner1988's profile picture
Ok, well, in that case, would it be possible for me to clean the air duct in the meantime while I wait for a cleaning service to clean the pipe to the roof? Or should I just pay the cleaning service to do it all at once?

This is why I figured maintenance wouldn't do anything. Since part of the job requires cleaning out the actual dryer, they will say they only provide the connections but upkeep of the machines is the tenant's responsibility.

Post# 1162656 , Reply# 29   10/26/2022 at 22:36 (638 days old) by qsd-dan (West)        

qsd-dan's profile picture
It's a pretty easy fix but you mentioned in the past about vision issues so it's up to your discretion. Not sure if we have a member in your area that could give a helping hand.

Post# 1162657 , Reply# 30   10/26/2022 at 22:44 (638 days old) by ryner1988 (Indianapolis)        
Vision issues

ryner1988's profile picture
Yes, I am blind but some home maintenance tasks are within my ability level as long as I have verbal instruction to guide me. I'll take a gander at the video and see if I feel like I can handle it. If not, my sister is coming into town next week so I might see if my bro-in-law can do it.

Post# 1162669 , Reply# 31   10/27/2022 at 04:34 (638 days old) by GELaundry4ever (Nacogdoches, TX, USA)        

Here's the video. This guy is so stupid!


Post# 1162703 , Reply# 32   10/27/2022 at 17:06 (638 days old) by lakewebsterkid (Dayton, Ohio)        
Pet Peeves

Mixing colors and every type of fabric in one load.
People using spray rinses (not selecting fabric softener option).
Using cheap detergent
Washing loads in cold when it is inappropriate.
Using every additive under the sun, but still washing in cold.
Refusing to use any other cycle than Normal.
Homemade laundry detergent
Using too much fabric softener

Post# 1162724 , Reply# 33   10/27/2022 at 22:34 (637 days old) by Tomdawg (Des moines)        

Washing a white shirt with blue jeans…

As for front loaders balancing a load, then aborting a spin when it totally could have done it no problem!

Post# 1164462 , Reply# 34   11/21/2022 at 11:13 (613 days old) by UncleDave (California)        

uncledave's profile picture
Too much soap - when peeps stay here if they use a top loader - I tell them not to bother with soap on the first load as they dont realize how much soap their machines leave in their clothes. In almost every case there is so much I'll come close to suds lock.

Improper or no sorting - classic college load, or people who constantly look like their stuff is all grey.

Everything mixed then washed cold - mixing rancid underwear, socks, animal cleanups, with kitchen rags, napkins, face cloths. It's ok to mix these things if you can sustain high temps, or use bleach if you cant but otherwise thats just gross.

Too much softener - people use way to much and it can start to gum up machines.

Scent beads - wife loves this crap and her test of cleanliness is one metric - smell. Could be completely dirty but to her if it smells good its clean.

I hate dryers that don't reverse - king duvet balls up frequently.

Washers that use too much water.
For every drop I use I've got to pump it, filter it, soften it, filter it again, then pump it again using a transfer pump to the sewer system. I have excellent water, but need to maintain this system, and waste is expensive.
On a front loader if I can see water pool during the wash it's too much.
Rinsing - sure go to town with the water.

Cheap Bad Soap - I have dry skin as it is, crappy ineffective soap really lets clothes build up grime.

I could go on and on, but Im a total laundry snob.

Post# 1164483 , Reply# 35   11/21/2022 at 18:43 (613 days old) by rpms (ontario canada)        

rpms's profile picture
The few times I have had to use a laundry mat the waste of time waiting and the yuck factor. Can't get out of there fast enuff. A washer that had lots of dog hair would be a big no but pubic hair would make me gag.

Post# 1164494 , Reply# 36   11/21/2022 at 21:11 (612 days old) by combo52 (50 Year Repair Tech Beltsville,Md)        
Clogged dryer vents?

combo52's profile picture
Hi Ryne

I think I asked before but did you ever try running your whirlpool dryer without the vent attached to see if it dries properly?

It’s very unlikely that there’s any significant clogging in a 29 inch whirlpool dryer it almost never happens, it’s also very easy to clean the lint filter housing with a long brush just shove a brush 36 inches down there and it cleans the entire housing out without any disassembly.

You can also try cleaning the vent to the roof yourself if you decide that that is the problem, very easily by using an electric leaf blower pull the dryer away from the wall hook the electric leaf blower to the exhaust duct and let it run for a few minutes, it’s fun to go outside and see all the lint flying.

I did that in a two-story apartment building one time down in DC and I looked out the back window and saw all these kids playing outside with the dust coming down they thought it was snowing lol.

Sometimes you just have to do things yourself.


Post# 1164513 , Reply# 37   11/21/2022 at 22:52 (612 days old) by fisherpaykel (BC Canada)        
electric leaf blower

Hey John, -combo52- yes electric leaf blower does a great job once you can rig up some sealing method to the exhaust pipe, one long exhaust run I blew out had about 2 plastic grocery store bags worth of lint. Scented with sticky fabric softener too.

Post# 1164550 , Reply# 38   11/22/2022 at 14:20 (612 days old) by rinso (Meridian Idaho)        

Here are my modern laundry disgruntlements, not listed in any order:

*Trying to get good results washing in a thimble-full of water
*Lack of a lint filter in the washer
*Impeller top loaders that do a good job, but are harder on clothes than short, fast, stroke agitator machines
*Inaccurate moisture sensing dryers that are useless unless one is drying a full load
*Front loaders with seals and bearings not robust enough to survive high speed spins of 5 or 6 years of use. (Are ya listening Electrolux/Frigidaire?)
*Tubs in high-capacity, top loading machines that are too deep for short folks like me to reach to the bottom (I have to use barbecue tongs.)
*WP/KM Giving up too soon on the very effective, but troublesome Calypso design (they coulda fixed it, doncha know?)
*Lack of spray rinses in front loaders

Well, that's the input from my personal opinion. I could be wrong.

Post# 1164565 , Reply# 39   11/22/2022 at 16:32 (612 days old) by ryner1988 (Indianapolis)        
Reply #36

ryner1988's profile picture
John, I actually did this a couple weeks ago and the drying time was better. I did it with a fairly large load of mixed clothes -- socks, sweatpants/athletic pants, t-shirts, etc -- and it dried in about 50 minutes on medium heat. I'd say that's pretty average drying time, it was taking nearly 2 hours before.

I think the problem was actually in my exhaust duct that the vent hose hooks to, not the one on the dryer but the one on the wall. There was a giant wad of lint/dirt blocking the hole and quite a bit in the lint hose itself. I also think the vent hose was crushed/kinked behind the dryer which is why I asked about semi-rigid venting. I only have about 4 or 5 inches to work with behind the dryer since it's in a laundry closet.

Even with things put back together drying times are better and actually I figured out exactly where the vent is outside and it's not on the roof, but high up on the wall of the building. I was able to find it by going outside and locating the smell of my detergent, could feel the stream of warm moist air blowing down but it's too high to reach from the ground. If you are facing the laundry closet in my hallway, then turn right and walk about 10 feet to the back door and when you walk outside, the vent is on the building wall directly to the right of the door but high up, if that gives you an idea of my setup/how far the run is.


Post# 1164589 , Reply# 40   11/22/2022 at 21:14 (611 days old) by GELaundry4ever (Nacogdoches, TX, USA)        
one of my friends

One of my friends doesn't sort his laundry and just leaves it at whatever setting the washer is set to. When I asked him why he doesn't sort his laundry, he said, "I don't believe in segregation." WTF? SMH! I thought to myself, his clothes are gonna look dingy and dull.

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