Thread Number: 91760
/ Tag: Modern Automatic Washers
Whirlpool to expand offerings of removable agitator |
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Post# 1163053 , Reply# 2   11/2/2022 at 11:03 (681 days old) by ryner1988 (Indianapolis)   |   | |
The Bravos, Oasis, and Cabrio designs with the floating basket. I think it was discontinued around 2014 in favor of a different design based on the VMW platform. VMax, I believe it is, someone like @DADoES would know more about that than I would. But those machines seemed to do a really good job with cleaning when they were that design and weren't very loud either. Wonder why they abandoned it for more of a VMW platform as I feel it's an inferior design.
Post# 1163054 , Reply# 3   11/2/2022 at 11:17 (681 days old) by combo52 (50 Year Repair Tech Beltsville,Md)   |   | |
While I love many things about the calypso washer and will always have one in my personal laundry room, the machine was doomed from the beginning it was way too expensive to build and too complicated, there was no way to bring the price down that’s why they only ever made a top-of-the-line version of it and they never put it in the commercial end because it wouldn’t hold up.
The whirlpool belt floating basket machines or neat machines but we’re prone to bearing failures and stock baskets they were also expensive to manufacture because of the large motor needed and use too much water compared to other high-efficiency top load designs. The current whirlpool built top load washers are doing OK but that said I would never buy any new top load washer today none of them compete with the performance of a front loader and they’re all hard on clothing. The idea of selling one of these washers with a removable post it’s just a sales gimmick, some people are just not satisfied with the impeller machines and they think if they can put an agitator post in it will work better , I expect this sales gimmick to be a short-lived thing. John |
Post# 1163055 , Reply# 4   11/2/2022 at 11:26 (681 days old) by ryner1988 (Indianapolis)   |   | |
Good point about the bearing issues in the floating basket TL's I didn't think about that, but it actually did happen to my dad's washer a few years ago. I don't recall if he had it fixed or just got a new machine.
I also agree about modern top loaders, wouldn't have one period. When/if I can finally afford to buy new, I would probably have a Speed Queen FF7 or an LG 4000 series with turbo wash. |
Post# 1163069 , Reply# 6   11/2/2022 at 16:11 (681 days old) by GELaundry4ever (Nacogdoches, TX, USA)   |   | |
At this point, I'd be better off going to the laundromat if this is what Whirlpool is doing to their laundry line. |
Post# 1163078 , Reply# 7   11/2/2022 at 17:23 (681 days old) by combo52 (50 Year Repair Tech Beltsville,Md)   |   | |
Hi, whirlpool never built a top load washer like a Fisher Paycal they did use their motor design and the floating basket design under license from them. Whirlpool is still using the direct drive motor design from Fisher Paycal in their higher and top load washers , The ones that don’t have a belt.
Recirculating water and a top load washer is not always a good idea, in the Calypso it caused bad streaking of lint and dirt, it will do the same in other top load washers this is why it has been abandoned. It’s very much like a spin drain automatics it forces the dirty water through the clothing.
Recirculation in a front load washer does not cause the same problem because the clothing keeps moving and the dirt will flush back out of it but on the top load washer it’s better to let the dirt settle into the outer tub where it will be drained away when it drains and spins
John L |
Post# 1163131 , Reply# 8   11/3/2022 at 17:23 (680 days old) by MaytagNeptune (FireAlarmTechGuy4444 on YouTube. Interlochen MI)   |   | |
I personally have never had issues with my Calypso streaking dirt on my clothes. Lint can become a problem if I put towels in the mix but if I don't. It runs just fine. I'm currently using my Fisher&Paykel AquaSmart and the link below shows it turning over a heavy load of towels on HE Mode. I could have picked Conventional but it rolled over just fine. Towels are not usually that dirty anyway although I sometimes use conventional for Towels to flush out dirt and cleaning products from rags.
CLICK HERE TO GO TO MaytagNeptune's LINK |