Thread Number: 91831  /  Tag: Modern Automatic Washers
Asko W6098x E10 Water Level Sensor Error
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Post# 1163598   11/10/2022 at 17:38 (753 days old) by Mrlaundry1011 (South Wales, UK)        

Hey guys, was wondering if anyone had any knowledge on what may be causing my new asko machine to keep storing a E10 fault relating to a water level sensor issue. It never displays the error in normal user mode and I had no idea this was happening until entering its fault reading menus. It’s completed 37 cycles since I bought it and has so far stored NINE errors already?? So far E3 once (I forgot to turn on its inlet feed), one E6 with a heating error (no idea when this happened) and 7 times it’s stored water level sensing error. Do you think I should call asko out to my machine? Surely this isn’t normal. I also find it glitches if it sudslocks twice on the same spin, it gets stuck in the 2nd attempt and just keeps distributing endlessly until manually paused and restarted (it done this for 2hr the first time it happened). I really expected a lot better for a machine retailing for £1999 especially with the other aspects I don’t like (I won’t get into that right now lol)

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Post# 1163626 , Reply# 1   11/11/2022 at 07:18 (753 days old) by Rolls_rapide (.)        

Does the machine behave normally when run through a full programme empty, with no detergent?

Is the sump/pump filter clear of any debris?

I was wondering whether the sudslocks have been registered in the memory as the E10 faults. Try using less detergent, or switch to a different brand (less sudsy type).

Gorenje apparently make Asko, now under Hisense ownership. I have a Gorenje-made Panasonic, and if it gets sudslocked, it then goes into a phase of around ten 'fill-recirculate-drain' cycles.

Post# 1163627 , Reply# 2   11/11/2022 at 08:25 (753 days old) by Mrlaundry1011 (South Wales, UK)        

Yeah it runs completely normal in every programme, it gives no errors until you read out errors in service mode. I don’t think it’s to do with sudslocks as it stored E10 during its 36th cycle which was just a full load of darks on dark wash (no interims on this cycle). I’m not sure if it’s to do with it getting confused with larger loads on limited kg cycles e.g dark wash. If the cycle you select is not a 9kg rated cycle it doesn’t do it’s usual saturation phase, it does very short tumbles and will really struggle to get the load wet before heating. I believe it uses prowash INSTEAD of reheating (cotton reheats only as that doesn’t use prowash during main wash) so it ends up running out of water during prowash and tops up (this is after heating and does not reheat) so a 40c dark wash with a full load can end up cold (I had this happen with my recent Samsung quick drive WW9800 flagship).I’m not sure if this is when it stores the error as technically it shouldn’t be running out of water at this point. It just really goes to show how flawed and unfinished this programming is, but not sure if I should arrange an engineer visit. With towel loads there’s no way you won’t get a sudslock due to the ramp up programming, the 1st time it got stuck was when I forgot a towel was used to wipe up spilled body wash and again it got stuck on its auto cycle even though it only sudslocked once and didn’t cut out. This machine cuts out if it can’t spin out a sudslock and does a quick pause, drain and respin but it seems like if it sudslocks again on the 2nd attempt it then gets stuck with the timer frozen and the drum at distri speed with the pump pulsing on and off endlessly. Am I being too hard on it? I really thought this would be truly amazing for its price tag, my midrange w1 is far ahead, along with my Fisher AI flagship I feel scammed with the “precise temp control, max deviation -+1%” when it tops up after heating and doesn’t reheat in the first place! I also find “higher water level” makes absolutely no difference and rinses do not refill if they need to as filling is static

Post# 1163628 , Reply# 3   11/11/2022 at 08:37 (753 days old) by Marky_mark (From Liverpool. Now living in Palm Springs and Madrid)        

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If I were you, I would send this machine back if I had spent this amount of money on a machine that I was not satisfied with.

Post# 1163631 , Reply# 4   11/11/2022 at 10:12 (753 days old) by Rolls_rapide (.)        

"It never displays the error in normal user mode and I had no idea this was happening until entering its fault reading menus."

Ah that might be the clue!

The machine, if it is anything like the Panasonic, might keep a Service Menu tally of the last programme it successfully completed, and any deviations from the norm, such as out of balance load when spinning, number of attempts, or in this case, water level errors.

It might be that your load of laundry was far too big for the programme, causing excess water to be taken in. If it takes in too much water, it might never reach the selected temperature. (The Panasonic is like this on the 50-Minute Quick Wash programme. Small loads are able to get up to temperature, large ones not).

Are these faults listed in a hidden 'Engineer's Service Menu'?

Post# 1163638 , Reply# 5   11/11/2022 at 11:44 (752 days old) by Mrlaundry1011 (South Wales, UK)        

Yes these fault codes are saved in something like fault code read out or similar, I can’t remember exactly. It always has enough time to heat but if it needs to refill after the water has reached temp the first time, it simply will not heat again. Fisher and Paykel, Miele, Bosch etc do not do this, my Miele will just top up, turn the jet back off and reheat again instead. The asko could be approx 10min into a dark wash cycle for example and reach 40 for the first time with half the load still dry (saturation for less than 9kg isn’t suitable and with such a low amount of water it heats fast), then once heated it turns on prowash and it starts to run dry after soaking the load properly and then needs to refill, then just carries on without heating again (I believe this is when the error is stored). This happens very easy say when 20 or 30 is selected as the it reaches temp very fast, obviously before everything is completely soaked. The Samsung I had would do the same thing. Idk why they programmed it to be either reheating OR prowash when prowash pulses on and off and it could heat if needed i between like Miele do. It’s quite poor on gorenjes part to not think of this as other machines like Bosch and Miele will happily just add more water and heat to the proper temp no matter the load size on any prog, Bosch even adjust the time to suit and add more spin bursts etc. you shouldn’t expect a machine to just wash in cold water because you put 2.1kg in a 2kg rated cycle 😂

Post# 1163646 , Reply# 6   11/11/2022 at 16:15 (752 days old) by Rolls_rapide (.)        

Try running the machine on a different programme. Instead of 'Darks', try 'Easy Care' or 'Cottons'. Or try the automatic programme. (According to the manual, there seems to be an awful lot of programmes which basically do the same thing!).

What temperatures do you use?

I noticed with my machine, the recirculation jet doesn't activate when the temperature of 60°C on Cottons is reached, yet when selecting 50°C and lower, the jet switches on and off throughout the wash phase.

Post# 1163650 , Reply# 7   11/11/2022 at 17:06 (752 days old) by Mrlaundry1011 (South Wales, UK)        

Yeah ALOT of programmes are similar and/or not good. E.g Quick is for 9kg but do no interims unless you select super rinse which adds 24min, time prog which goes up to 3hr is only allowing 2kg. Easy care and mix only do a burst as interim spins, cotton doesn’t use prowash but reheats, sportswear doesn’t do interims, dark wash doesn’t do interims etc. also no delicate prog… progs which it states uses “extra sensitive rhythm” look to do the exact same action as cotton or other cycles. Prewashes are carried out in cold water and some progs are unusable because they do stupid amount of rinses e.g. heavy wash does FIVE rinses without super rinse on so it spends way too long rinsing and not enough time washing for heavy soils. I find it struggles to saturate on ANY cycle not meant for 9kg. It’ll use prowash at any temp just like my Miele which is nice, my Siemens doesn’t use its 4D jet if it’s over 60c. Jet action starts straight after heating, so if cold is selected it just starts using it straight away. Service mode also has cold wash and allergy options, but cold wash turned off just makes lowest temp selectable of 20c and turning off allergy just removes the 2 allergy cycles…. The running modes also don’t do very much from what I’ve seen apart from limit temp selection.

Post# 1163690 , Reply# 8   11/12/2022 at 10:01 (752 days old) by Logixx (Germany)        

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What a shame - I always thought highly of the Asko washers (and their dishwashers are also interesting).

While I have no solution, your description sounds muck like my neighbors Gorenje WA 6840: accelerates like an old school Miele for the spins, chokes on water and/or suds and immediately proceeds to cancel the entire spin. Static fills that can result in too much wash water on small loads and semi-dry large loads during the rinse. It also has a whole bunch of pointless cycles. 🙄

Anyway, thanks for all your reviews on your YouTube. This is valuable information for people like me, who sell appliances but never get a chance to actually use them.

Post# 1163698 , Reply# 9   11/12/2022 at 11:15 (752 days old) by Rolls_rapide (.)        

Could it be following the same idea as Miele, to wet the load but not have loads of water in the drum?

Post# 1163701 , Reply# 10   11/12/2022 at 12:01 (751 days old) by Mrlaundry1011 (South Wales, UK)        

Its saturation is meant to fully soak but less than 9kg cycles don’t do it for long enough and end up going into the wash partly dry. I just done a cycle with a full load of towels on “allergy cottons” which again limited the final spin (respinning as I write this) and it has stored 3 errors on this load, Water level sensor error x2 and another heating error. It did sudslock twice and have to cut out on the wash spin and actually spun again for a 3rd attempt which I’ve never seen before, it usually glitches if the 2nd attempt sudslocks. I’m not sure if it’s supposed to use prowash but if it is then it failed to heat on this 2hr 43 cycle. I’ve just noticed it clears any old errors as it goes as it can only stored 10 at once, so I suspect it has more that just got removed before I knew it could read them out.

Post# 1163752 , Reply# 11   11/12/2022 at 17:13 (751 days old) by Mrlaundry1011 (South Wales, UK)        

Here’s a few pics of the asko too 🙂

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Post# 1163790 , Reply# 12   11/13/2022 at 05:22 (751 days old) by askolover (South of Nash Vegas, TN)        

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Sorry you are having Asko issues. They certainly don't make them like they used to...especially since production is no longer in Sweden. I've had mine for 25 years!

Post# 1201190 , Reply# 13   3/9/2024 at 18:30 (268 days old) by Miele4Life (UK )        

Hello there, well, I have had this very machine since 3rd November 2022 in my new utility room alongside my trusty Miele and I can say with great confidence that it is absolutely outstanding, don't listen to this user as it is giving people completely the wrong impression about them.

The pros: It looks gorgeous in stainless steel and it has a nice big drum capacity (9KG) too, I did a huge towel load in it not too long ago and coped with it without much trouble, it is extremely flexible with so many programme combinations available, the Time programme is very useful for things that need a quick clean or loads of rinses on longer durations for things like towels and bedding, the Pro Wash feature is like an early Zanussi JetSystem which is fun to watch and helps with the washing process and every single load I have done in it has come out spotless, no matter what detergent or programme is being used, the Quick Pro programme is also handy for smaller loads, the 1800RPM spin leaves items much dryer than with the Miele which greatly saves on drying time. The Auto Dose feature is very handy, runs almost silently and is a much better system than the rust-prone Miele W1 while the service mode is incredibly easy to access too which offers a useful cycle counter.

The cons: Obviously, it is quite expensive but I feel it's worth every penny, the Pro Wash feature is not used with the rinses, some programmes take a while to complete and spin balancing can also take a while sometimes but it eventually gets there so I'm always mindful with what I put in it, the Steam Refresh programme leaves things hot and damp, the Time programme does not do interim spins and while it has a slick TFT-screen, it could do with being a touchscreen and could also feature touch-sensitive buttons instead, one would also expect WiFi connectivity at this price too, but they are only minor quibbles here.

So is it actually worth it? Absolutely if you can put up with some of its quirks.

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