Thread Number: 91902  /  Tag: Modern Dishwashers
Hey Bob…… rate my UK load!
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Post# 1164378   11/20/2022 at 10:14 (614 days old) by beehiveboy (Northamptonshire, England )        

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Here’s a typical load for me…..slightly embarrassed at how much glassware the pair of us have used, but hey it’s the weekend! The Ninja pot also has the basket insert below it, both very greasy and crusty from cooking a full English breakfast. All the plastic tubs in the middle basket are loaded over cups and glasses and everything is only slightly scraped, I believe in minimum preparation of dishes before they’re loaded. Everything came out perfect.

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Post# 1164383 , Reply# 1   11/20/2022 at 11:19 (614 days old) by UncleDave (California)        

uncledave's profile picture
Id say thats an A.

I have the same exact orientation as you do with the Miele next to a bifold corner door.

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Post# 1164399 , Reply# 2   11/20/2022 at 14:48 (614 days old) by UncleDave (California)        

uncledave's profile picture
Also digging your chopping block counter, at least I think I do.

When I bought this place the counters were described as granite lol....

Curious what the manufacture and model of those plates you have are -they look like an ideal size and lip combination for the washer.

Post# 1164403 , Reply# 3   11/20/2022 at 15:06 (614 days old) by beehiveboy (Northamptonshire, England )        

beehiveboy's profile picture
Hey Uncle Dave, thanks!
So the countertops are walnut, I love real wood, our house is a couple of hundred years old so natural materials just seem to feel more appropriate to me. They are walnut and we’ve actually only had to refinish them once in 7 years. Also, I don’t like things pristine, I like them lived in, so I love all the little dents, scratches and knicks they get in everyday life.
So the plates! They are from a major UK supermarket, Tesco. As cheap as cheap can be. I agree the lip is great in terms of serving sauces and gravies, but they actually don’t fit the dishwasher very well…. If I don’t force them down very very firmly they block the spray arm. They’ve caused a good few top basket disasters!

Post# 1164408 , Reply# 4   11/20/2022 at 15:33 (614 days old) by Marky_mark (From Liverpool. Now living in Palm Springs and Madrid)        
Nice BobLoad™️

marky_mark's profile picture

It looks like you guys have twin dishwashers and pretty much twin kitchens!

Post# 1164414 , Reply# 5   11/20/2022 at 17:10 (614 days old) by UncleDave (California)        

uncledave's profile picture
Love it beehive. Im unsure how hard it is to keep sanitized, what do you use?

Marky_mark - just one corner. He's got the washer on the cooktop side.

I believe his washer is a notch above mine, but a few years older. The middle rack does not have a brand badge.

If you look his lower basket has wine stem holders (flip up things on the side) the entire length of the lower basket. Cool if you use stemware a lot -

We rarely use stemware but instead drink wine, mixed drinks, and juices out of Borlioni Rock Bar stackable glasses 99% of the time. Water gets served out of stainless steel insulated glasses

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Post# 1164444 , Reply# 6   11/20/2022 at 21:17 (614 days old) by UncleDave (California)        

uncledave's profile picture
sorry - Bormioli...

Post# 1164447 , Reply# 7   11/20/2022 at 22:44 (613 days old) by littlegreeny (Milwaukee, WI)        

littlegreeny's profile picture
Nice stereo system. Are those Definitive Technology speakers? And that looks like a McIntosh amp.

Post# 1164449 , Reply# 8   11/20/2022 at 23:07 (613 days old) by UncleDave (California)        

uncledave's profile picture
Thanks Dave.

Mcintosh MC2500 amp, Bowers and Wilkins 603's.

Post# 1164454 , Reply# 9   11/21/2022 at 04:34 (613 days old) by beehiveboy (Northamptonshire, England )        

beehiveboy's profile picture
wood is naturally antiseptic, you simply wash it down with hat soapy water, although if I’ve been working near it with raw meat I use a bleach spray. You basically care for it just the same as any countertop.
Well spotted with the middle rack, it’s actually the rack from my previous dishwasher because I prefer how it loads. But I was very sad to have to give up the Miele logo on the basket handle…..I’ve kept the rack in the loft incase I ever change my mind!

Post# 1164460 , Reply# 10   11/21/2022 at 10:11 (613 days old) by UncleDave (California)        

uncledave's profile picture
Im totally digging it. I'm surmising you don't actually use it as a chopping surface to no worry about anything nasty hiding in holes/ scratches. I showed the wife this and she laughed and said - " of course you guys like that" - well yeah!!!

On the basket Im with you - the middle tray on this unit is less flexible than my prior unit. The left side doesn't have as much clearance when flipping the extender down - glasses that fit there in the old unit don't in the new one. (grrrr)

On your weekend good for you. Looks like a great good time was had with plenty of food both fresh, and easy using the stored/ leftovers. There was pasta or some kind of soup or red sauce.

Im with you a light scrape and thats it. We live in the country and are on a well and have to not only filter and condition, but pump every drop twice.

What are you using for soap ?

I always tease my Brit friends -

The best way to eat in the UK is to have breakfast three times a day.
No wonder you drink tea, Ive had your coffee....
For owning the spice trade for centuries why is everything so bland ........

Post# 1164466 , Reply# 11   11/21/2022 at 11:44 (613 days old) by beehiveboy (Northamptonshire, England )        

beehiveboy's profile picture
Haha Dave, I don’t mind a bit of teasing at all! Although I’ve got a pretty good bean to cup machine so our coffee is actually always fresh and tasty! There hasn’t been a jar of instant coffee across this threshold for 25 years. The English breakfast is only a Sunday treat but I do love it. Luckily for me my husband is a wonderful cook, infact he had a restaurant for a few years, so every meal is delicious. We eat all types of world cuisine, and 99% made from scratch.
Re the countertop, yes we always use a chopping board, other than I might occasionally slice a lime on it for a drink if I’m feeling lazy.
And the middle dishwasher rack, that lasted less than a week before I swapped it out for the one from its dead predecessor! I always use Fairy Platinum Plus, I think that may be Cascade for you? Gives me the most reliable results. When powders were prevalent over here I loved Finish but I don’t rate their tabs.


Post# 1164471 , Reply# 12   11/21/2022 at 13:42 (613 days old) by UncleDave (California)        

uncledave's profile picture

The full english is definitely on the menu whenever Im in town.
I go to london 2-3 times a year for work.

Curious - is the loader in the above pict right or left handed?
I noticed your machine has the silverware loaded on the right curious is that correlates to handedness, or maybe proximity.

You're lucky on the food front. It's a running joke that my wife can only cook 2 things - Brakes, and breakfast.

Now you have me curious - which bean to cup ? If it's what Im thinking we refer to these as super automatics. I looove these and have had about 4 in the last 20 years.

My brit friend likened all of them to an Italian mistress - " it always wants something" .

Post# 1164473 , Reply# 13   11/21/2022 at 14:34 (613 days old) by beehiveboy (Northamptonshire, England )        

beehiveboy's profile picture
It’s just a De’Longhi, not too fancy but it makes nice coffee. But yes, there’s hardly 5 minutes goes by that it’s not asking me to do something! I’ve tried all orientations of flatware (or cutlery as we call it here) over the years. The drawer it is stored in is to the left, separated by the cooktop….. I find loaded this way I can grab it by the handles and pivot to the drawer. All other orientations result in stepping towards the drawer and back again. So a minor efficiency but a step save nevertheless. Infact our kitchen is so small that I only have to step away from the dishwasher to put away glassware.

Post# 1164515 , Reply# 14   11/21/2022 at 23:05 (612 days old) by fisherpaykel (BC Canada)        
Whoa Dave, that sink!

Dave what brand/ model is your sink? 32" or so? it looks like just what I am looking for, thanks, Walter

Post# 1164535 , Reply# 15   11/22/2022 at 08:58 (612 days old) by UncleDave (California)        

uncledave's profile picture
Hello Walter, the sink brand is Ruvati -cant recall the model, but it's big enough to wash a medium sized dog in.

Post# 1164536 , Reply# 16   11/22/2022 at 10:42 (612 days old) by appnut (TX)        

appnut's profile picture
Paul, sorry for the delay. I've not really logged in in a couuple of days. Definitely BobLoad certification. You load the Miele like I load my Bosch.

Post# 1164713 , Reply# 17   11/24/2022 at 03:03 (610 days old) by beehiveboy (Northamptonshire, England )        

beehiveboy's profile picture
Thanks Bob! I hate to start it if there are any dirty dishes still in the kitchen, I have to squeeze them in somehow.

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