Thread Number: 91907  /  Tag: Modern Automatic Washers
How many loads of laundry do you guys do per week?
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Post# 1164419   11/20/2022 at 18:04 (789 days old) by ryner1988 (Indianapolis)        

ryner1988's profile picture
I'm trying to get a bit of a handle on the laundry situation in our home, because I feel it's a bit much, but maybe it isn't? That was part of the reason for my "re-wearing clothes or not?" thread of a few weeks ago. Anyway...

It's just me and my wife here. I do a full load of clothes about every 3 or 4 days (no separation by color, because we have hardly any whites at all). Towels are done about every 6-8 days, or more accurately every other time I wash clothes, towels also get washed in a second load. Bedding gets done about every 2 weeks, 1-3 loads depending on whether the big blankets are also washed.

I feel like this is kind of a lot of laundry, because I have friends and family who live as couples, no kids, and they only have 2 loads a week if that.

So, lots of laundry in your homes, or no? Any way I can get mine down a little further, or is what I'm doing pretty normal?


Post# 1164430 , Reply# 1   11/20/2022 at 18:53 (789 days old) by JohnBee (USA, NY)        
A lot :)

johnbee's profile picture
We’re 2 guys with 2 dogs. Working out 3 times a week.
We wear our clothes only once.

husband is working at the hospital so here we go

We wash clothes only on Saturday (busy schedule).

1 to 2 FULL loads of darks
1 full load of dark towels socks underwear (I use extra warm setting)
1 packed load of towels
1 packed load of sheets and kitchen towels
1 load of dog towels , blankets etc
1 load of husbands hospital scrubs

Once a month add blankets and couch covers

Post# 1164435 , Reply# 2   11/20/2022 at 19:34 (789 days old) by DADoES (TX, U.S. of A.)        

dadoes's profile picture
Average less than one per week.

Post# 1164437 , Reply# 3   11/20/2022 at 19:37 (789 days old) by littlegreeny (Milwaukee, WI)        
There's only two of us

littlegreeny's profile picture
And I do at least 7-10 loads a week.

Post# 1164450 , Reply# 4   11/20/2022 at 23:35 (788 days old) by UncleDave (California)        

uncledave's profile picture
Two peeps a dog and a big lot 1.5 acre requiring continuous maintenance.

2 week cycle.
Week 1, 6 loads
Week 2, 8 loads

2 dark- 85F 1200 spin one load is for normal clothes 1 load is for outdoor work
1- white collared shirt load 105F 1200 spin
1- hand towels, kitchen rags, dinner napkins, bath towels, white socks, animal towels 120F 1600RPM
1 -king bed fitted sheet, 6 pillows thin top cover. 105F 1600 RPM
1- 3 bathroom throw rugs and garage entry way rug. 85F 1600RPM

Every other week add
1 - second top cover on king bed - 105 1600 RPM spin
1- 3 front, rear, master - entryway rugs 85F 1600 RPM

Laundry done throughout week vs one big day.

All clothing rack dried
Rugs all air dried in summer, machine dried in winter.

Post# 1164451 , Reply# 5   11/20/2022 at 23:59 (788 days old) by GELaundry4ever (Nacogdoches, TX, USA)        
loads per week

I typically do 3 loads per week. I do darks, lights, and whites.

Post# 1164456 , Reply# 6   11/21/2022 at 06:44 (788 days old) by tolivac (greenville nc)        

2 loads per week for me-one light color-hot water,darks-cold.

Post# 1164458 , Reply# 7   11/21/2022 at 07:51 (788 days old) by JustJunque (Western MA)        

justjunque's profile picture
There's only two of us.
I shoot for (but sometimes miss) Saturday as laundry day. Of course, there can be exceptions. But, generally, I do a load of whites, a load of medium/brighter colors, and a load of darks. Sometimes, if we don't have enough to justify separate loads, and there's nothing that's likely to run too much, I'll condense the mediums and darks into one batch.
On an "as needed" basis, there will be an additional load or two of blankets/bedding, or freshening up seasonal clothes, like jackets. But,I'll usually do those during the week one day.


Post# 1164461 , Reply# 8   11/21/2022 at 11:08 (788 days old) by ryner1988 (Indianapolis)        
Thanks for the responses...

ryner1988's profile picture
Sounds like our household is right in the middle. The only thing it seems we do differently than a lot of folks on here is we don't particularly have a laundry day. I just run a load when needed since we are home most days at least for some of the day. It's just not too hard to toss a load in and let it run while I'm having my morning coffee, which is what I usually do. Our hampers are pretty much exactly a full load in my machine so when one gets full and I notice, I go ahead and throw it in.

One thing that helped us immensely, not sure if this would work for others, was to get rid of pretty much all whites. We have all dark/medium gray towels and wash rags, black socks, my wife beater type shirts are black instead of white, etc. We also have very few clothes that require special care or that can't go in the dryer at least on low, so no separate white load needed and no delicate load, therefore separating by clothes, towels, and bedding is as far as I feel it's necessary to go in my situation. If there is the very occasional delicate piece that requires hang drying, I just toss it in a mesh laundry bag with the other clothes, and the bag helps me remember it can't go in the dryer. Again, this may not help everybody but it sure did simplify my life to a major degree.


Post# 1164477 , Reply# 9   11/21/2022 at 16:30 (788 days old) by Tomdawg (Des moines)        
You guys make me look bad..

I do 13-16 loads a week.
I have a cleaning business so half of that is my business portion.

Most loads average half full to 3/4 full on a 4.5 cu ft.

Post# 1164525 , Reply# 10   11/22/2022 at 04:41 (787 days old) by whirlykenmore78 (Prior Lake MN (GMT-0500 CDT.))        
It's me and my wife here:

whirlykenmore78's profile picture
I do between 4 and 6 loads a week in the SQ FL between clothes, bedding and towels. I sort things by how they need to be cared for but mostly do hot washes and warm for delicates. My washer has never seen a cold wash in the 6.5 years I have owned it nor will it. I also wash my large commercial entry mats once a month at a local laundromat which is 1 load in a 60# washer/extractor. This is a hot wash with using the "Super Wash" upgrade which adds more wash time and a third rinse.

Post# 1164526 , Reply# 11   11/22/2022 at 05:36 (787 days old) by Frigilux (The Minnesota Prairie)        

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I average 6-7 loads per week in a household of me. Sometimes I wash sheets twice a week, as I like a fresh bed.

Sheets/Pillowcases: 1 or 2
Kitchen/Personal Whites: 1
Bath Linens: 1
Mixed Colors: 1 or 2
Black Clothes: 1

Post# 1164576 , Reply# 12   11/22/2022 at 18:51 (787 days old) by ryner1988 (Indianapolis)        

ryner1988's profile picture
Thanks guys, this was helpful because as I said, I thought I was doing a lot of laundry, but now my situation seems pretty normal. Guess it's not too unusual for two people to have a load or two every few days.

Part of the "problem" of a lot of clothes generated weekly is that my wife absolutely refuses to wear clothes more than once. She'll sometimes do pajamas twice but that's it. She says it comes from having really lazy caregivers (home health aids) make decisions for her about how long she wore clothes before they washed them for her -- she is wheelchair-bound and therefore can't easily wash her own laundry, so it's up to others how often it gets cleaned. So, she just set a boundary that no re-wearing is to happen so people don't go overboard with it. It's something I've been trying to help her with since I do her caregiving exclusively now, and therefore won't force her to do anything crazy, but I think I'm going to probably let it go. Pick your battles, and all that. It's just really not that big of a deal.

Post# 1164628 , Reply# 13   11/23/2022 at 08:15 (786 days old) by Moon1234 (Wisconsin)        

34-45 loads per week, but we have 12 people in the house, nine females. A little more than most for laundry.

Post# 1164632 , Reply# 14   11/23/2022 at 09:08 (786 days old) by parunner58 (Davenport, FL)        

parunner58's profile picture
We are three adults in the house weekly 5 loads

1 - Towels
2 - darks
3 - lights
4 - whites
5 - pet covers

Then every other week
bedding one or two depending on if blankets are washed.

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Post# 1164648 , Reply# 15   11/23/2022 at 12:17 (786 days old) by robbinsandmyers (Conn)        

robbinsandmyers's profile picture
Im single and do 2 loads every 3 days on an almost 50 year old Maytag. One whites one colors. Today Im doing 2 whites though because I broke out the thermals for Winter.

Post# 1164656 , Reply# 16   11/23/2022 at 14:54 (786 days old) by Maytag85 (Sean A806)        

maytag85's profile picture
I usually do about 1 to 2 loads of laundry a day. Once I get my soon to be Maytag A806 set put into service, I might be able to do 1 load of laundry a day with the load sensor agitator in it since I can squeeze a bit more laundry in with the load sensor than I can with the power fin but don’t have the lint filter feature though.

Post# 1164675 , Reply# 17   11/23/2022 at 17:32 (786 days old) by qsd-dan (West)        
but we have 12 people in the house, nine females.

qsd-dan's profile picture

Do you spend most of your time at home in the garage, which is off limits to everyone else?

Post# 1164678 , Reply# 18   11/23/2022 at 17:55 (786 days old) by ryner1988 (Indianapolis)        
Reply #17

ryner1988's profile picture
Was thinking close to the same thing!

I'd go insane and would at least need a place where no one could bother me. Don't come in my private space, ever.

I grew up in a family of 6 and even that was much sometimes, so I can't imagine.

Post# 1164681 , Reply# 19   11/23/2022 at 18:13 (786 days old) by Maytag85 (Sean A806)        
Reply #17

maytag85's profile picture
Those machines need to be serviced at least once a year with that much usage, 200 loads of laundry a month x12 = 2400 loads of laundry a year. Those numbers aren’t entirely accurate but at close enough.

Post# 1164757 , Reply# 20   11/24/2022 at 14:15 (785 days old) by thomasortega (El Pueblo de Nuestra Señora de Los Angeles de Porciúncula)        

thomasortega's profile picture

Home clothes, average 8 to 11 loads per week, depending on what I have to wash, sometimes the bathroom mats, the sofa cover, etc.

I have a friend that doesn't have a washer in her apartment and she brings her clothes here because she's terrified about using the nasty washers in her apartment complex. She brings her laundry average once a month, something between 2 and 4 big trash bags filled up to the limit.

My record doing her laundry was 32 loads at once and probably one of the very few times i noticed i dont have enough washers but i dont have room left even for a WonderWash.

It also took forever to dry using only 9 dryers. It was the only time i used all the dryers (including three washer/dryer all in one combos) and praying to not start a fire with the overload on my circuit.

It was pushed so to the limit that probably it would need only a cell phone charger to trip the circuit breaker.

LADWP probably hates me.LOL

Post# 1164860 , Reply# 21   11/25/2022 at 16:49 (784 days old) by Moon1234 (Wisconsin)        

Lol. You learn to tune out what you don’t want to hear, sometimes to their chagrin.

I have four boys. One is an adult and out on his own. The next is 20 and helps me on our vegetable farm. We do about 15 acres to supplement income. Next is 13 and then 10. We all work together on the farm so it’s nice that way. Sometimes causes issues, but that’s just family.

No real maintenance needs on the Miele appliances beyond the routine plinth filter or cleaning the trap on the washer. I bought Miele because we kept destroying other brands due to the high use. They are pricy, but are reliable. The automatic dosing makes it easier for the younger kids to do their own laundry without having spills or over dosing.

Once you get past 4-5 kids they sort of lean on each other for lots of things. It’s still a lot of work and expense, but we were just open to however many kids we had. God has blessed us along the way and money has always seemed to appear when we needed it.

The one thing I have learned is that paying money for GOOD, Reliable appliances is money well spent. I don’t regret paying the money for the Miele appliances.

Post# 1164864 , Reply# 22   11/25/2022 at 17:27 (784 days old) by ea56 (Cotati, Calif.)        

ea56's profile picture
There are two of us, both retired senior citizens. David and I both usually wear one pair of jeans each per week and colored tee shirts, in the cold weather I wear a sweatshirt over my tee shirt. We change our underwear daily. Because we don’t change clothes several times a day we only fill two large laundry baskets with clothes needed to be washed a week.

I wash 3 full loads a week:

-a load of whites, light colors, with 2 bath towels, 2 hand towels, 5 dishtowels,5 dish clothes, 14 cotton dinner napkins. using hot water Gain or Ariel detergent and Clorox Color Safe bleach.

-a load of medium and dark colors, with 2-3 pairs of jeans, 14 colored tee shirts, 3 crewneck sweatshirts, socks and other various colored items in warm water and either Gain or Ariel detergent.

-a load of cal king bedsheets (flat, fitted and 2 pillow cases) with either Gain or Ariel detergent with hot water.

As needed I launder blankets and bedspreads.

I wash the 2 loads of clothing on Wednesday and the sheets on Saturday. Each load is filled to capacity. If we have company, or go somewhere special I will wash an extra load of table linens or extra outer wear, but the typical weeks laundry is 3 full loads.


Post# 1164885 , Reply# 23   11/26/2022 at 03:57 (783 days old) by chachp (North Little Rock, AR)        
Y'all are much more organized than I am....

chachp's profile picture


I work from home so I can do laundry just about anytime I want but usually in the morning so its out of the way.  I generally do 5-7 loads a week for two of us.  Hubby changes sometimes more than once a day depending on his activity (working in yard, working out, etc.) and I generally don't change clothes within the day.  


I have four hanging hampers on the wall.  When one is full I load up the washer.  No rhyme or reason just when a hamper is full I wash what's in it.  I seldom don't more than one load per day.  On the loads where I add a soak I'll put them in when we go to bed and when I get up I put them in the dryer.  I don't have the patience to sit around and wait for laundry.   

Post# 1164944 , Reply# 24   11/26/2022 at 14:21 (783 days old) by maytaga806 (Howell, Michigan)        

I only have one uniform so I have to do laundry at least every three days, towels go in a basket above the washer and dryer and get washed at least once a week and if have more twice, kitchen rugs get done once a week as well plus my roommates laundry so I’d say about 4-6 cycles per week because we also have a husky so lots and lots of dirty towels from wiping his paws off from being outside. We have 90s whirlpools so the laundry gets done very quickly where it’ll then take about 3-25 buisness days for me to fold all of it 😂

Post# 1165031 , Reply# 25   11/27/2022 at 16:03 (782 days old) by vacerator (Macomb, Michigan)        
Maximum 4 loads per week,

one towels- 5 bath, 3 face, 2 to 4 kitchen, two garments, one bedding. Two adult home.

Post# 1165760 , Reply# 26   12/6/2022 at 04:28 (773 days old) by Seeitrun2006 (Commerce, GA)        
2 to 4 loads per week, sometimes 6

Depends if we wash rugs, sheets and dog bedding or if we’ve have guest staying with us.

Post# 1165971 , Reply# 27   12/7/2022 at 22:03 (771 days old) by MattL (Flushing, MI)        
Odd man out...

I guess I have too many clothes, bedding and towels.  I might do 6ish loads a month. It's just me, and I have no issues wearing a shirt 2x so I wait to do laundry till I can fill up my Duets.  Funny thing is I have a number of machines and I like doing 2 loads at once, go figure.

Post# 1169161 , Reply# 28   1/11/2023 at 12:40 (737 days old) by matthewza (Cape Town, South Africa)        
2 Person Household,7+ loads per week...

We are 2 guys and 2 cats at home, both working in the hotel industry, and both gym-goers. We wear clean clothes every day, no exceptions. Towels changed twice a week, bedding every second week.

We have a Siemens iq300 9kg 1400rpm front loader washer, purchased new in 2020. And an American-style LG vented dryer, purchsaed used in 2021.

Wash routine goes:
Midweek (Wednesday or Thursday):
1x load of lights,
1x load of darks.
This is mainly work uniforms. We dont have enough to get through a full week without a midweek wash.

1x load lights (we have very few white items, so I wash the whites with the lights)
1x load darks
1x load socks/undies/pajamas
1x load gym clothes
1x load towels (towels are changed twice a week, but 2 dirty sets fills our washer, so I wait until theres 2 dirty sets before washing)

If its bedding week:
All of the above plus 1x load bedding (1x double duvet cover, 1x fitted sheet, 4x standard pillow cases, 2x continental pillow cases). I wash the duvet inner every 2nd bedding change (so once every 4 weeks)

In winter this can increase as there will be a load of woolens (work jerseys) and a load of bulky winter warmers, as well as extra blankets.

I have LOADS of kitchen towels, so I have a separate basket in our spare bedroom where they accumulate, and when I see we only have 2 or 3 clean ones in the cupboard, then I wash a big load of kitchen towels.

I also try and wash the 2 cat beds every 2nd week. I vacuum them every other day, but every 2nd week I like to give them a wash.

When I was still living at home, we were 4 people in the house and we would easily do 10+ loads a week, also scattered between Wednesdays, Saturdays and Sundays

Post# 1169217 , Reply# 29   1/11/2023 at 22:57 (736 days old) by RevvinKevin (Tinseltown - Shakey Town - La-La Land)        

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2 of us and a dog here.

I usually do 4 to 6 loads per week (add 2-3 loads more if I bathe the dog = towels + doggy bedding) always done on the weekend. On the rare occasions if I don’t do laundry one weekend, I’ll end up doing 10-12 loads the next weekend. We both have enough clothes we can go 2+ weeks w/o doing laundry. Fortunately I can do 6 loads (all FL washers) at the same time so I only spend a few hours doing it all!😁

Darks, colors, whites, work clothes, bedding (every week), towels (when I have enough for a full load = 2 weeks), wash cloths every 6-8 weeks (I have 100 white wash cloths we use for many things and wash them when there’s enough for a full load).

This post was last edited 01/11/2023 at 23:25

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