Thread Number: 91911  /  Tag: Modern Automatic Washers
Frigidaire Professional Series PLD2560LCC1 problem
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Post# 1164499   11/21/2022 at 22:12 (613 days old) by panasonicvac (Northern Utah)        

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Happy Thanksgiving week everyone, this is my grandfather's dishwasher up at his cabin. He's had it brand new since the place was built which is around 2004 I believe. And it's been having a problem recently. I believe a element is not working because it doesn't dry the dishes out completely anymore. I'm wondering if I can still get parts for this or not? My grandfather already has someone coming out to take a look at it soon but we're wondering if maybe it's time to replace this dishwasher or not. I hope we can still fix it because I actually really like this machine. If it has to be replaced, what recommendation should we look into?

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Post# 1164512 , Reply# 1   11/21/2022 at 22:51 (613 days old) by combo52 (50 Year Repair Tech Beltsville,Md)        
2004 Frigidaire dishwasher

combo52's profile picture
These were reasonably good performers but cheaply built.

Look underneath it and see if one of the heating element terminals is leaking water it often causes a wire to burn off the heating element a relatively easy fix you have to replace the little nut and the wire in the worst case you have to replace the heating element.

It looks like you still have the plastic overlay on the control panel that should be taken off not only does it look bad but it can interfere with the operation of the touch panel eventually.


Post# 1164520 , Reply# 2   11/21/2022 at 23:14 (613 days old) by panasonicvac (Northern Utah)        

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I just looked underneath and there's no water leaking. So it'd pretty much need a new heating element which I can still buy today am I correct?

And there's no protection over the control panel.

Post# 1164531 , Reply# 3   11/22/2022 at 06:46 (612 days old) by combo52 (50 Year Repair Tech Beltsville,Md)        

combo52's profile picture
Hi Alex yes you can still get the heating element but it’s simple to test and make sure that’s actually bad just try unplugging the leads and hooking a jumper cord to the two Terminals and plug it in it’s a standard 120 V element.


Post# 1164564 , Reply# 4   11/22/2022 at 16:17 (612 days old) by panasonicvac (Northern Utah)        

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Alright I'll report back later to see if that's the problem or not. I don't know how to take a dishwasher apart so there's nothing that I can do at the moment. But at least though my grandfather wouldn't have a problem with drying out the dishes by hand at the moment since he spends most of the time at his house.

Post# 1192303 , Reply# 5   10/20/2023 at 19:34 (280 days old) by panasonicvac (Northern Utah)        
Found the problem finally

panasonicvac's profile picture
I returned back up there and did some investigating. One of the heating element leads and the thermal fuse burnt out. I just tested the dishwasher with a multimeter and the heating element was still functioning.

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