Thread Number: 91915  /  Tag: Modern Dishwashers
Maytag bottom rack rust time.
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Post# 1164561   11/22/2022 at 15:43 (691 days old) by PhilaTwin (Philadelphia)        

Hey everyone, I spotted this little SOB today, and am hoping there is some fix for it before it gets worse. I know left unattended, it will be a total disaster. Any tips are appreciated. And happy Thanksgiving!

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Post# 1164562 , Reply# 1   11/22/2022 at 15:47 (691 days old) by ea56 (Cotati, Calif.)        

ea56's profile picture
Get yourself a Dishwasher Rack Repair Kit like the one in the link below. I’ve used them and they work very well to repair worn out tips on the DW racks.



Post# 1164587 , Reply# 2   11/22/2022 at 20:56 (691 days old) by PhilaTwin (Philadelphia)        

This is gold, thanks for the fix!

Post# 1164593 , Reply# 3   11/22/2022 at 21:25 (691 days old) by combo52 (50 Year Repair Tech Beltsville,Md)        
Rusted Maytag dishwasher racks

combo52's profile picture
Do you check the warranty with this dishwasher some Maytag dishwashers at five or even 10 year warranty is where they will give you a free rack.

I just got a set of racks free of charge for a Maytag dishwasher for a customer of ours both of them had some rust on them.

If it’s just rusting in one spot it’s probably a little manufacturing defect.

To be cautious if you’re starting to see rust in multiple areas it may have a lot to do with the way the dishwasher is being used, if you tend to use a lot of detergent and long hot cycles and are not putting the dishes in with a lot of food on them the racks will deteriorate and fail much sooner as well the pump motor and seals and lots of other parts of the dishwasher.

We can prove that customers that pre-rinse their dishes cut the dishwashers overall life in about half. A lot of dishwashers are destroyed by overly zealous dish rinsing, lol

John L

Post# 1164630 , Reply# 4   11/23/2022 at 08:34 (690 days old) by PhilaTwin (Philadelphia)        
Even better!

It's only 5 yrs old, so warranty replacement is definitely worth a look. Rust does look to be isolated to this spot. And our family doesn't pre rinse. We have fines and penalties in line for those offenders.

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