Thread Number: 91964  /  Tag: Modern Automatic Washers
Miele firmware update
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Post# 1165076   11/28/2022 at 15:39 (606 days old) by Stephen (Palm Springs CA USA)        

Has anyone else just recently had a firmware update?
Is anyone able to see what the update was comprised of?
I get a Technical Error message as always when I click on my model.

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Post# 1165232 , Reply# 1   11/30/2022 at 13:15 (604 days old) by Stephen (Palm Springs CA USA)        
Programming Error MIELE US WXI860

I noticed the last couple loads I ran seems to ignore the set temp when I added the Eco option to a 30* load. This has to be an error in the programming.

Wrinkle-free 30* Eco (which should basically be Cold) ran the heater for 45 minutes. The door was hot like after running a 60* wash. The load used .662 kWh.

Baby Clothes 30* Eco ran heater for 54 minutes and used .779 kWh.

When running the same loads at 30* without Eco selected, WF did not turn on the heater at all. And Baby Clothes ran the heater for 9 minutes.

Baby Clothes on US Miele washers is basically the Standard Cottons cycle for the rest of the world.

Who would have thought by pressing Eco you would use MORE electricity!
Something is not right.

Post# 1165235 , Reply# 2   11/30/2022 at 13:43 (604 days old) by chachp (North Little Rock, AR)        
What version do you have?

chachp's profile picture


Mine showed an update to download so I did.  When it was finished it showed that last installation date of 7/7/2022.  My App version is 4.6.0.

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Post# 1165246 , Reply# 3   11/30/2022 at 15:51 (604 days old) by Stephen (Palm Springs CA USA)        
Installation history

I can’t get to that screen you show. I get a technical error message. That was one of the pics I attached.
App version is 4.6.0 also.

Post# 1165249 , Reply# 4   11/30/2022 at 16:01 (604 days old) by Jerrod_Six (Eastern Pennsylvania, USA)        

After the last update, I turned auto-update off. Looks like that was a good idea.

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