Thread Number: 92021  /  Tag: Modern Automatic Washers
oversoaped my Haier xqb40-F washer
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Post# 1165816   12/6/2022 at 15:17 (598 days old) by bpetersxx (laf in on the banks of the Wabash River)        

bpetersxx's profile picture
I kinda overfoamed my top load pulsator washer

I have ALL laundry detergent in large jugs that i put into smaller ALL laundry detergent bottles

The bottles are small with a small cap for measuring

I measured in 2 caps into the full tub of water with a full scoop of OXYclean

I thought that i needed that since the towels i washed were soiled

boy I was wrong

The wash went fine just a little suds not very much

Drained fine too just a little soap in the laundry tub but that is normal

Then it started to spin out the wash water

sounded like it was bogging down but did not think much of it since my pulsator washers do this especially this one

pushed timer down lifted lid and saw soap and foam in the washer but not too much did not think anything of it

lowered lid and pulled timer out started but still sounded bogged down

Just before the rinse cycle it spit out soap and foam and water out on the floor from under the machine

i panicked because I thought did the machine bust a hose
rinse cycle started and there was soap in the tub so i added Downy a cap full the kind that is not concentrated

rinse drained spin better

second rinse was better spun out fine

second load of towels I put less ALL laundry detergent and less OXYclean

some soap but no spitting of soap and washer on the floor

More Downy

second load came out alright as well

so i know that I put too much soap and OXY in

But I am trying to figure out where the soap and water came from

the only thing I can think of is the inner tub spun the wash water soap laden towels into a froth in the outer tub and the outer tub overflowed out the overflow tube on the right side of the washer

I/m going to have to take the back off and see if i can find out where it came from

Man i feel stupid and foolish I am 59 and a half years old and doing laundry for 40 years or more and this does not happen in my other machines


Post# 1165823 , Reply# 1   12/6/2022 at 16:58 (598 days old) by combo52 (50 Year Repair Tech Beltsville,Md)        
It’s pretty easy to oversuds a load of towels sometimes

combo52's profile picture
No harm done just use less detergent on future loads.

All top load and front load washers have a vent where suds can escape internally in the machine. No reason to take the machine apart. Nothing is harmed.


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