Thread Number: 92040
/ Tag: Modern Automatic Washers
Fisher&Paykel AquaSmart tips for lightweight synthetic loads. |
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Post# 1165949   12/7/2022 at 15:07 (774 days old) by MaytagNeptune (FireAlarmTechGuy4444 on YouTube. Interlochen MI)   |   | |
How do I get this machine to wash a load of lightweight synthetics? This machine hates them. I tried everything I could think of. Mixing light and heavy stuff, Sheets and Bulky Cycles. Only thing I found successful is putting the conventional Agitator from the IWL12 into the AquaSmart and only filling it 3/4 full and selecting the sheets cycle. The main thing it struggles with is my Mom's Scrubs. I put them in there and load it properly. but when it starts to agitate no matter on HE or Conventional. The turnover is too slow or the scrub sleeves and legs get all tangled up and balled up over the Impeller. I tried these cycles. Heavy, Easy Iron, Regular, Sheets, Bulky and Whites, All of the cycles on both HE and Conventional if the option was selectable. This machine does great with Heavy loads, Towels, Comforters and Blankets but really struggles with Scrubs and other very lightweight clothing. I get great results if I put a load of a bunch of heavy stuff in if I loosely load it to the top of the basket. Same with Towels. For lightweight fabrics. I only get acceptable results so It's just barely clean enough where it can be worn. It's freshened up and most of the soil is gone but I know this machine can do better because it does great if I fully load it with towels and other heavy items. For Jeans and other stiff items. I only put 4-6 pairs in at a time.
Post# 1165951 , Reply# 1   12/7/2022 at 15:48 (774 days old) by ryner1988 (Indianapolis)   |   | |
Post# 1166217 , Reply# 2   12/10/2022 at 19:21 (770 days old) by DADoES (TX, U.S. of A.)   |   | |
I don't have much to wash that matches the items of your problem. Maybe synthetic or cotton-blend shirts. I've never noticed a problem with them. Suggest to avoid Sheets and the Bulky cycles, too much water causes floating of the items. Tomato and Chocolate run a conventional wash with short soak (30 mins?). Slightly higher temps, 56°C for Eco Active, 50°C to HE level, tap-cold to deep level. Maybe add the Soak option to Regular or Heavy but manually shorten (abort it with Back) after less than the full 2 hrs which will continue the wash agitation. |