Thread Number: 92056  /  Tag: Modern Automatic Washers
Impeller agitator washers or whatever they are called
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Post# 1166083   12/9/2022 at 15:52 (794 days old) by bpetersxx (laf in on the banks of the Wabash River)        

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a link that explains the question i have

I am trying to get a clue to what happened in the link explanation

I am 59 and a few months old and have used what we call vintage washer for 40+years

This never happened in them at all

My other Haier and Danby washers do not do this

I guess I over soap the machine

I'll post about my other ones as needed as they have a story to them as well

Post# 1166205 , Reply# 1   12/10/2022 at 16:37 (793 days old) by Launderess (Quiet Please, There´s a Lady on Stage)        

launderess's profile picture
Believe you answered your own query in original thread.

Excess froth couldn't clear washer at spin or rinse cycles, so it had to go "somewhere", and there it remained until next time you tried extraction.

If there is froth in hoses, sump or elsewhere beyond wash tub nothing you put in latter will reach it at once. So froth will sit until it either dies down on its own, or whatever anti-foaming agent used in tub reaches it and goes to work.

Terry cloth items are known for whipping up froth at extraction even when wash or rinse water was nearly clear. It's just what terry cloth does.

Modern front loaders and maybe some "HE" tops have systems to flush out excess froth when machine detects that issue. Usually it involves alternating on and off pump cycles. Some will add water in between on/off of pump to aid in flushing out froth.

Post# 1166486 , Reply# 2   12/13/2022 at 14:22 (790 days old) by bpetersxx (laf in on the banks of the Wabash River)        

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I think that is exactly what happened

Very think cloth terry bath towels that i have had for years

This machine does not drain the spun out water from the load very well

It drains the tub rather fast but lags when it tries to pump out the spun out water

I hear it spraying and sloshing in the outer tub

I cycle the washer off and on and that clears the water so it can extract the water better

These impeller washers are new to me I'm 59 and a few months old and only used top load agitator washers

Post# 1166493 , Reply# 3   12/13/2022 at 17:56 (790 days old) by appnut (TX)        

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I have to say my LG front loader (alightly over a year old) does a very good job with my large towel loads. Onve it gets to the point where it's spinnning a reasonable amount of water or sudsy water, at some point, it will slow down the spinning or stop spinning all together and pump out the water/suds before starting up again. It usually manages to work itself through until enough of the excess water from 20 sets of towels is removed and it can spin "normally".

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