Thread Number: 92081  /  Tag: Modern Automatic Washers
Is this SQ worth buying?
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Post# 1166331   12/11/2022 at 17:14 (700 days old) by Chester (Delaware)        

I have a chance to buy a never been used Speed Queen Commercial washer, LWN3NSP101NW22,for $250. Cosmetically, it's definitely scratch and dent, but it's in my basement so that doesn't matter.

Is it worth buying? I'm not sure if this washer was a washer with the design change that nobody liked,before they switched back.

I have to decide by tommorow so any opinions would be helpful. Thanks

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Post# 1166335 , Reply# 1   12/11/2022 at 17:49 (700 days old) by chetlaham (United States)        
Yes! Absolutely!

chetlaham's profile picture
The best modern washer money you can buy, and one of the best washers ever made over all. I know because I own a Speed Queen. I love it! I love how clean it gets things, the gracious sounds, the luxury performance, reasonably gentle, a true hand-wash cycle, fast cycle times and good rinsing.

Down side is this model does not fill with the lid open and has no water level selector. But if you're washing full loads, by all means this machine is for you.

If not, you could always swap the control panel for one with a water level selector:

Post# 1166338 , Reply# 2   12/11/2022 at 18:00 (700 days old) by panasonicvac (Northern Utah)        

panasonicvac's profile picture
Totally worth buying, that is a $1,000+ commercial washer and it uses a classic wash action that is mechanical unlike today's residential Speed Queens where they're all electronic.

Post# 1166346 , Reply# 3   12/11/2022 at 18:29 (700 days old) by ryner1988 (Indianapolis)        
I say yes

ryner1988's profile picture
I think you should get the machine. Speed Queen is one of the only options I would consider if I had to get a new washer, aside from maybe LG and in that brand I would only consider the front load model with turbo wash. Speed Queen makes great machines in both top and front load configuration so I don't think you could really go wrong with this model.

Post# 1166390 , Reply# 4   12/12/2022 at 07:47 (700 days old) by huebschman (Quebec, CA)        
Go for it!!!

For $250!!! Even with the lack of water control I would get it and have it stored until my Heubsch ZWN432 gives in or for the spare parts.

For cryin' out loud go for it!!!

Can you tell us where you got this deal?

Post# 1166430 , Reply# 5   12/12/2022 at 18:45 (699 days old) by GELaundry4ever (Nacogdoches, TX, USA)        
Hurry up!

Hurry up and buy it!

Post# 1166480 , Reply# 6   12/13/2022 at 13:44 (698 days old) by BlockEight88 (Northwest, IN)        

blockeight88's profile picture
Could the TC5000WN's control panel be swapped out for the 2017 version?

Post# 1166491 , Reply# 7   12/13/2022 at 16:05 (698 days old) by ryner1988 (Indianapolis)        
Reply #6

ryner1988's profile picture
I don't think that can happen because the TC 5 is an electronic machine. Even though it's mostly a dial configuration, there is a control board behind the knobs as well as a board that controls the transmission. On the 2017 model, a mechanical timer essentially tells the transmission when to engage/disengage different parts of the cycle. So I do not think they are interchangeable.

Post# 1166492 , Reply# 8   12/13/2022 at 16:26 (698 days old) by BlockEight88 (Northwest, IN)        
Reply 7

blockeight88's profile picture
Yeah, I figured. Oh well. TC 5 still a great machine.

Post# 1166500 , Reply# 9   12/13/2022 at 20:31 (698 days old) by combo52 (50 Year Repair Tech Beltsville,Md)        
Reply number six

combo52's profile picture
Can you swap out the control panel etc. from a TC5 and put the earlier mechanical controls on a TC five?

YES you may need the entire wiring harness but the machines mechanically are exactly the same so you could find an old worn out even 15 or 20 year old Speed Queen mechanically controlled washer and put the control panel and wiring harness on a TC five it would plug right in.

The motor etc. is all exactly the same as the older machines with mechanical timers.


Post# 1166503 , Reply# 10   12/13/2022 at 21:08 (698 days old) by ryner1988 (Indianapolis)        
Reply #9

ryner1988's profile picture
Interesting, I would not have thought that could be done because the transmission on the TC5 also has a control board, or so I figured.

Guess you learn something new every day.

This is why I like this site so well, so informative. Even though I'll likely never be able to work on washers myself, the wealth of knowledge here is fascinating.

Post# 1166533 , Reply# 11   12/14/2022 at 08:21 (698 days old) by BlockEight88 (Northwest, IN)        

blockeight88's profile picture
According to someone on YouTube who just purchased a TC5003 with the matching dryer, SQ has designed the lid switch to throw an error code if it doesn't detect and opening. Here is what he said:

This method DOES NOT work on new machines purchased on or after June 2022 anymore. After doing 4 loads with the lid switch bypassed and the Machine does not see the lid being opened, it will error out and if you call speed Queen for service and they find out you have bypassed it, THEY WILL VOID YOUR WARRANTY.

Post# 1166534 , Reply# 12   12/14/2022 at 08:39 (698 days old) by DADoES (TX, U.S. of A.)        

dadoes's profile picture
TC5 or earlier transmission-type models, the electronic control or timer operates the motor which is electrical, not the transmission which is mechanical.

Regards to TC5 and Reply 11 ... perhaps disconnecting/reconnecting the power resets the lid switch status?

Post# 1166536 , Reply# 13   12/14/2022 at 09:33 (697 days old) by BlockEight88 (Northwest, IN)        
Reply 12

blockeight88's profile picture
It does, but my point was is that they just started doing that. You wouldn't have to unplug it before with the lid switch bypassed. It's ridiculous.

Post# 1166540 , Reply# 14   12/14/2022 at 10:21 (697 days old) by combo52 (50 Year Repair Tech Beltsville,Md)        

combo52's profile picture
Ever since the TC top load models came out a few years ago you have not been able to bypass the lid switch because of the electronic control on this model. This is not a new design change. You can always just wire in a toggle switch on the back of the control panel so that you can watch the machine and keep the computer. Happy, I did this on my Calypso, which is 20 years old so that I can watch the machine.

Bypassing a lid switch, etc. will not void the warranty automatically. Warranty Work is done by independent contractors for Speed Queen they would have to demonstrate that you damaged the machine so if you bypass the lid switch and it has a bad water pump, the replacement water pump would still be covered.


Post# 1166543 , Reply# 15   12/14/2022 at 11:07 (697 days old) by BlockEight88 (Northwest, IN)        

blockeight88's profile picture
I have had my TC5 (TC5000WN) model bypassed since day 1 without any issues. I just use a clothespin on the lid switch.

Post# 1166602 , Reply# 16   12/15/2022 at 00:20 (697 days old) by panasonicvac (Northern Utah)        

panasonicvac's profile picture
I'd always bypass the lid switch on my Kenmore and even my parent's old GE top loader as well, no issues whatsoever. Never bypassed the lid switch on any of the Speed Queens that I've used before but I'd assume I also wouldn't have any issues if I were to get a TC5 or any old school SQ top loader. I did thought about getting a TC5 but now I'm leaning towards on getting a FF7 because as a consumer, I'd be better off with one of those instead. At least for a primary washer since I'd love to have a top loader as my secondary washer or something I'd use once in a while. We'll see though.

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