Thread Number: 92098  /  Tag: Modern Automatic Washers
yeah another Haier post story but good
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Post# 1166547   12/14/2022 at 11:52 (590 days old) by bpetersxx (laf in on the banks of the Wabash River)        

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This is about my Haier xqb60-91bf top load impeller washer

This one was used and abused to an extent

It came from Ebay

Did the normal checks on it and it spun weird

I checked the bottom and found the bolts the hold the guts tight were very loose

That caused another problem the inner tub wore a hole in the outer tub at the top of the outer tub where the tub ring is
That caused it to leak if you used max water level the water would slosh out the hole in the top

So I tightened the bolts and caulked the hole in the outer tub

now it runs like it should

washes great does not suds-lock drains great because I had to put a gray generic hose on it water gushes out when draining

But I think it may be aggressive on washing because the lint filter clogs and it squirts around the connection to the top of the inner tub

I have to scrape the lint out

maybe some of the fine members here can shed light on this

Oh it has a waterfall washing action as well

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