Thread Number: 92106  /  Tag: Modern Automatic Washers
Looking for dual action agitator
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Post# 1166627   12/15/2022 at 12:40 (788 days old) by ryner1988 (Indianapolis)        

ryner1988's profile picture
Good afternoon,

Where can I find a dual action auger agitator for my WP DD washer? It is one of the more entry level models so it has the two-piece surgilator, straight-vein agitators in it. It does however have a 3.2 cu. ft. tub so I know a DAA would fit and I like the wash action of the DAA better over all. However, I can't tell which agitators are the DAA's just by searching online. So a point in the right direction would be great.



Post# 1166631 , Reply# 1   12/15/2022 at 13:31 (788 days old) by coldspot66 (Plymouth, Mass)        

Several part #'s....3951744 is the Whirlpool version. Better still is the Kenmore version....auger corkscrew section is angled/pitched lower for more rollover. I do have a used Whirlpool version. kenmore part # is 285727.

Post# 1166644 , Reply# 2   12/15/2022 at 15:58 (788 days old) by ryner1988 (Indianapolis)        
Thanks @coldspot66

ryner1988's profile picture
I think I'll likely order the Kenmore version.

Is the agitator bolt the same as in my two-piece surgilator or will I need a new one of those as well?

Post# 1166652 , Reply# 3   12/15/2022 at 17:23 (788 days old) by coldspot66 (Plymouth, Mass)        

The bolt should be the same.

Post# 1166785 , Reply# 4   12/16/2022 at 17:38 (787 days old) by ryner1988 (Indianapolis)        
Kenmore agitator ordered

ryner1988's profile picture
Says it should be here Tuesday. I also ordered a new bolt because I figured the other one was probably rusty since I think the agitator in the machine is original. Figured it wouldn't hurt to just replace the whole thing.

My brother-in-law is going to help me fix the neutral drain on the washer as well so also bought a refurbed transmission as well as new commercial-grade clutch and coupler. There's nothing wrong with the coupler as far as I know but I'm not sure how old it is so thought we'd just replace it while the machine is apart.

Family will be in town over Christmas so I think repairs should take place around that time.

Merry Christmas to me? I guess? LOL

Post# 1167886 , Reply# 5   12/30/2022 at 18:13 (773 days old) by maytaga806 (Howell, Michigan)        

I’m confused by when you said it’s a two piece agitator with straight vanes? If it’s a Whirlpool model with an original Whirlpool agitator then the Kenmore auger won’t fit on the lower piece post because the Kenmore agitators had a longer post for the auger to sit on, VS the Whirlpool model agitators like mine in the photo. If it has a shorter post like mine does it will require a Whirlpool model auger with the thin or thicker fins around it.

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