Thread Number: 92207  /  Tag: Modern Automatic Washers
Fisher&Paykel Conventional Pumps are JUNK
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Post# 1167820   12/29/2022 at 16:19 (629 days old) by MaytagNeptune (FireAlarmTechGuy4444 on YouTube. Interlochen MI)        

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I love my Fisher&Paykel IWL12 but I really hate these pumps that it uses. I really wish F&P could create a Smart Pump retrofit kit which would include the Smart pump assembly. An Adapter to mount it to the existing tub and to replace the diverter with the system the Smart Pump uses. Along with a 3-Phase Motor Control unit. The Smart pump I have yet to see one fail. The AquaSmart that Glenn got from Kirk Rivas had a weak pump but it still worked well enough IMO. The Conventional pumps seem to ruin the seal and then moisture gets in and ruins them. If the machine is in tough conditions it also seems that moisture gets in and ruins the pump. I found the upgraded Italian Pump on a machine at the scrap yard and freed it up then it jammed again after 3 loads. The Selni Pumps are a total joke and once they eat through their seal, Moisture gets in, ruins the pump and the pump draws too much current and either blows the fuse (later models IWL16,GWL15,WA series) Or blows up the Motor control board (GWL11, IWL12, IWL15) unless the fuse kit was retrofitted in. A fix I could think of is modifying the pump unit from a WCI Frigidaire washer or a junky 2000's plastic tub "Chug Chug" GE washer by cutting off the housing and modifying the bracket on the IWL12 to retrofit the Frigidaire Pump and then tighten the screws to clamp it down and create a seal. The F&P Pump and Frigidaire Pump are the same electrically.

Post# 1167847 , Reply# 1   12/29/2022 at 23:31 (628 days old) by gizmo (Victoria, Australia)        

I agree these pump failures seem to be the main thing that finally kills older F&P washers.

In Australia the original (Selni?? not sure) pumps with a rubber shaft seal are NLA and the machines are generally being scrapped if the pump fails. The machines with pump shaft seal are pretty old by now any way.


The newer pumps are a sealed assembly, no shaft seal, and they seem to be OK from my perspective. Maybe a bit prone to getting clagged up after high mileage? From vague memory there is one older model that load senses the pump to decide when to spin, the newer, more efficient pumps don't draw enough load and confuse the load sensing?? I've read this before but I don't know how accurate that statement is.


Once the sealed, permanent magnet pumps play up, in my experience freeing them up doesn't work long term. The plastic/nylon bearings wear when grit gets in, once the bearings are sloppy it tends to jam up regularly. Replacement pump is the fix, not freeing up a jammed pump.

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