Thread Number: 92402  /  Tag: Modern Automatic Washers
Whirlpool direct drive washer leaking into tub
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Post# 1170159   1/23/2023 at 12:53 (606 days old) by ryner1988 (Indianapolis)        

ryner1988's profile picture
My Whirlpool direct drive washer is having what I would consider to be a very minor issue. There's a slow drip of water into the tub from the back of the machine, only lasts a few hours after a cycle is run, and by the next day it's completely gone and the tub is dry.

I'm willing to bet my pet cat that it's the water inlet valve, but just want to verify that here before I order the part and have my bro-in-law come back to do the replacement. He is absolutely fine with helping me keep my older W/D running, but he lives in Columbus, three hours from me, and so we have to coordinate schedules and such for him to come do repairs. So just want to be pretty sure. It obviously wasn't doing this when we replaced the clutch, gearcase, and coupler, or we would have looked into this at that time.



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