Thread Number: 92954  /  Tag: Modern Automatic Washers
New/Old Kenmore = happy washing
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Post# 1175315   3/20/2023 at 15:06 (494 days old) by lovestowash (St. Petersburg, FL)        

lovestowash's profile picture
Had the new generation Whirlpool Front Loader, then switched to a Whirlpool Agitator Top Loader. Now have a Series 80 Kenmore. Just like to know the mfg date.

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Post# 1175316 , Reply# 1   3/20/2023 at 15:19 (494 days old) by Repairguy (Danbury, Texas)        

repairguy's profile picture
Your Kenmore washer was built the 13th week of 1997.

Post# 1175318 , Reply# 2   3/20/2023 at 15:34 (494 days old) by JustJunque (Western MA)        

justjunque's profile picture
I don't know what it is about that style Kenmore, but I just love them.
If/when we finally have to replace our current washer, a Kenmore, with exactly the same features as this one, would be at the top of my wish list.
Of course, I feel the same way about center dial Maytags. But, for something that would be a "daily driver", the Kenmore would probably be more practical.
Just out of curiosity; what features would a 90 Series have over this 80 Series?

Post# 1175333 , Reply# 3   3/20/2023 at 16:52 (494 days old) by appnut (TX)        

appnut's profile picture
OOOHH George, congratulations. I know this will make you much happier.

Post# 1175344 , Reply# 4   3/20/2023 at 18:31 (494 days old) by IIIJohnnyMacIII (North Carolina)        
Very Nice!!

iiijohnnymaciii's profile picture
A four knobber! Great find!

Post# 1175397 , Reply# 5   3/21/2023 at 07:29 (493 days old) by lovestowash (St. Petersburg, FL)        
Series 90

lovestowash's profile picture
I had the Series 90 back in Atlanta, and one difference over the 80 was the speeds. The Delicate was Ex Slow/Slow, and there was a Handwash which was Ex Slow Intermittent/Slow.

Post# 1185236 , Reply# 6   7/19/2023 at 02:48 (373 days old) by professorg (Los Angeles)        
Kenmore Elite Large Timer Control Knob

That photo of your Kenmore Agitator Top Loader has the same Rt. hand large time selector Knob as my Kenmore Elite 110.24992300. I'm trying to desperately find
a replacement for the Knob which broke off. Very hard to find. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Everything else on this tank of a machine still works perfectly since the day I bought it new.

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Post# 1185325 , Reply# 7   7/20/2023 at 06:33 (372 days old) by combo52 (50 Year Repair Tech Beltsville,Md)        
Reply number six broken knob

combo52's profile picture
Take the black plastic piece off you have to open up the control panel to release it follow the instructions on the timer as to how to release what is left of the knob, then epoxy the two parts back together and reinstall the knob. You should be good to go.

We see this happen from time to time. It’s a pretty easy fix.


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