Thread Number: 93980  /  Tag: Vintage Automatic Washers
Maytag Frankenstein modified washer
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Post# 1186478   8/1/2023 at 05:39 (560 days old) by Adam-aussie-vac (Canberra ACT)        

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Hey guys I’m just curious does anybody know the guy named Bob who modify that vintage Maytag washer and put a whirlpool surgulater in it? As I’m actually kinda curious what he did to make the two agitators fit together

Post# 1186491 , Reply# 1   8/1/2023 at 10:09 (560 days old) by Unimatic1140 (Minneapolis)        

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I did that a different way, I put an Easy Spiralator agitator in and also used a spare Whirlpool agitator shaft and cut it to the proper length to put a Super-Surgilator agitator in the Maytag. Then I attached it to the Maytag transmission spline by using a shaft connector...

See this post for the full story...


Post# 1186567 , Reply# 2   8/2/2023 at 01:15 (559 days old) by scrubflex (bronx, new york)        

Hi Robert, what exactly did you do to figure out how to cut the agitator shaft to the proper length? You had to make sure the space between the agitator and the bottom of the washtub was precise.

Post# 1186577 , Reply# 3   8/2/2023 at 07:26 (559 days old) by Unimatic1140 (Minneapolis)        

unimatic1140's profile picture
what exactly did you do to figure out how to cut the agitator shaft to the proper length? You had to make sure the space between the agitator and the bottom of the washtub was precise.

Not exactly as you can move the shaft coupler up and down on the Maytag agitator drive splines before tightening the set screw.

Post# 1186744 , Reply# 4   8/3/2023 at 17:10 (558 days old) by scrubflex (bronx, new york)        

Well, when you first cut the shaft, how did you figure/estimate what length you be able to use?

Post# 1186757 , Reply# 5   8/3/2023 at 20:02 (557 days old) by Unimatic1140 (Minneapolis)        
If I remember correctly...

unimatic1140's profile picture
Well, when you first cut the shaft, how did you figure/estimate what length you be able to use?

I installed the shaft coupler on the spline and I put the new agitator in the tub and let it rest on the tub bottom. Next I took a rigid metal tape measure and fed the tape down the center of the agitator until the tape reached the top of the Maytag transmission splines. I measured from the top of the agitator to the top of the splines.

Post# 1186780 , Reply# 6   8/3/2023 at 23:34 (557 days old) by scrubflex (bronx, new york)        

I APPRECIATE YOU SO MUCH Robert!!! Thank you so much!!! So much more difficult trying to figure it all out without the agitator. I wanted to use the Kelvinator Ten Vane 'angel-wing' but, it's too tall. I can use Westinghouse's Spiral Ramp agitator. I would love the 1968 Spiral 'high vane' Ramp agitator or the 1970's upgraded style with the 3 vertical 'rib vanes' at the bottom ramp vane edge. Thank you once again.

Post# 1187454 , Reply# 7   8/12/2023 at 18:53 (549 days old) by scrubflex (bronx, new york)        

Hey Robert, being that the shaft coupler is attached and tightened partially to the Maytag transmission splines and the agitator shaft, how can you protect the lower portion of the transmission splines from rusting?

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