Thread Number: 94019  /  Tag: Modern Automatic Washers
Fabric Stripping: Amazing results with STPP and the Miele
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Post# 1186950   8/5/2023 at 21:41 (355 days old) by Labboy (SD, CA)        

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So, I’ve had two sets of flannel sheets that always retained a hint of odor with previous washing machine (LG FL with heater). We could never figure out what the issue was but no matter what I did, they always would smell after they had been stored in this closet. I liked these sheets and my workaround was to wash them
again before using them.

I decided to wash them in the Miele and do a stripping with STPP only. I used 2 TBSP of STPP which I thought was appropriate considering our hard water and the fill level. I used the Proofing cycle which is a single fill at 40C/tumble/drain/spin lasting 38 minutes in total. I was amazed at the amount of suds that were generated during this process. The picture was taken at about 30 minutes cycle time remaining.

After finishing that cycle, I ran them through a sanitize cycle with 2 TBSP STPP and 1 TBSP of Tide with Bleach.

Result: Odor is gone immediately after drying as well as staying fresh after 2 weeks of storage. Never could do that before in the LG.

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Post# 1186961 , Reply# 1   8/6/2023 at 06:06 (355 days old) by retro-man (- boston,ma)        

Just a question, could you have not done the same process in the LG and had the same results?


Post# 1186963 , Reply# 2   8/6/2023 at 07:51 (355 days old) by Labboy (SD, CA)        

labboy's profile picture
At one point, I had tried that in the LG with no success. I’m not sure why it works better in the Miele.


Post# 1186967 , Reply# 3   8/6/2023 at 08:28 (355 days old) by lakewebsterkid (Dayton, Ohio)        

Out of curiosity, what cycle did you use the most on the LG? Did you leave TurboWash on?

Post# 1187065 , Reply# 4   8/7/2023 at 17:16 (354 days old) by labboy (SD, CA)        

labboy's profile picture
Our LG did not have TurboWash. We used Sanitary/Sanitize quite a bit. We also used the Normal cycle. Everything always had at least one extra rinse selected.

Post# 1187978 , Reply# 5   8/19/2023 at 16:22 (342 days old) by lakewebsterkid (Dayton, Ohio)        

Just now seeing this.
I highly recommend using the Sanitary cycle because of the 3 rinses with higher water level, but also fairly strong interim spins. I am kinda shocked by the amount of detergent left in the clothes. However, the Normal cycle with TurboWash on leaves a lot to be desired IMHO.

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