Thread Number: 94067  /  Tag: Vintage Dryers
Dryer Vent DRAMA
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Post# 1187507   8/13/2023 at 14:29 (348 days old) by bradfordwhite (central U.S.)        

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This post is really intended for those people who might be having a problem and have dropped by Automatic Washer land for support.

Often overlooked and ignored the dryer vent system ....
has proven to be a source of fires and frustration at it's worst....
but also a source of comedy.

Components affected:
1. dryer ducting,
2. the ducting length,
3. the ducting hood and possible screen,
4. and the location of the duct exit to the outdoors.

If any of these areas are compromised, your dryer isn't going to work correctly.

First with the suggestions and hopes that you have a safe install.
The experts have determined that the best/worst type of ducting materials are as shown.
In the worst category one can also add things like PVE pipe, old clay pipes and any thing other than what's shown below.

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Post# 1187509 , Reply# 1   8/13/2023 at 14:40 (348 days old) by bradfordwhite (central U.S.)        

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The realities of ducting often include ducts that are:

infested with birds, mice, bees
disconnected and venting someplace in the home
dangerous types
too long
or there is no duct at all.

Any of these issues can create a dangerous situation and prevent ones dryer from working correctly.

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Post# 1187513 , Reply# 2   8/13/2023 at 15:08 (348 days old) by bradfordwhite (central U.S.)        

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Here a cheap vynil flex duct has come detached from the metal pipe coming down from the floor above.  Now all that combustible lint and humidity is accumulating inside the house.

Beside creating a fire risk, it puts the humidity in the house making it uncomfortable and during the summer causing the air conditioner to run more.

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Post# 1187520 , Reply# 3   8/13/2023 at 15:34 (348 days old) by bradfordwhite (central U.S.)        
Attic non-terminated

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This dryer was never terminated to the outdoors.

All that gray is lint build up from YEARs of dryer use. Look at the mold on the plywood roof and truss chords. The plywood is even delaminating from the abuse.

It's a fire hazard, a moisture issue, and all that moisture ruins the insulation making the house less efficient.

The thing about this is the dryer probably worked fine all that time so the homeowner didn't notice a problem with the dryer.

What a person needs to do when installing their dryer is question where is the duct terminating. When the dryer is connected to it, test it when it's on to see that in fact air is venting out.
If you can't find the termination point or nothing is venting out, you know you have a problem that needs immediate attention.

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Post# 1187588 , Reply# 4   8/14/2023 at 19:28 (347 days old) by bpetersxx (laf in on the banks of the Wabash River)        

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I'll add my 2 cents

the Maytag DE808 harvest gold dryer has the OK semi-rigid vent but it is just 2 curves and no straight run

The DG606 had the ok semi-rigid vent but it was a pain because it kept falling off

The DG 608 has the yes rigid metal type of vent 2 elbows and about 10 feet of straight pipe

Dryers are against a outside wall

Post# 1187592 , Reply# 5   8/14/2023 at 19:53 (347 days old) by DADoES (TX, U.S. of A.)        

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Straight through the wall.  The dryer's blower wheel is directly at its exhaust port, I can reach through the hood and turn it.  The wall port is too close to the corner, have to set the dryer at an angle to avoid obstructing the connecting duct.  The washer is also at an angle to match, plenty room for the arrangement.

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Post# 1187596 , Reply# 6   8/14/2023 at 20:23 (347 days old) by bradfordwhite (central U.S.)        

bradfordwhite's profile picture
Having a direct vent through an outside wall is ideal isn't it.

Given that it's such a short run it can afford to be offset like that so it can be parallel to the wall. Just pull it out a few inches. It looks like you have that quick disconnect fitting on the wall. Good choice.

Since yours appear to be going the 10 feet, you can afford to have a few 90 deg. in there.

I think they say for every 90 deg turn one should deduct 5' from the allowable length. If I remember right they usually suggest nothing longer than 25' so you should be good with no problems.

Post# 1187598 , Reply# 7   8/14/2023 at 20:32 (347 days old) by bradfordwhite (central U.S.)        

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Notice how restricted the termination hood is.
They tried to protect it from rodents but in the process allowed a point where lint can accumulate.
Either way, the duct is restricted because it does not have a proper above grade hole in the building instead of being jammed through a crawlspace vent in the foundation.

Post# 1187599 , Reply# 8   8/14/2023 at 20:38 (347 days old) by bradfordwhite (central U.S.)        
Dryer Dock - quick disconnect

bradfordwhite's profile picture
One of the unique assemblies created recently to help make removing ducting very easy to clean.

CLICK HERE TO GO TO bradfordwhite's LINK

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Post# 1187612 , Reply# 9   8/14/2023 at 23:55 (347 days old) by Stan (Napa CA)        
This may be another issue?

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It’s easy enough to check the exit point of a dryer vent to see/feel air coming tools required.
But here’s a spot that might cause trouble. Most people don’t disassemble and clean this duct.
And if clogged..Id guess would interfere with performance.
Then there’s the lint that can get under the drum near the electric motor. Requires further disassembly to clean out.

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