Thread Number: 94151  /  Tag: Modern Dishwashers
Darn dishwash sump hose leak
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Post# 1188406   8/24/2023 at 15:10 (560 days old) by petek (Ontari ari ari O )        

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Oh they joy of going downstairs and hearing a drip drip drip of water falling on some of stuff in the rekroom underneath of where the dishwasher is situated. And reminiscent of when the previous Kitchenaid sprung a leak in its pump and did some damage down there.

Anyways I pulled the Bosch out and found a pinhole of a pinhole sized leak in the sump drain hose so it had probably been squirting out for a few days to have made its way through the subfloor to be dripping down there.. It's that ribbed transclucent plastic pipe. Damn why can't they use more sturdy stuff. Got the mess cleaned up and ordered the part from Reliable. I hope I get it by next week. Why don't I have any luck with dishwashers.. seems every 5 years something goes wrong.. I'm flummoxed as to why it sprung a leak in the first place, not like the hose is moving or rubbing against anything,,probably just degradation.. Anyone else ever have this problem

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