Thread Number: 94152  /  Tag: Modern Dryers
5 year old GE dryer catching clothes
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Post# 1188412   8/24/2023 at 16:08 (424 days old) by yuccadew ( US / East Coast )        

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Does anyone know what to do about a 5 year old GE dryer that’s catching clothes? Towards the front top, above the light, there’s this metal piece sticking out (circled), and the clothes are catching right in that groove.

At first it was mostly draw strings from pants getting stuck there. Lately it’s also been dryer sheets and microfiber cloths. I have no idea what to do. On some other forums some ideas were to file that metal piece down, but I think there’s a gap there that catching the clothes, it’s not catching on the metal piece itself:

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Post# 1188434 , Reply# 1   8/24/2023 at 20:41 (424 days old) by Repairguy (Danbury, Texas)        

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That is one of the top drum glides that has come out of place possibly because it is broken. It is not supposed to be in that position. Depending on how long it has been this way will determine what all will need to be replaced. The dryer will need to be taken apart to determine the amount of damage.

Post# 1188438 , Reply# 2   8/24/2023 at 22:00 (424 days old) by yuccadew ( US / East Coast )        

yuccadew's profile picture
Thank you for the info, Repairguy. I should also mention that sometimes the clothes get stuck up top on this side, but this side doesn’t have that metal piece. Right in the middle where the 2 areas meet:

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Post# 1188440 , Reply# 3   8/24/2023 at 23:33 (424 days old) by Repairguy (Danbury, Texas)        

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You probably need to replace that plastic front bearing along with the 4 drum glides.

Post# 1188469 , Reply# 4   8/25/2023 at 06:24 (424 days old) by yuccadew ( US / East Coast )        

yuccadew's profile picture
Thank you!

Post# 1188470 , Reply# 5   8/25/2023 at 06:26 (424 days old) by combo52 (50 Year Repair Tech Beltsville,Md)        
Newer GE dryer, catching clothing

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The front of the dryer needs to be taken off and inspected. The parts are relatively cheap to fix this, how much use has this dryer had ?

This could be kind of a fluke, or if the dryer is heavily used. It’s pretty typical GE dryer is do not stand up to hard use very well, if lightly used for just a few loads a week they do fairly well

Post# 1188483 , Reply# 6   8/25/2023 at 11:45 (423 days old) by yuccadew ( US / East Coast )        

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Hi John- the dryer has been used about once a day, on average. Purchased new in 2018. It’s been happening with the drawstring from pants, randomly, since we got it, so I don’t think it’s a usage/age problem. From what I’ve read on other forums from people with the same issue, it seems to be some kind of design flaw with that gap in there (on both sides) catching the clothes.

Post# 1188542 , Reply# 7   8/26/2023 at 08:09 (423 days old) by combo52 (50 Year Repair Tech Beltsville,Md)        
2018 GE dryer catching clothing

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Hi, it’s not a problem we’ve ever seen unless something was wrong it’s possible if it’s been doing it from the beginning that the dryer suffered shipping damage and something is bent or out of alignment.

These are very flimsy dryers, and I have seen some that were handled, roughly and sometimes the drum was compressed a bit front to back, sometimes the cabinets distorted but I guess if it’s been doing it since it was new you’re just gonna have to live with it unless you want to try to fix it might not be easy to fix if the cabinet or drum is bent.

I would still take it apart. If it concerns you and see if the front drum bearing and support is damaged it could be cracked or broken from rough handling and replace the parts.


Post# 1188549 , Reply# 8   8/26/2023 at 10:38 (423 days old) by yuccadew ( US / East Coast )        

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Yeah I’m thinking I might just have to live with it, maybe tie the drawstrings together and put pants in there inside out. The times it happened with the dryer sheet and cloth, the dryer was pretty full (a comforter; full load of towels), and I think that made it worse. So far (knock on wood), it hasn’t trapped clothes. Not sure if it’s worth the effort to fix it for a $600 dryer.

Thanks again.

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