Thread Number: 94204  /  Tag: Vintage Automatic Washers
Frigidaire washer and Roper range
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Post# 1189010   8/31/2023 at 19:41 (330 days old) by Robbinsandmyers (Conn)        

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A friend showed an old house today and sent me these pics. What would be the age of the washer and range? I wouldn’t mind the range for myself but would pass the washer onto any interested parties here. I don’t even know if they work or what they’re worth.

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Post# 1189014 , Reply# 1   8/31/2023 at 20:43 (330 days old) by qsd-dan (West)        

qsd-dan's profile picture

That's gotta be a club member of some sorts. There's not very many Unimatics still pulsating out there in the wild anymore.

Post# 1189015 , Reply# 2   8/31/2023 at 21:04 (330 days old) by Launderess (Quiet Please, There´s a Lady on Stage)        

launderess's profile picture
What you've got a hold of there is a highly desirable 1950's Frigidaire "Unimatic" washer.

A few members have this machine and matching condenser (Filtrator) dryer is up on fleaPay atm.

If you are being offered washer I'd say nab it; someone will most surely buy it off you if don't want or need.

Post# 1189020 , Reply# 3   8/31/2023 at 22:22 (330 days old) by bajaespuma (Connecticut)        
I'm interested in the washer

bajaespuma's profile picture

If this is in Connecticut, I'd appreciate an opportunity to see it and make an offer.

Post# 1189031 , Reply# 4   8/31/2023 at 23:49 (330 days old) by robbinsandmyers (Conn)        
Reply #3

robbinsandmyers's profile picture
It is. I'll deff give you first shot at it if I get them. Im assuming the new owners will want it all gone so they can install a nice new LG washer and radiant electrice stove that will both be dead in several years

Post# 1189034 , Reply# 5   9/1/2023 at 00:58 (329 days old) by Maytag85 (Sean A806)        

maytag85's profile picture
I wish I had a Frigidaire Unimatic but Maytag seemed to be the most popular out here along with Whirlpool and Kenmore back in the day. However, I can’t really complain with what I have in my small fleet of machines.

Post# 1189047 , Reply# 6   9/1/2023 at 05:31 (329 days old) by angus (Fairfield, CT.)        

My collecting days are over but am curious if and where these items are in Connecticut.

Post# 1189051 , Reply# 7   9/1/2023 at 08:21 (329 days old) by Unimatic1140 (Minneapolis)        

unimatic1140's profile picture
That is a Frigidaire WO-65-2 made from 1952 thru 1954. You will never find a better washer to wash towels. The pulsating, superb rinsing and 1140rpm rapid-dry spin water extraction makes towels so much softer and plusher than any other kind of washer.

Post# 1189086 , Reply# 8   9/1/2023 at 14:13 (329 days old) by Gyrafoam (Wytheville, VA)        
Test it out first!

If it wants to spin while pulsating in the wash or rinse cycle you are going to need a (hard to find) Torque-Spring or you will be dead in the water.
Also make sure she is "sea-worthy" because split bellows can lead to a lot of trouble in the mechanism.
Whomever has these appliances has certainly kept them pristine in appearance.
Those old O & M gas stoves are great!

Post# 1189088 , Reply# 9   9/1/2023 at 14:25 (329 days old) by Gyrafoam (Wytheville, VA)        

I am constantly surprised how many WO's and WO-65-2's show up! They seem to be great survivors and over the years I have found a half-dozen------NONE with bad Torque-Springs! I think the users could not figure out how to load them and got so sick of the tangling they shoved them aside early-on and got something else!
Between four of us collectors in the area I can think of at least five WO's right off the top of my head that are still in service! Many more later Unimatics as well.

Post# 1189213 , Reply# 10   9/3/2023 at 13:05 (327 days old) by mickeyd (Hamburg NY)        
Look again, Robert ~

mickeyd's profile picture
That's the double rinsing WO- 65, pre-dating the WO-65-2. The pilot light and the dial are dead giveaways. I spent my infancy and toddlerhood in front of one.

Avid watchers see Unimatics for sale from time to time. Lucky enough to own two of them, one of which has a working bellows thanks to a poster in this thread who requested anonymity.

Post# 1191662 , Reply# 11   10/10/2023 at 00:08 (291 days old) by robbinsandmyers (Conn)        

robbinsandmyers's profile picture
Asked my realtor friend if she heard anything on these and she called the realtor that listed the house and was told they found new homes. Nice to hear they werent scrapped. Hopefully someone on here grabbed them.

Post# 1191669 , Reply# 12   10/10/2023 at 05:14 (290 days old) by angus (Fairfield, CT.)        

What town were they in?

Post# 1191729 , Reply# 13   10/10/2023 at 22:01 (290 days old) by robbinsandmyers (Conn)        

robbinsandmyers's profile picture
Meriden CT

Post# 1191753 , Reply# 14   10/11/2023 at 12:06 (289 days old) by rinso (Meridian Idaho)        

Frigidaire Unimatics are still my favorite all-time washers. They only had a couple of minor deficiencies. The ones from the early 1950's tended to tangle clothes and often didn't do a good job with sandy clothes. Both of those issues would be remedied in subsequent models. Can anything match the experience of watching the spin that starts with a full tub of water? I always thought that these machines must have a very torque-y, powerful motor.

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