Thread Number: 94228  /  Tag: Wringer Washers
Unknown wringer washer?
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Post# 1189223   9/3/2023 at 17:09 (327 days old) by bellalaundry (St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada)        

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I was looking through some listings and this one popped up in Facebook Marketplace.

I love the square design and ribbed tub. Anyone know this model??


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Post# 1189230 , Reply# 1   9/3/2023 at 19:14 (327 days old) by Repairguy (Danbury, Texas)        

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Post# 1189237 , Reply# 2   9/3/2023 at 21:10 (326 days old) by CircleW (NE Cincinnati OH area)        

I never knew Fairbanks-Morse ever made a washer. My dad's uncle's grocery store had an old F-M refrigeration compressor, probably installed in the 1930's.

Post# 1189254 , Reply# 3   9/4/2023 at 07:18 (326 days old) by bellalaundry (St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada)        

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you learn something new every day! I've never heard of Fairbanks Morse Co before!

Would be cool to find one of their old catalouges!


Post# 1189266 , Reply# 4   9/4/2023 at 10:17 (326 days old) by CircleW (NE Cincinnati OH area)        

At one time it was a very well known industrial company. They made many products, such as engines, motors, generators, farm equipment, pumps, windmills, radios and TV's, and even locomotives for a while.

Post# 1189297 , Reply# 5   9/4/2023 at 16:18 (326 days old) by Launderess (Quiet Please, There´s a Lady on Stage)        

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In USA "Gainaday" was brand name of washing machines and ironers made by "Gainaday Electric Company".

"W. H. Vilett and Harry Bohn, who formerly operated the Sterling Electric Company, Minneapolis, Minn., have purchased the household appliance section of the Sterling Electric Company's business and disposed of the company's jobbing and contracting business. The name of the household appliances department has been changed to the Gainaday Electric Company, and it will continue to operate at 29 South Fifth Street, Minneapolis, Minn. The new Gainaday Electric Company will sell Gainaday washing machines . . . ."
13 March 1920, Electrical World publication...

Up north in Canada Northern Electric company distributed appliances sold under Gainaday, Westinghouse, Landers & Fray among others.

If am seeing things correctly washer in OP picture has the "GAINADAY" lozenge shaped trademark logo as seen here: www.historicnewengland.or...

and here:

At some point Gainaday electric became part of Pittsburg Gage and Supply company and expanded range of appliances to include "suction cleaners" aka vacuum cleaners.

From about 1917 through 1920's at least Gainaday was big on "electric", one of many small jobber companies keen on bringing benefits of electricity to housewives and households.

Confused? Head hurt yet? There's still more...

Northern Electric distributed a version of Hurley's Thor "GladIron" under "Gainaday" name.

Cannot find anything that suggests "Gainaday" appliances were sold beyond 1920's in USA. However up north (Canada) was another matter. Via Northern Electric Gainaday laundry appliances were marketed into 1940's and through 1950's.

Fairbanks Morse did indeed produce laundry and other appliances under (Fairbanks Morse Home Appliances well during 1930's. Late in that decade refrigeration division was sold to Philco into 1940's.

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Post# 1189312 , Reply# 6   9/4/2023 at 17:59 (326 days old) by bellalaundry (St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada)        

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Very interesting history! Thanks all! If it wasn't so far away....

Love learning company histories.


Post# 1189319 , Reply# 7   9/4/2023 at 18:23 (326 days old) by Launderess (Quiet Please, There´s a Lady on Stage)        

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Wringer washers along with other sorts of semi-automatic washers commanded large share of Canadian appliance market well past WWII into 1950's and beyond.

In USA sales of wringer washers peaked in 1948 at 3,421,000 with still 379,000 sold late as 1968, starting in 1951 automatic washers sales in USA surpassed wringers.

It would not be until 1966 that sales of automatic washers surpassed wringers and other semi-automatic washers in Canada.

Thus it isn't a surprise that there seems to be a constant flow of wringer washers, twin tubs and other semi automatic washers (some in quite good condition) to be found up north.

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