Thread Number: 94246  /  Tag: Vintage Automatic Washers
neptune expert
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Post# 1189367   9/5/2023 at 12:05 (325 days old) by christfr (st louis mo)        

christfr's profile picture
hey all am just having an issue with the neptune. up till now i have been able to figure out and or repair anything on this machine. even have extra parts that i have collected for repairs. but this is a new issue and i have a guess but not totally sure. if you close the door set the dial then press start the red on light comes on the machine starts then 20-30 sec into that the machine shuts off. press the start again it starts up then does the same thing. do this several times and then the door lock light comes on and the cycle continues and completes. im guessing there is an issue with the upper control board. any thoughts .. thanks

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Post# 1189368 , Reply# 1   9/5/2023 at 12:07 (325 days old) by ozzie908 (Lincoln UK)        
Am no expert

ozzie908's profile picture
But have you thought about trying the door lock see ifs gone faulty?

Post# 1189375 , Reply# 2   9/5/2023 at 13:44 (325 days old) by christfr (st louis mo)        

christfr's profile picture
the door lock or wax motor as they call it. kinda strange name. does lock and was replaced a few years ago with the new version. there are so many electronic things on that machine its crazy

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